
August 2013 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. August 14, 2013. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes.  Kathy Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the July 10, 2013 Council Meeting and Ed Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.


            Letter dated July 11, 2013 from Bucks County Conservation District, in reference to property at 370 Spring Hill Road.

Letter dated July 24, 2013 Bucks County Department of Health, reference to West Nile Virus Program.

Email dated July 31, 2013 Keith E. Gabage with Pennsylvania American Water Company. In reference to the Borough Water Company.

Email dated August 7, 2013 Elizabeth Balogh, Borough Resident in reference to Riegelsville Inn.

Email dated August 8, 2013 Faith Housworth, Borough Resident in reference to bamboo growth in the borough.

Email dated August 13, 2013 Todd Nagle, Cowan Associates, Inc. (Borough engineer) Application for payment #1(Final)

Letter dated August 13, 2013 Beth Banko, Riegelsville Public Library Board of Trustees, President, request the appointment of Erica Sommer and Kate Brandes to the Board of Trustees. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint Erica Sommer and Kate Brandes.  Seconded by R. Scott   Unanimous


President – Nothing to report

Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council in a letter that as the mayor of Riegelsville Borough he will perform weddings. Mayor Stokes performed a wedding and had the couple give a donation to the Riegelsville Fire Co. Tim Sullivan, Contracted mower for the Borough Park called to report a possible water leak at the park.  Matt Brady will be investigating this Thursday August 15, 2013. Borough resident contacted Mayor Stokes to report a possible gas leak at the Riegelsville Laundromat and Mayor Stokes called it into 911 and it was taken care of.

Mayor Stokes has been in contact with the State police in reference to the stop signs on Maplewood Road.  Corporal Dannehower introduced himself to the Council and the Maplewood residents that came to the Council meeting to report how the traffic is not stopping or slowing down with the stop signs in place.  Corp. Dannehower reported that they have already added the Borough to the daily bridge check list.

Community Affairs:

Discussions: Barbara Swanda- Introduced the D&L “Trail Towns” of Bucks County. This new venture will promote the use of the D&L Trail, and works with residents and business owners adjacent to the Trail (Delaware Canal Towpath).Priorities include strengthening business practices and bringing more customers to these communities, encouraging exercise to improve public health, and preserving the green trail corridor.  The Trail Towns program begins in fall 2013.  B. Swanda would like to have the Borough participate in this venture too.

Zoning:  K. Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council that he issued 4 building permits, 1-Deck, 1- tank removal and 2 HVAC. Draft was sent to the Borough Solicitor in reference to 530 Easton Road.

Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported to Council that the firefighters received new pagers.  Firehouse breakfast is this Sunday July 21, 8am to Noon.

            Library News: Beth Banko reported to Council that summer reading ”Dig into Reading” is in full swing, July 30th, “The Bug man” is scheduled at 10:30am. “Wine Festival is set for October 5, 2013.  The children’s room will get a new computer to replace the computer that is being retired.  Summer volunteers are working out very well, a big help with programs and shelving. Pat McEvoy resigned from the Library Board.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: No meeting in July. Next meeting August 28, 2013.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Received the minutes from May and June 2013.

            EMS News: Ed Bartosiewicz attended the squad meeting and reported that there is less money going out that is coming in at this time.

Rec Board News:  Rodney reported that the 2 Ball teams are having their awards picnic on Sunday

July 21.  The pavilion is in need of a new roof, estimates are being gathered. Next meeting is July 29, at 7pm.

Miscellaneous: 124 Sycamore Road, house is vacant and on the market. We cannot reach the owner. The grass is getting very high, Borough employee Matt Brady only has a weed whacker so we have done the front yard. The Council suggests purchasing a mower and contact the realtor to see if they are going to mow it in the meantime.


Discussions: Well #3 Generator update: Brent Kephart from Generator Services and Borough electrician Bill Hoffman have discussed the specs that are needed for a generator to run the water system. Brent will be locating one ASAP.  Council suggested that S. Masteller contact the Electrician to see what would be needed to get wiring for a generator for the Borough office.

There was a question on the Borough Website asking what is being done with “Wide waters” since the canal is being fixed since all the flooding. Council suggested that S. Masteller contact Rick Dalton with DCNR with this question.

Borough Employee Matt Brady put up a chain across the path by the St Lawrence Church and Borough Open Space land so no one can dump illegally on the property.

Borough Secretary Sherry Masteller contacted Narayana Velaga, Consultant project manager with District 6 PennDOT in reference to the concerns with Maplewood Road concerns. Residents and Council suggested temporary speed bumps but N.Velaga stated that PennDOT does not put them on Borough Roads and will not fund them. Council discussed this and a Borough resident suggested a temporary stop sign at the alley on the left side, so you will need to stop half way up Maplewood and you will not be able to speed. I will send an Email to the Maplewood Road residents in reference to Council’s decision to put up a temporary Stop sign.

Streets & Properties:

Discussions: – Resident on Maplewood complaining that no one is stopping at the temporary stop signs. Resident also complaining that there is no stop sign at end of alley entering Maplewood.  It was talked about that flashing lights or orange flags would possibly help for the stop signs.  Rich will contact Matt about putting orange flags above stop signs.  Rich will also have Matt put up stop sign at end of alley entering Maplewood.

– Discussed property’s by frigid freeze and Poplar Road- yards are not maintained.

– The hedge leaning into roadway between Legion and Emergency Squad needs to be trimmed.

– Rodney discussed generator and is going to call Brent with some questions.

– Kathy mentioned tree leaning at Spring Hill and Route 611.  Rich will call PennDOT.


Discussions: Council received a letter from Pennsylvania American water Co. asking if the borough wanted to sell the Water Co.   Council stated that the Water Co. is NOT for sale.

Kenny Johnson asked if Matt had gotten a mower yet. Tammy donated a mower to the Borough. The weeds have not been taken care of at the house by Frigid Freeze, and the two properties on Poplar Road.

Mayor Stokes asked where we were with the Open Space walking path. Tom said we are waiting to get money to continue.  Ed stated that Mariton Wildlife Sanctuary in Williams Twp. may be able to give the Borough advice as to what grants to look into.

Mayor Stokes also asked where we are with the DeBartolo and Krieder process with the Borough Zoning Officer.

Rodney is checking into a few questions for the proposed used generator for Well #3, and will pass info along via email.

Tom mentioned about getting a credit card thru First Federal of Bucks County to use for gas in the Borough Trucks.


None to report

APPROVAL OF BILLS:   R. Scott motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

Meeting adjourned 8:45 PM.

Next Council meeting is September 11, 2013

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