
July 2013 Council Meeting

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:35 p.m. July 10, 2013. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes.  Ed Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2013 Council Meeting and Kathy Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.



            Letter from Riegelsville Library inviting Borough Council and Borough Employees to a party recognizing four past Library Board members. Friday July 19 at 6pm.

            Letter dated June 28, 2013 from Marguerite Quinn, State Rep., inviting us to a Local Government COSTARS Training Session on August 28, 2013.  Sherry Masteller will attend.

            Letter dated July 1, 2013 from the Bridgeton Township Supervisors requesting the Riegelsville Fire Police for the Carnival on Wednesday August 28- September 1, 2013. Chief Myers and Council approved this.

            Email dated July 5, 2013 from Kenneth J. Basalik, in reference to the final minutes of a meeting held for the Delaware Road over the Delaware canal Bridge Project on June 19, 2013. No one from the Borough was invited to this meeting. Mayor Stokes happened to see the group at the Bridge and went over to introduce himself.


President – Nothing to report

Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to council that he went to the bridge meeting on June 19, 2013 even though he wasn’t invited. Mayor Stokes also spoke to Bob Flosdorf, project manager in reference to Maplewood Road concerns with the traffic going down Maplewood instead of detouring to Delaware Road.

CITIZENS COMMENTS:  Maplewood Road property owners discussed their concerned with the speeding cars going down Maplewood especially with the temporary bridge detour. They are concerned with the children in the neighborhood. Discussion was to put temporary Speed Bumps to slow down the traffic. And put up additional “Local Traffic Only” signs.  S. Masteller will contact Penn Dot with these suggestions.

Community Affairs:


Zoning:  K. Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council that the Eagle Scout project at the Lutheran Church is complete. The State met with zoning and concluded their review of the accessibility on new commercial properties. This is a regular review and will be done again in 2016.  Addition on Linden Lane is going well despite many rain delays, inspection are being done on “off” Days and after work to help the contractor and the property owner.

Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported to Council that the June 16, 2013 Fire House breakfast served 430 people, July 21, 2013 is next breakfast. The spaghetti dinner served 104 people. Exercise room is almost done on the second floor of the Fire House for the Firemen and the Auxiliary to use. Longtime fireman and Borough resident Tom Sarkady passed away. Dale Wood Riegelsville fuel location will be closing on July 1, 2013 so they are going to get fuel cards for Turkey Hill and use Valero gas station.

            Library News: Beth Banko reported to Council that they have received 4 applicants for the Library Board position. Updated Board member list was given to S. Masteller. Summer reading “Dig into Reading” stated June 18-August 13, 2013.  “Science in the summer” is set for July 1&2, spots are still available. Community Star Watch is set for July 16, 2013 at 7:30 rain or shine.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Elaine Albrecht reported that the Bake Sale profit was $292.00. Set up the Slates at the June 16th, 2013 Fire Co. breakfast but none were sold. Next meeting is June 26, 2013 at 7pm.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Next meeting June 22, 2013 at noon.

            EMS News: Ed Bartosiewicz attended the squad meeting and they are running smoothly.

Rec Board News: The Riegelsville Girls B softball Team won the Upper Bucks Championship with a 9-1 record.  5 girls will be moving up to A team next spring so we will probably have enough for both the A & B teams.  Awards Party is set for July 21, 2013.



Citizen Comments:  None to report

Property owner at 683 Easton Road reported to S. Masteller that the drain on 611 is full and leaks into his basement.  Plus the drain at the bottom of the steps on 611 are caving in (611/Delaware Road). Council suggested M. Brady take a look at them to see if he can fix them or not.

The Met-Ed pole on Church road is leaning more and needs to be replaced since Storm Sandy in October 2012. S. Masteller will contact Met-Ed. Remarks: The Borough office received the PA One notice that the pole will be replace 7/12/13-7/23/13.

June 27th, 2013, 6:30-8pm there is a public meeting at the Riegelsville Fire House, in reference to the Penn Dot Bridge- State Route 611 over Cooks Creek Bridge in Durham Township.

The borough office received an email from the US Geological Survey, Pennsylvania Water Science Center asking the Water Co. to participate in the Principal Aquifer Study.  Council agreed to participate.


Streets & Properties:


Greg Ort with J.E. Maier Carpentry Inc. will stop at the Library on Saturday July 6, 2013 and look at the issues and talk with Julia or Terri.

2013 Street Project: Nothing new to report. Remarks: The project is scheduled for July 22, 2013.

Blooming Glen Contractors with the Delaware Canal Bridge sent a letter referencing the Durham Road changes in traffic patterns for the temporary bridge. The change is scheduled for July 30, 2013 weather permitting. Project completion is currently scheduled for May 13, 2014.

Borough resident is having trees cut down and would like to put a crane in the small borough parking lot on Durham road. Council suggested S. Masteller to contact M. Cavallaro in reference to his septic/holding tank to the right of the parking lot. S. Masteller will pass this info to the Tree Co. also.



Street Loan is set for July 11, 2013 at 2pm at the Borough Office. Date changed to July 18, 2013.

Elaine Albrecht reported to Council that Kim Gaspar-Manager of the Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center is unable to come to a council meeting to update the Borough Council of their events and programs for the seniors so Elaine would like to report the info to Council.


Approval of Resolution: R-13-13, Authorizing Small Borrowing for Capital purposes under Section 8109 of the Local Government Unit Debt Act. R. Scott motioned to approve, K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.

            Approval of agreement with Berkheimer to collect delinquent EIT, 2010 prior and term commencing May 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2014. (This goes with the appointment resolution from last month). K. Weiss motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution: R-14-13, appointing Berkheimer as our Tax Hearing Officer for these delinquent taxes. K. Weiss motioned to approve, R. Scott seconded Unanimous.

            Approval for check for $1540.50 to QNB for Street Loan, due 7/31/13. K. Weiss motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous.           



APPROVAL OF BILLS:   E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous


Meeting adjourned 8:45 PM.

Next Council meeting is August 14, 2013

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