President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. May 8, 2013. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes. Ed Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2013 Council Meeting and Kathy Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Letter dated April 11, 2013 Lynn Bush, Bucks County Planning Commission in reference to the Municipal Economic Development Initiative.
Letter dated May 3, 2013 Mrs. Sandra Gichiengo, Auditor for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in reference to the Liquid fuels account.
Letter dated May 7, 2013 Todd Myers, Borough Engineer with Cowan Associates in reference to the 2013 Streets resurfacing bid recommendation.
President – T. Stinnett reported that on Tuesday May 7, 2013 the Wellhead Protection Committee had an annual meeting. Minutes will be sent to S. Masteller to distribute. T. Stinnett was invited by Senator Bob Mensch to the Community Safety Conference on May 23, 2013
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported that there will not be a fly over for the Memorial Day Parade because of constraints of the federal sequestration. Mayor Stokes spoke to Del Guericos trash hauler for picking up trash at 4:30 am and waking up the neighborhood. Mayor Stokes called the State Police to report the continual speeding on Delaware Road and people are driving fast and not stopping at the stop sign on Ash Lane to the borough park.
CITIZENS COMMENTS: – None to report
Community Affairs:
Zoning: K. Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council that he issued 2 Building permits for roofing, 1 building permit for repairs, 1 building and 1 zoning permits for an addition.
Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported to Council that there is a breakfast on Sunday April 21, 2013, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m..
Library News: Beth Banko sent via email the Board of Trustees minutes to add to the Community Affairs meeting. Fundraising: Annual letter is underway. Book Fair is set for Friday May 10 and 11. The Library fair is set for May 18. There is a board opening since Margaret Fritz resigned.
March 2013 Statistics:
Public Count: 557
Circulation: 1,075
E-book checkouts: not available
E-book users (new registrations): not available
Items lent out (In-County): 353
Items Borrowed (In-County): 207
Public Computers/wifi use: 29
Historic Room Visits: 2
Tax Form requests: 25
Total Cardholders: 1,041
Collection size: 16,612 items (9,616 adult +Easy, 6,996 Juvenile & Young Adult)
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Two new flowerpots where added to the Library front entrance. Now they just need dirt and flowers.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Next EM meeting is set for Saturday April 27, 2013 at 12:30 pm.
EMS News: E. Bartosiewicz reported to Council that they are looking to fill the board. The 2013 Budget is complete.
Rec Board News: SSM Group will be volunteering at the borough park on Saturday April 20, 2013.
Citizen Comments: None to report
Water leak at #328 Easton Road, W. Dowd Excavating will not be able to repair it for two weeks. M. Brady called Springtown for their repair person. Mark Walters Excavating was contacted and is coming to look at the issue.
Water leak at #321 Easton Road, M. Walters will look at this issue too.
1268 Easton Road (Garage Apartment) was shut off due to no payment Monday April 15, 2013.
Streets & Properties:
Rich Pursell called the 2013 Streets Bid (Rebid) opening meeting to order at 7:05 on April 3, 2013 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall. Two bid packets were received.
- Glen G. Hale, Inc Total Cost $47,503.80
- Bracalente Construction, Inc Total Cost $52,972.00
Todd Myers stopped after his meeting to pick up the 2 bid packets and get the completed review to Council before Borough Council on May 8, 2013.
Members Present:
Ed Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Tom Stinnett and Kathleen Weiss
Others Present:
Mayor Stokes, Todd Myers Borough Engineer and Sherry Masteller
Comments from the citizens: none to report
Council discussed the 611 drain boxes and pipes connecting the boxes. S. Masteller will check on the Borough’s Agility program with PennDOT.
Council discussed 22 Delaware Road’s storm drain issue. More information will be gathered before a decision is made.
Comments from the Citizens: No one present
Council discussed the two proposals for the Borough office new computer system. S. Masteller will add this to the Borough Council agenda on May 8, 2013.
Council discussed the Borough Tax Collector’s salary for the Year 2014-2017. S. Masteller will add this to the Borough council agenda on May 8, 2013.
Borough office received the “2012 financial statements, Auditor’s report” from the Borough Auditor, Robert J. Tucker CPA.
Approval of check $2238.00 to W. Dowd Excavating LLC (529 Easton Road water repair). R. Scott motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of check $7,018.75 to Walters Excavating, Inc (321 & 328 Easton Road water repair). R. Scott motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Borough Resident, T. Dykers would like to donate a tree to replace the one that was removed on the borough hall lawn; he has a Japanese maple or a Flowering Crabapple. Council decided on the Japanese maple.
Approval of Resolution: R-08-13, for upgrade of street lights via Met-Ed, Church Road, 100 Watt to s 70 Watt. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of Resolution: R-09-13, Borough Tax Collector Salary of $2157.00 for years 2014-2017. R. Pursell motioned to approve, K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Motion to approve low bidder Glen G. Hale, Inc (dba) Hale Built, 2013 Streets resurfacing rebid total bid $47,503.80. R. Pursell motioned to approve, K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Motion to approve Asphalt Maintenance Solutions LLC $9,981.83 for the application of a Double Bituminous Seal Coat for Riegelsville Borough. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Motion to approve up to but not exceed $2, 400.00 to Naceville Materials for 200 tons #8 aggregate. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, R. Pursell seconded. Unanimous.
Motion to approve up to but not exceed $20,000.00 for 8,400 gallons Asphalt Emulsion. R. Pursell motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Motion to approve low proposal $3682.95 to Jewell Computing Systems Inc for new Borough Computer system. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: R. Pursell motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded. 3 approve, 2 abstained K. Weiss and E. Bartosiewicz due to being members of the Fire Co.
Meeting adjourned 9:05 PM. Primary Election May 21, 2013 7am – 8pm.
Next Council meeting is June12, 2013