President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. April 10, 2013. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes. Ed Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the March 13, 2013 Council Meeting and Kathy Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Letter dated March 14, 2013 from DCNR, the final payment and project closeout for the “Comprehensive Recreation, Park, Open Space & Master Sire plan”.
Letter from Upper Bucks Regional EMS, Inc. (Special needs registry).
Letter dated April 1, 2013 from EMC Insurance Companies, (requesting the $1500.00 deductable from Borough of Riegelsville v. Daniel Cook closed lawsuit 4/2011)
Letter dated April 4, 2013 from Friends of the Delaware thanking the Borough for the use of the meeting room.
Proposal dated April 5, 2013 from Alura Business Solutions (Updating the Borough Computer system). Council asked for additional questions for both Alura and Jewell. S. Masteller will send an email to Alura and Mayor Stokes will contact Jeff with Jewell Solutions.
Letter dated April 10, 2013 from Todd Myers Borough Engineer, Cowan Associates (Bid Recommendation).
President – T. Stinnett reported that they met with Ed Burns with PennDot and Bob with H & K Contracting to go over the placement of the proposed Canal Bridge and the Borough Water main.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to that PennDot will need to redo the design of the proposed Canal Bridge to compensate for the Borough Water main and there is a septic issue at 24 Delaware Road.
Mayor Stokes also saw a bear up Brown’s Drive in Williams Township and reminded residents to cover their trash.
CITIZENS COMMENTS: – None to report
Community Affairs:
Zoning: K. Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council the issued permits as follows: 3- roof and repairs, 1-HVAC, 2-renovations, 1-plumbing, 1-signage. Anastasia, LLC finished the fit out at 711-715 Durham Road. 802 Durham Road was issued a sign permit for antique store & more. Copier died in the Zoning office. A local Eagle Scout is going to redo the basement of St Peter’s Lutheran Church.
Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported to Council that the Fire Co. breakfast on March 17, 2013 served 350 people. Friday Fish Fry’s have picked up only 2 weeks left. Jeff Wargo has been elected President. Auxiliary Easter Flower sale is March 28, 29, 30 2013 at Antique Haven, just south of the Borough.
Library News: Sallie Banko, newly appointed as Library Board member introduced herself and thanked Council for approving her for the Board. S. Banko reported to Council that the next Movie night is Thursday April 4, 2013 “Jiro Dreams of Sushi”. Library Book sale is set for May 18, 2013. The Borough will celebrate the 100 year anniversary in 2016. The Library Board and the Historical Society would like to be on the planning committee. T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to look for information from the last anniversary. A flyer will be made up to ask for people to be on the steering committee for the Anniversary.
February 2013 Statistics:
Public Count: 626
Circulation: 1,115
E-book checkouts: not available
E-book users (new registrations): not available
Items lent out (In-County): 558
Items Borrowed (In-County): 170
Public Computers/WIFI use: 22
Historic Room Visits: 2
Tax Form requests: 54
Total Cardholders: 1,049
Collection size: 16,606 items (9,620 adult +Easy, 6,986Juvenile & Young Adult)
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Sold 1 slate during the Riegelsville Fire Co. breakfast on March 17, 2013. Next meeting is March 27, 2013.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Minutes from the March 16, 2013 were received in the Borough office. Hurricane Sandy notes from Raymond Kenny, Deputy EMC were also received in the Borough office.
EMS News: Adam Maziuk is working on a “Special Emergency needs” questionnaire to add to the yearly letter. This form will be shared with the local EMC.
Rec Board News: R. Scott reported to Council that Rec Board is gathering proposals for infield mix and playground mulch. Durham AA boy’s baseball team is going to use the larger field this season. They will have 7 games plus practicing. We are looking into a “Baseball Tomorrow Fund Grant”; we are making a wish list of things that still need to be addressed at the park.
S. Masteller is waiting for a call back from Frederick Herb, Armour & Sons in reference to the questions Council has with the 2013 Traffic Signal Maintenance report. Remarks: Fred gave S. Masteller a PennDot contact person to call in reference to crosswalks. Council had questions for PennDot and F. Herb so S. Masteller will forward the questions to them.
T. Macaluso asked if Council wanted to revisit the water customer not paying the minimum if their water was shut off due to non-payment. Council agreed to not change that. Council asked S. Masteller to check on the cost of a new water meter to verify the $100.00 fee to turn the water on.
T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to contact the BC Association of Boroughs or BC Planning Commission for a sample ordinance for on lot septic maintenance.
T. Macaluso suggested we reprint the Wellhead protection placemats for the Fire house to use for the dinners and breakfasts. Council agreed this was a good idea.
Borough office received the final payment and project letter from DCNR in reference to the “Comprehensive Recreation, Park, and Open Space & Master Site Plan”. The payment will come in 6-8 weeks.
Council will revisit the burning ordinance and S. Masteller will get the current version to Council.
Remarks: Kip Clayton will get S. Masteller a sample ordinance.
Streets & Properties:
Rich Pursell called the 2013 Streets Bid opening meeting to order at 7:00 on April 3, 2013 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall. Todd Myers, Borough Engineer was present. Two bid packets were received.
- Dosch King Emulsions, Inc. Total Cost $82,861.02
- Asphalt Maintenance Solutions Total Cost $84,937.10
The Committee discussed the estimates and the fact that they were much higher than the budgeted funds therefore the Committee will request at the Council meeting to separate the project and rebid for opening on May 1, 2013.
Members Present:
Ed Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Tom Stinnett and Kathleen Weiss
Others Present:
Mayor Stokes, Todd Myers Borough Engineer and Sherry Masteller
Comments from the citizens: No one present
Property owner of 724 Fairmont Road has not paid for his deck permit from 2011, Zoning Officer and S. Masteller has made quite a few correspondences and still no payment so he was invoiced for double permit. Council discussed this and decided to allow the owner to pay the original fee.
S. Masteller received a call from Steve Salva, Member of St Lawrence Church in reference to unauthorized people dumping behind the St Lawrence Catholic Church which is also part of the Borough owned Open Space. We discussed putting a chain across the path and only give the key to a few people. Council discussed the chain and would also like to see the Open Space drawings.
Tenant of 1269 Easton Road called the Borough office to say that he moved out so he will not be using the water but he discussed that the water meter is still moving and may be supplying the other 4 apartments that are on a well. If this is true then the Riegelsville water is being used illegally. M. Brady will take a look at the property. Council suggested that William Dudeck be contacted on this matter.
Alura Solutions is coming on Thursday April 4, 2013 to put together a proposal for updating the Borough Computer systems.
QNB is coming on Friday April 5, 2013 to discuss the rates and process for the 2013 Street Loan.
Rep. Quinn will be holding a Town meeting at the Borough Hall is set April 11, 2013 at 7-8pm.
Riegelsville Emergency Management has invited Council to their presentation on April 13, 2013 at noon.
Lynn Bush from Bucks County Planning Commission will be here on April 9, 2013 at 9:30 a.m., to discuss their new initiative. Please get your input to Sherry by April 8, 2013. We will discuss the Borough business parking issues.
321 Easton Road has a water issue that a PennDot Emergency Permit card will be needed.
S. Masteller is working on this.
Approval of check to W. Dowd Excavating LLC (529 Easton Road water repair). R. Scott motioned to approve, R. Pursell seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of check to EMC Insurance Co. (requesting the $1500.00 deductable from Borough of Riegelsville v. Daniel Cook closed lawsuit 4/2011). R. Scott motioned to approve, K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to rebid the 2013 Streets resurfacing project R. Pursell seconded. Unanimous.
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the original permit fee for 724 Fairmont Road R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Council has approved M. Brady to put a post with a chain across the St Lawrence/Riegelsville Open Space property to prevent people from illegally dumping on the property.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: K. Weiss motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous
Meeting adjourned 9:05 PM. Next Council meeting is May 8, 2013
Sherry Masteller
Borough Secretary