
December 2009 Minutes

President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. December 9, 2009. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken.  PRESENT:    Edward Bartosiewicz, Kathleen Weiss, Thomas Stinnett,Rodney Scott and Mayor David Gerstenberg

K. Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the November 11, 2009 Council Meeting and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.


A letter was read from William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor in reference to the Cook Land Use Appeal.

A letter was read from Beth Banko, Riegelsville Library Board President in reference to appointing Sue Moore to the Library Board of Trustees.

A letter was read from Kim Gaspar, Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center Manager thanking Council for the donation to the center.


President- T. Stinnett and Council would like to take a moment of silence for the untimely death of Borough Treasurer/Tax Collector, Tammy Macaluso’s Son Ryan Lucas.

Mayor – D. Gerstenberg went to the “Weapons of Mass Destruction Training” at the

Holland Township Police Department last month.  The course was an awareness level for

prevention and response to suicide bombing incidents.  D. Gerstenberg has been appointed as a Constable for Bucks County.  D. Gerstenberg stated that it was a pleasure working with Council as Borough Mayor.


Elaine Albrecht, Borough Resident announced that State Representative Quinn will be at the Senior Center on Thursday December 10th at 10am.

Todd Myers, Cowan Associates, Inc President dropped off for Council last week his packet for 2010 Municipal Engineering Services and was here to answer any questions Council may have.  T. Stinnett stated that after reviewing the rates they are comparable to the Boroughs current engineering firm except for a few categories that are less.  Todd Myers stated that the rates are negotiable and will be reviewed if his company is appointed as the Borough Engineer.


Community Affairs: Citizen’s Comments: None

Fire Co. News: None to report

Zoning: Dave Taylor, Riegelsville Zoning Officer was unable to attend this meeting due to sickness but he gave report to S. Masteller. 5 permits where issued: Cardone (Demolition), 221 Walnut (Remove old oil tank), Riegelsville Union Cemetery (lights for the flag pole), 118 Ceader Road (Residential Deck), and Mechanics Hall Foundation (Fence permit).

The Zoning Hearing Board determined that the Mechanics Hall Foundation property was outside of the flood plain.

Downtown Enhancement Committee (DEC) News: They did not have enough quality slates to sell at the car show on November 1.  The bike rack that is by the Post Office has been reinforced with concrete.

EMS News: No news to report, S. Masteller will check with Joe Kulick since he is on the EMS Board.

Rec Board News: S. Masteller reported that due to the weather the Car Show was not very profitable.  S. Masteller will have the numbers by the next meeting at the end of the month.

Library News: Beth Banko, Library President presented the Library report.  Two Library board members called B. Banko to discuss the recent issue they both had with the Borough Mayor giving a Tour of the Library when the Library was closed.  B. Banko reported to Council that there should only be tours during the Library hours and they need to be set up with Zeau Modig, Library Director.  Mayor Gerstenberg stated that since the Borough owns this building it should not have been an issue to show the building to Ms. Gasper, Manager of the Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center.  Mayor Gerstenberg did speak to Ann Andersen, Library Board Member about this before the tour was taken.  Mayor Gerstenberg feels this building may work for the EUBSC to rent from the Borough.  Ms. Gasper will get back to Mayor Gerstenberg if she feels this would be a possibility for the Senior Center.

Library Statistical Highlights for October 2009:

Walk-in patrons: 831

Circulation: 1,521

Internet use: 48

Online renewals 174

Items lent out (within Bucks Co.) 260

Items borrowed (within Bucks) 226

Adult meetings/attendance 3/38

Youth meetings/attendance 9/92

Miscellaneous points:

S. Masteller will put the repainting of the crosswalk on Maplewood on M. Brady’s to do list.

E. Bartosiewicz said the Fed Ex trucks are still parking in the handicapped spot on Delaware by the Post Office plus blocking traffic on Durham and Delaware.  S. Masteller will contact Fed-Ex and see what can be done about this issue.

Mayor Gerstenberg met with John Letko, Manager of Oxford Diabetic the Durham Road location. J. Letko to discuss the parking issues and the trash.  Mayor Gerstenberg suggested to Council to allow parking on both sides of Maplewood except no parking during snow on the left side.  Council asked S. Masteller to check with the Borough Solicitor in reference to our Street ordinances.

S. Masteller will contact the Riegelsville Kiwanis and see when the ”Car Show” signs will be taken down north and south on 611.

Utilities: Comments from the citizens: None expressed

S. Masteller ordered the metal detector and it was delivered the same day.

S. Masteller asked Council if hydrant # 7 on Poplar Road was going to be replaced.  T. Stinnett reported that Council was waiting for W. Nicholas to present an estimate.  W. Dowd also put in an estimate.  D. Meade, Borough Water Operator reported that the Water Company has the hydrant we would just need to order other parts.  Council discussed changing the location of the new hydrant since there are 2 hydrants near each other on Poplar Road and Emergency Squad Road.  Council discussed putting the new hydrant closer to the Quaint Oaks Subdivision.  S. Masteller will contact Fire Chief, Todd Myers to discuss the hydrant situation. Remarks: Fire Chief Todd Myers stated to S. Masteller that he agreed to the new location.

T. Macaluso is sending out the second notices for unpaid water bills.  There is approximately $3000.00 due to the Water Company.

R. Scott reported that Cooper Mechanical tested the St Lawrence water pressure and it is reading 45-50 lb pressure.  R. Scott feels there is not enough pressure for the maximum flow.  T. Stinnett stated he would like to see the written results of the pressure readings

Streets and Properties: Comments from the citizens: None Present

D. Xander discussed with S. Masteller that when the new Council person is sworn in that he will pass the Snow Coordinator duties on to that person.  Council thought D. Xander was going to continue since it is not necessarily the duties of the Streets/Properties Chair.  S. Masteller will contact D. Xander in reference to this discussion.

The Borough received the appraisal for our review for the tenant property damages.  “David Nadeau Painting” presented Council with a proposal for the interior painting.  T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to check with M. Brady to see if the electric to the light worked before the painting begins.

The Borough finally received the replacement emergency light for the meeting room.  Check with M. Brady to see if there is more wall paint and if so he could touch up the spackle.

The Borough received the PA Conservation Works Program grant results and the Borough was not selected to receive the grant.  S. Masteller called to ask why we were not awarded the grant and the reply was that the project would not save enough energy plus it would not create enough jobs.

Finance: Comments from the Citizens: None present

.           K. Weiss’s nephew Michael Weiss presented a demo for redoing the Borough Website.  Council really liked how it would look.  M. Weiss will come and meet with S. Masteller next Tuesday to work on it in the office.

Borough Engineer, Spotts, Stevens and McCoy sent Council the 2010 rates.  Plus Cowan Associates also gave Council the 2010 engineering rates. Council compared rates and discussed the two firms.

T. Macaluso, Borough Tax Collector will soon be refunding Craig Cardone’s tax reassessment.

T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to check with the Association of Borough’s to see if two Elected Council people can still be members of the Borough Planning Commission.  Remarks: S. Masteller reported that the Planning Commission manual states that “on a Commission of four or five members, at least three shall be citizen members”.


Motion to approve check to R. Raab Well Drilling $4966.40 (Well #2pump replacement) – R. Scott motioned to approve.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

Motion to adopt 2010 Budget – K. Weiss motioned to adopt.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

Motion to adopt Ordinance #216 Fixing the Tax Rate for 2010 at 11.25 mills, (9.75 General, Fire Protection 1 mill, Ambulance and Rescue .5 mill) – K. Weiss motioned to approve.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

Motion to have David Nadeau Painting (painting repairs to the Library kitchen, Borough office and hall) Proposal $615.00 – E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous

Motion to appoint Sue Moore to the Library Board of Trustees – E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint.  K. Weiss seconded.   Unanimous


M. Brady, Borough Laborer’s health insurance has had an increase.  T. Stinnett stated that the Borough pays half of his yearly premium.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to pay half of the increase.   R. Scott seconded   Unanimous

T. Stinnett will attend the third meeting of the TCC tomorrow.

D. Gerstenberg would like the Borough engineer to look at the water issue in his

back yard.  T. Stinnett said that will be addressed early 2010.  D. Gerstenberg stated that it was a pleasure working with Council as Borough Mayor.

Starting January 1, 2010   M. Brady will take over the Snow Coordinator from Dave Xander.


K. Weiss motioned to approve bills as listed.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.  Next Council Meeting will be the Reorganization meeting scheduled January 4, 2010 at 7:00 pm.  This will be followed by the regular Council meeting on January 13, 2010 at 7:30 pm.

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