
September 2012 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. September 12, 2012. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes    K. Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2012 Council Meeting.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous. 


            Letter was read from Mayor Stokes addressed to Sergeant Joseph Sokolofski, State Police Commander at the Dublin Barracks thanking the State Police for recent increased presence in the Borough.

            Letter was read from Bucks County Emergency Management, announcing the quarterly training on September 25, 2012.  Attending are Frank Preedy, Ray Kenny and Adam Maziuk.

            Letter dated August 22, 2012 from Cowan Associates, Inc, Borough Engineer in reference to St John UCC Lot Line adjustment.

            Letter dated August 29, 2012 from Cowan Associates, Inc, Borough Engineer in reference to St Lawrence Catholic Church plan review

            Email dated August 22, 2012 from David Nadeau, Riegelsville Emergency Management Coordinator states that he will be resigning his position effective September 1, 2012.  E. Bartosiewicz made a motion to accept Dave Nadeau’s resignation as EM Coordinator.  R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous

            Letter dated August 30, 2012 from Audrey R. Kenny, Deputy Director, Bucks County 911 Communications in reference to the major capital project of investing in a state of the art, county-wide digital Public Safety radio system.

            Letter dated September 4, 2012 from Elaine Albrecht, Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center Secretary thanking the Borough Council for the $500.00 donation.

            Letter dated September 5, 2012 from Bucks County Planning Commission in reference to the request for zoning map change for St Lawrence Catholic Church.

            Letter dated September 5, 2012 from Raymond Kenny, Borough resident letter of  intent for being appointed to the Riegelsville Emergency Management Team.  E. Bartosiewicz made a motion to appoint Raymond Kenny to the Riegelsville Emergency Management Team.  K. Weiss seconded Unanimous

            Letter dated September 9, 2012 addressed to Earl Township, from Sherry Masteller, Borough Secretary in reference to the 2004 Dump Truck that is for sale.

            Letter dated September 11, 2012 from Earl Township in reference to the sale of their truck.

            Letter dated September 11, 2012 from Thomas Speicher, Borough Resident letter of intent to join the Riegelsville Recreation Board.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint Thomas Speicher to the Recreation Board.  R. Scott seconded   Unanimous



            President – Nothing to Report

            Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he has asked Ralph Riegel, Borough Resident, to help a Korean War Veteran get a plaque.  There is a large broken limb of a tree near 919 Easton Road/Oscar’s garage. S. Masteller will see what property it is on.  Mayor Stokes attended the PennDot preconstruction meeting for the Canal Bridge replacement. Mayor Stokes prepared an email to be sent to the Borough Residents on the information that was shared.  Mayor Stokes also attended a breakfast with State Representative Quinn.

 CITIZENS COMMENTS:  No one present


Community Affairs:  Zoning:  K. Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council that property owners of 141 Delaware Road and 530 Easton Road have not continued with the work they had promised so Council suggests continuing with legal proceedings.  The commercial space that the Brewery was to go in is now for lease again.

            Fire Co. News:  E. Bartosiewicz reported that the next Breakfast is August 19, 8am to Noon.  “Night at the Races” is set for September 8, doors open at 6pm, races start at 7pm.  There will be a Free Community Dinner on December 1, 2012 from 2pm to 7pm at the Fire House. Tickets will be available at St John UCC, St Lawrence Catholic Church, St Peter’s Lutheran Church and Durham Church.

            Library News: Beth Banko, Library Board President presented to Council the following updates. The AC unit has been replaced. Free Saturday movie, August 18, “War Horse”

            July Statistics:

      Walk-in patrons: 1,001

      Circulation: 1,759

      E-book checkouts:   June: 68  

      E-book users (new registrations): June: 2   

      Items lent out (In-County): 351

      Items Borrowed (In-County): 380

      Public Computers 54 (Note: This is the public PC only; Wi-Fi numbers unavailable for this month due to technical issues with new hardware)

      Historic Room Visits: 5

      Total Cardholders: 1,069

      Collection size: 16,978 items (9,884 adult +Easy, 7,094 Juvenile & Young Adult)

            Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News:  Fundraiser “Friends Helping Friends” Boscov’s coupon for $5.00 and you will receive 25% off on October 16th, 2012. The organization makes the $5.00 profit sold for each coupon.

            EMS News:  No Report

      Rec Board News: The large baseball field is being reconditioned to be used by Fall Baseball. William Township asked if they could use the Borough fields since theirs is being used by football and soccer. William Township Coaches are also helping to get the field ready too.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Well#3 will get a permanent generator plug this month.

 T. Stinnett had a conference call about the Open Space plan with Spotts, Stevens and McCoy and they will get a proposal together to comply with DCNR’s requirements.

August 27, 2012 preconstruction meeting for the PennDOT Canal Bridge, T. Stinnett and Mayor Stokes will attend.

Utilities: Council discussed the St Lawrence Lot line Change; they will take two lots and make it one lot.

Council will soon receive a plan review from Todd Myers, Borough Engineer.

            The week of August 20, 2012 the permanent adapter for Well #3 will be installed.

            Sherry Masteller will look into the Government Surplus for a Generator for Well #3.

            R. Pursell discussed with Council that Earl Township has a 2004, 3500 GMC Dump truck for sale with low mileage, salt spreader and plow.  R. Pursell will get more information and will share that at the next Committee meeting.

            Preconstruction meeting for the PennDOT Canal bridge is scheduled for August 27, 2012.

Streets & Properties:  R. Pursell reported to Council that Lowes has the best price on a trailer for the tar buggy around $400.00.

            R. Pursell showed Council pictures of the 2004 Dump truck that Earl Township has for sale, they are asking $35,000.00. Council suggested we sell the current Dump Truck.

            E. Bartosiewicz talked to Frank Preddy in reference to EMC position being available since Dave Nadeau sent an email to say he was resigning as of September 1, 2012. Borough Resident, Ray Kenny sent a letter of intent to join the Riegelsville EM as member or EMC. Sherry will call Bucks County in reference to the Deputy taking the position of EMC if that position is vacant.

             T. Stinnett reported to Council that Cindy Dunlap with DCNR is waiting for a revised plan for the Open Space project. The project needs to be finalized by December 31, 2012           

            Council suggested asking Wayne Nicholas to see if he can help repair the pipes in the river.  Mayor Stokes can meet with Wayne on Thursday mornings.

Finance:  Mayor Stokes reported to Council that PennDOT will start the temporary Canal Bridge in February 2013.

            Borough purchased a new scanner for the office.

            S. Masteller is working on the Government Surplus application so the Borough can purchased used equipment like a generator for well#3.

            T. Macaluso gave Council the Budget worksheets and discussed the process for working on the 2013 budget.


    Approval of check $1247.00 to Armour & Son’s Electric Inc. for 2012 Annual traffic signal maintenance.  R. Pursell motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.

            Approval to purchase the 2004 Chevy Dump Truck from Earl Township for $35,000.00 (Check $17,500.00 from Water Company and Check for $17,500.00 from general fund). E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. R. Pursell seconded/ Unanimous.         

NEW BUSINESS:  None to report

 APPROVAL OF BILLS:     K. Weiss motioned to approve bills as listed.  E. Bartosiewicz Seconded.  Unanimous.

 Meeting adjourned 8:45PM.  Next Council meeting is October 10, 2012

 Sherry Masteller  

Borough Secretary

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