
August 2012 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. July11, 2012. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes  

K. Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2012 Council Meeting.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous  


            Letter was read dated July 18, 2012, from Nockamixon Township Supervisors requesting Council’s approval for Riegelsville Fire Police during the Nockamixon Community Day on September 15,2012. Council approved and S. Masteller will send a letter.

            Letter was read dated July 26, 2012, from St John UCC thanking the Borough for the Memorial Donation for Albert Cronce, Sherry Masteller’s Father.

            Letter was read dated July 29, 2012 from St John UCC thanking the Borough for the Memorial Donation for Barbara Bare, Retired Borough Tax Collector.

            Letter was read dated August 1, 2012 from Bucks County Department of Health, in reference to violation of frequency in which the on-site septic is pumped at the Commercial location Parcel #38-006-113.

            Letter was read dated August 2, 2012 from Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, in reference to the Grant Closeout for the $5000.00 towards the Open Space, Park & Rec master site plan.

            Email dated August 4, 2012 from Jerry Orbino, Nockamixon EM training Coordinator, in reference to the Knowledge Center training.  Adam Maziuk, Dave Gerstenberg and Mayor Stokes gave S. Masteller available dates so she will pass them to J. Orbino.

            Email dated August 6, 2012 from Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection, in reference to first West Nile human cases of 2012, in Franklin County and Lancaster County.

            Letter dated August 7, 2012 from Bucks County Planning Commission, in reference to St John UCC Lot Line Change project.

            Letter dated August 8, 2012, from the Riegelsville Planning Commission, in reference to St John UCC Lot Line Change.  Further discussion to follow under unfinished business.


            President – Nothing to Report

            Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he received three calls from Kay Peck, Borough resident in reference to the overflow of the drains from the Riegelsville Laundromat. Mayor Stokes called the Borough office and S. Masteller contacted the Bucks County Board of Health to report this ongoing issue. Mayor Stokes also contacted PennDot in reference to the Canal Bridge needing some repair due to loud noise when vehicles ride over it. PennDot did repair the problem.   


            Stephen D. Ombalski, Ombalski Consulting Engineer for St Lawrence Catholic Church reported to Council that Sketch plans will be ready by this week or next to be delivered to the Borough office so he would like to know the totals of the application fees.  T. Stinnett stated that this plan should be submitted as a “Preliminary Minor Sub Division” The Borough application fee is $250.00; minor sub-division escrow fee is $600.00.  The Bucks County Planning Commission fee is $200.00    


Community Affairs: 

Zoning:  C. Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council that he met with Pastor Dawson in reference to the Community Playground that they would like to put on the Church property and the permit applications have not been received yet.  The Borough office did receive a PA One call to mark the water lines already for the project that has not had approval.

            Fire Co. News:  E. Bartosiewicz reported that Day breakfast Fire Co. Breakfast on Sunday July 15, 2012 8 am to noon served 390 breakfasts. The recently purchased Pumper/Rescue Fire Truck is having new equipment installed. 

            Library News:  Beth Banko reported to S. Masteller the following information. On August 2,

Brian Richards will perform a Magic Show and Ice Cream Party for the summer reading program.  Next

FREE movie is July 21, Toy Story 3.  Upgrade work has been done to the Verizon internet connectivity in the Library.  There was discussion as to purchasing a new AC since the old one has been repaired and still doesn’t work correctly.

            May Statistics:

      Walk-in patrons: 1,029

      Circulation: 1,920

      E-book checkouts:   forthcoming   YTD: total

      E-book users (new registrations): forthcoming     YTD: total

      Items lent out (In-County): 284

      Items Borrowed (In-County): 363

      Public Computers/Wi-Fi Use: forthcoming

      Historic Room Visits: 5

      Total Cardholders:

      Collection size: 16,934 items (9859 adult +Easy, 7075 Juvenile & Young Adult)

            Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News:  Covered Bulletin board was installed at the pedestrian bridge. Next meeting is July 25, 2012.

            EMS News:  No July meeting  

      Rec Board News: The rec board is cleaning up the large ball field so it can be used.  

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Met-Ed donated a used laptop to all local EMA so Riegelsville received one last week.

Joe Cocco, Borough resident would like to take pictures of the Borough Council during the August 1, 2012 Committee meeting.

Council members discussed the DCNR grant.


KC Mechanical agreed to pay half of the bill owed to Hankee & Son Plumbing.  R. Scott authorized

the Borough to pay the other half of the bill $324.00.

QC Lab is charging an $8.50 surcharge for tests under $50.00. 

Council agreed to sell the old loader to Pete Cox “as is” for $400.00.

R. Scott is gathering the cost of putting up a carport for the Borough loader, tar buggy and the cement floor in the Borough garage.

Council would like S. Masteller to get at least two proposal for Borough Auditor.

 Streets & Properties:  

S. Masteller reported to Council that there are a lot of carpenter ants at the Borough Building soTerminex was called and is scheduled for Monday August 6, 2012.

            #370 Spring Hill Road property sold to Cory Campbell.

R. Pursell is still looking for a small trailer to put the tar buggy on.

            There have been a few complaints about high grass at Weiss field, 224 Easton Road and 1107 Easton Road.  S. Masteller will have M. Brady send them each a letter with the ordinance information attached.

 Finance:  Joe Cocco, Borough Resident would like to see the Borough Hall meeting room have a PA State Flag, S. Masteller will check with M. Quinn’s office for two flags one for the meeting room and one for the outside flag pole. Remarks: Representative Quinn will be donating two flags to the Borough.

            S. Masteller will contact other municipalities for their auditors to obtain a quote for the Borough.

            S. Masteller reported to Council that the office scanner was not working so Council authorized to purchase a new one.

            S. Masteller will contact the PA Liquor board to ask questions about the difference in the fees that where paid to the Borough. Remarks: The Riegelsville Tavern had to purchase a new license in 2011 that was the difference of $150.00.

            Borough Office received the 2011 financial statement for Upper Bucks Regional Emergency Medical Services.


            Riegelsville Borough Council approves the recommendation from the Riegelsville Planning Commission to approve the St John UCC Parcel 38-6-40 & 38-6-39 requested waivers. R. Scott motioned to approve.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

            Riegelsville Borough Council approves the Lot Line Change Parcel 38-6-40 & 38-6-39 received for St John UCC contingent on two changes to the plans:

  1. 1.    Move the phantom ultimate right away line
  2. 2.    Dennis Litzenberger, Surveyor will satisfy the Bucks County Planning Commissions comment referencing “Correct surveyor certification as required by Section 6002(b) (4) of the subdivision and land development ordinance.

R. Scott motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous

K. Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer has not received a monthly report from T. Kreider since 5/31/12 and K. Clayton has not received roofing permit from F. DeBartolo in reference to the violation letter they received. G. DeBartolo picked up applications from the Zoning office about 2 months ago. K. Clayton would like Council to make a decision on the next step of action.  R. Scott recommended the Borough should take them to court R. Pursell seconded.  Unanimous.

NEW BUSINESS:  None to report

APPROVAL OF BILLS:     R. Scott motioned to approve bills as listed.  K. Weiss Seconded.  Unanimous

Meeting adjourned 8:37 PM.  Next Council meeting is September 12, 2012


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