
May 2012 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. May 9, 2012. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes   K. Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the April 11, 2012 Council Meeting and R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.         


             An email was read dated April 16, 2012 From Pamela Kummer, AARP Tax-aide District Coordinator thanking the Borough for allowing them to use the Borough Hall.

            Letter was read dated April 17, 2012 from Armour & Sons Electric, 2012 Traffic Signal Maintenance

            Letter was read dated April 20, 2012 from Senator Bob Mensch, in reference to route 611 closure.

            An E-mail was read dated May 4, 2012 from Crista Minthorn, Borough resident in reference to the Traffic light.


            President – None to report

            Mayor – Mayor reported to Council that he attended the Public Hearing with the PA Board of Education on May 1 at 6pm.

CITIZENS COMMENTS:  None to report

Pennsylvania State Police Corporal Livingston asked Council if there was any issue in the Community they would like to discuss.  Mayor Stokes stated the police presence definitely helps the speeding on 611 and Delaware Road.  S. Masteller reported the only issues and concerns have been dog related. Corporal Livingston informed Council that the State Police can also enforce dog ordinances in the Borough especially when incidences are happening during weekend hours when Verna North, Bucks County Dog Warden is unavailable.         


Community Affairs: 

Zoning:  K. Clayton, zoning officer, reported to council that he has not received anything on the St. Lawrence project.  Two permits were approved: 1-pool demolition and 1-basement remodeling.

            Fire Co. News:  E. Bartosiewicz reported that Fire Co. Breakfast is Sunday May 20, 2012 8am to 12:30pm.  May 5th is a roast beef dinner 4pm to 7pm. 

            Library News:  Beth Banko, Library Board President, reported to Council that the Annual letter is getting ready to be mailed soon. Free monthly movie on April 21, “Dolphin Tale”.

            March Statistics:

      Walk-in patrons: 826

      Circulation: 1,538

      E-book checkouts: Not available yet

      E-book users (new registrations): Not available yet

      Items lent out (In-County):286

      Items Borrowed (In-County): 218

      Public Computers/Wi-Fi Use: 56

      Historic Room Visits: 3

      Tax Form requests: 37

      Total Cardholders: 1,049

      Collection size: 16,704 items (9,743adult +6,961Easy, Juvenile & Young Adult)

            Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: Matt Brady and Bob Rainey put the new benches down at the Pocket Park by the Post Office. Next meeting is April 25th.

            EMS News:  Ed Bartosiewicz attended the meeting which is the third Monday of each month. Ed will probably join as a Riegelsville representative.

      Rec Board News:  The Filled Basket Bingo fundraiser raised $2300.00.  The next meeting is April 25th.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: The Bucks County Herald put the ad in for the information Dave Nadeau sent referencing the PAreadynotify.

Utilities: S. Masteller called United States Dept. of Agriculture to get more information about their Community Facilities Grant program and unfortunately the Borough’s household income from the Census is too high to apply for this grant funding for a Generator for Well#3.  The Borough received a proposal of $39,990.00 for a new Generator for Well #3.  Additional funding will be needed for this project so S. Masteller will continue to research.

Supplies are on order for the waterline work at Elmwood/Bidwell lane. W. Dowd Excavating will start the project in the next week or so.

A guy came to the Borough office to ask if he could metal detect in the park and Council did not think that was a good idea.

M. Brady and S. Groller will do hydrant flushing on April 23, 24,25,26,27 in the Borough from 9pm to Midnight.

M. Brady reported to S. Masteller that the hydrant across the street from the Riegelsville Inn used to be in the grass but now stone was added for more parking and the hydrant could easily be hit. Pylons should be added to protect it but who is responsible for that, the Inn or the Riegelsville Water Company. Council suggested S. Masteller check the Borough Ordinance for more information.

Streets & Properties: The Chimney continues to be worked on and Kevin should be ready to start the Boiler on Friday May 4th, 2012. 

            Keith Turdo, Borough Resident and Ed Bartosiewicz reported to Council they both attended the PA Highlands Trail Network meeting here on April 19th, 2012. Sixty-Five Trail advocates, planners and Municipal representatives attended the “Beyond Borders: A Regional Trail Network Emerges”. There were presentations about trail building at the municipal level and trail advocacy in a ‘tough economic time.’ They also suggested partnering with health care providers. Opportunities were highlighted for organization and municipalities to tie-in with some of the regional ‘spines’ such as the D&L Trail and PA Highlands Trail Network.  K. Turdo would like to continue to attend the trails meetings and report back to Council with updates.

            Library received a letter from St John UCC in reference to moving their paper mail box since the Stover House property was put on the market to sell.  S. Masteller suggested when they have it removed and repositioned they should check with the Borough Zoning officer to make sure it is not located in the sight triangle.

            Borough received the 2012 Traffic signal maintenance report from Armour & Sons. Council discussed the report and S. Masteller will add the report to the Council Agenda on May 9th, 2012 for consideration.             S. Masteller will contact Nockamixon to see who they use for traffic light repairs.

            R. Pursell reported to Council that Spring Hill Road is really in bad shape.  S. Masteller reported that M. Brady will be cold patching but that will not solve all the problems. Council asked S. Masteller to research the last plans for repairs and get them to R. Pursell.

            S. Masteller will follow up on the pipe by the river with Ron Martin.

Finance:  S. Masteller received information from “Hometown Press”; they put together newsletters for municipalities.  The municipality pays the mailing only.  The rest of the cost comes from business advertisements in the newsletter.  Council suggested S. Masteller look into this for the Borough Fall 2012 Newsletter.

            Council looked over the final 2011 Audit.

            M. Brady needs to replace the 8 ft. step ladder; he has been pricing them around $170.00 to $200.00.  Council suggested to make sure it is a fiberglass one and get the best price. Remarks: M. Brady needs a 10 foot ladder.

            On Wednesday May 16th at 7pm there will be a public meeting to review and comment on the updated Comprehensive Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan.

            Treasurer’s report was discussed.


            Council discussed Armour & Sons 2012 Maintenance proposal and would like to get another proposal for a portion of the proposal so this information will be added for the June Council meeting.

            Approval to appoint Rodney Scott to the Riegelsville Recreation Board. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint,  K. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.


Council would like to look into other bids for the Borough’s 2012 audit before Council starts working on the 2013 budget.

APPROVAL OF BILLS:     K. Weiss motioned to approve bills as listed.  R. Scott seconded.  

Meeting adjourned 9:00 PM.  Next Council meeting is June 13, 2012


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