
March 2012 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. March 14th, 2012. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes   E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2012 Council Meeting and R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.


            Letter dated February 16, 2012 from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  Riegelsville Borough’s adoption of the Bucks County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan dated January 11, 2012 has been received by FEMA. The plan is now approved with the receipt and acceptance of the formal adoption resolution. As such, the Borough of Riegelsville is now eligible to apply for federal disaster assistance until the Bucks County Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan expires on December 12, 2016.

             Letter dated February 20, 2012 from Community Fire Company #1 of Riegelsville Banquet Committee was received inviting Council and Mayor Stokes to the banquet that will be held on March 31, 2012.

            Letter dated February 21, 2012 from Riegelsville Planning Commission. Attached is the copies of the 2011 minutes that is their Annual report to the Borough Council on the Riegelsville Planning Commissions activities for 2011.

            Letter received March 1, 2012 from Nockamixon Township board of Supervisors to request that Borough Council authorize the services of its Fire Police during the Buckingham United Soccer Club Tournament to be held at Palisades High School.  Council denied this request because the organization is not in the service area of the Fire Company plus the Borough holds the Workman’s Comp. insurance on the Fire Co. and Fire Police volunteers.  Council was also told that Todd Myers, Fire Chief, thought he did not have enough Fire Police to cover this event and also be prepared for any accident or fire in the service area.

            Letter dated March 7, 2012 from Bucks County Planning Commission in reference to the public hearing on March 8th to not adopt amendments to the zoning ordinance that would include use regulations for Recovery of Subsurface Gas and Oil deposits.

            Email from Bucks County Tax Collection Committee reporting the 2012 Business meeting dates and times.


            President – Nothing to report

            Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he and Matt Brady met with Asher Tingle from A& E Associates that represents Tide-Flex Technology. They went to see the pipe in the river and discuss how the Duckbill system and the in-line check valve would help with possible flooding off of 611.

Mayor Stokes reported that there is a very large tree near the drain that needs to be taken down. S. Masteller will contact Ron Martin, PennDot supervisor, to ask if that is their responsibility or the Borough’s.

            Mayor Stokes also contacted the State Police in reference to the abandoned car in the large Borough parking lot and they stated they would get it removed.

CITIZENS COMMENTS:  None to report


Community Affairs: Zoning:  K. Clayton, zoning officer, reported to council that he has issued 3 permits: Boiler tie-in, 2 Bedroom Apartment and minor building permit for Yoga studio.

            Fire Co. News:  E. Bartosiewicz reported that Fire Co. Breakfast is Sunday February 19, 2012 8am to 12:30pm.  Fish-fry Fridays will start on February 24th 5pm to 7pm.

            Library News:  Library Board member’s Nancy and Pat McEvoy reported to Council the January 2012 Board Meeting minutes.  The draft 2012-2013 state budget proposed by Governor Corbett includes a 6% cut to state library funding.  AARP tax volunteers will be at the Borough Hall every Tuesday until April 10, 2012 to do your taxes.  Library is stocked with tax forms.  Beginning in July, 2013 the Library will have to begin paying for the internet connectivity. This covers staff internet and e-mail, SIRSI circulation and public catalog and Wi-Fi. Since 2009 Doylestown has absorbed this cost, but they can no longer do so due to the State and County budget cuts. So as of July 2013 the cost will be $1113.48 per year ($92.79 per month). This price is set for two years.  The Library would like to put a small sign on the front door with the hours listed. Council agreed to this.

            January Statistics:

      Public Count: 681

      Circulation: 1,423

      E-book checkouts: 57

      E-book users (new registrations): 16

      Items lent out (In-County):286

      Items Borrowed (In-County): 296

      Public Computers/Wi-Fi Use: 75

      Historic Room Visits: 7

      Tax Form requests: 10

      Total Cardholders: 1,030

      Collection size: 16,658items (9,754 adult +6,904Easy, Juvenile & Young Adult)

            Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: Elaine Albrecht reported to Council that the Super Bowl Hoagie sale profited $301.00 plus a $25.00 donation with a total of $326.00.

            EMS News:  They are still seeking a member for the board from Riegelsville.

      Rec Board News:  The next fundraiser is set for March 25th, Filled Basket Bingo.  Rodney Scott reported that the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary donated $500.00 to the Recreation Board. The Rec Board will have a Girls B team and a T-Ball team this year. Practice will begin as soon as the weather breaks.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Dave Nadeau EMA Coordinator and Dave Gerstenberg reported to Council that they will be updating the Borough’s EOP (Emergency Operations Plan) this spring for Council’s approval.  T. Stinnett thanked them for coming to the meeting and said it would be helpful if they could give updates/meeting minutes for the Community Affairs meeting which is held the third Wednesday of each month.  S. Masteller will put the flyer for the “Ready Notify” in next quarter’s water bill. Remarks: The ready notify booklet will not fit in the water bill envelope.

Utilities: M. Brady reported to S. Masteller that the curbstop for #1107 Easton Road needs to be repaired. W. Nicholas usually helps with this.  M. Brady also reported that there are a few other ones that need to be fixed so he suggests having W. Nicholas look at the list and see how many they can get done in one day.

             S. Masteller will contact W. Dowd Excavating to look at the water main on Bidwell lane.

            Well #1 has been repaired by Barry Hoffman, electrician.

            S. Masteller will get a quote from Pool Plus in NJ for a generator for well #3.

Streets & Properties: Council and M. Smith, Borough engineer discussed the 3 different optioned to replace the current chimney in the borough building. Proposal will be gathered and discussed next week during Council meeting.

  1. Masonry chimney on the outside
  2. Steel chimney on the outside
  3. Steel chimney on the inside

 Bucks County Board of health sent a final notice of violation to parcel #38-4-2 Serenity Investors,

27 acres that are for sale at the south end of the Borough. The violation is for discarded tires and other items allowing for a reservoir for mosquito breeding activity.

            Mayor Stokes has an appointment for the representative from “Duckbill Backflow preventer” to come and look at the pipe in the river that may help with the flooding issues on Tuesday March 13, 2012 at 10am. Matt Brady will also meet with them too.

Finance:  S. Masteller would like to attend a PA Local government seminar on April 4th, 2012 noon to 4pm fee is $50.00 “Communicating in the 21st Century”, Council unanimously approved.

            Council discussed putting “reduce speed signs” as you are entering the Borough North and South on Route 611. S. Masteller will contact PennDot in reference to this question.


            Approval for W. Dowd Excavating proposal for 6” water main on Bidwell Lane $10,949.00 E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous

            Council gives permission to spend up to $18,500.00 for a chimney proposal and get more proposals to present at a future Committee meeting. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  R. Scott seconded.    Unanimous

            Approval of check to Diamond Marketing Solutions for $576.59 for the printing and mailing of the per capita bills.  K. Weiss motioned to approve.  R. Pursell seconded.  Unanimous


            None to report

 APPROVAL OF BILLS:     E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills as listed.  K. Weiss seconded.  

Meeting adjourned 9:10 PM

 Sherry Masteller   Borough Secretary

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