
November 2009 Minutes

President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. November 11, 2009. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken.  PRESENT:    Edward Bartosiewicz, Kathleen Weiss, Thomas Stinnett,

Rodney Scott and Mayor David Gerstenberg ABSENT: Rich Strawn         

 K. Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2009 Council Meeting and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.


            A letter was read from Borough Councilman Richard Strawn stating with sincere regret his resignation from Borough Council effective immediately.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to accept the resignation and R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous

            A letter was read from Kim Gaspar, Manager of The Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center introducing the Senior Center and how it helps our local seniors, plus requesting a donation from the Borough.

            A letter was read from J. David Xander, Borough residents stated he was interested in serving as a member of the Borough Council should the need arise.

            A letter was read from David Taylor, Borough Zoning Officer in reference to the Mechanics Hall LLP septic repair.  After reviewing the Bucks County Health Department approved plans D. Taylor stated the proposed tank will be installed partially within the Borough’s ROW.  Council decided to leave this within the jurisdiction of the Health Department to enforce their rules.  



            President- No report

            Mayor – Asked if the Borough office had a book with all the Ordinances in it.  T. Stinnett replied yes.

CITIZENS COMMENTS: Borough resident asked what could be done when residents are blowing their leaves onto Route 611.  Council advised S. Masteller to contact our PennDot representative since that is their road.



Community Affairs: Zoning: Dave Taylor, Riegelsville Zoning Officer reported that 4 Building permits and 2  Zoning permits were issued this month.

4 projects in review:

                  1.   Durham Road Shop

                  2.   681 Easton Road Craig Cardone Demolition permit

                  3.  Manuchi Lawn Mower repair (Oscar’s Garage)

                  4. 221 Walnut Lane Residential Oil Tank removal

                  5. Riegelsville Union Cemetery underground Electric

                  6. 118 Cedar Lane Wood Deck

      Zoning Hearing was held on October 15, 2009 for Mike Cavallaro on behalf of Mechanics Hall Foundation, LLC.  D. Taylor is waiting for the written decision from the Zoning Hearing Board.

      D. Taylor will continue to review the fee schedule.

      Library News: Pat McEvoy, Library Board member reported to Council the monthly report.  They have applied for the Payne Foundation grant to support the Children’s programs for the Library.  The Library set up a table for the Durham Day on October 10, the weather was not very good.  The had a Story Time @ 2pm. Tree Spirits Art exhibits is on display in the Library and 20% of the proceeds will benefit the Library.  Joe Coco “Blues Concert” is Saturday November 14th @7pm in the meeting room tickets are on sale at the Library. Proceeds will be split between the Library and the Riegelsville Firehouse.  

 Statistical Highlights for August 2009:

Walk-in patrons: 650

Circulation: 1,739

Internet use: 58

Online renewals 206

Items lent out (within Bucks Co.) 211

Items borrowed (within Bucks) 239

      Downtown Enhancement Committee (DEC) News:  Elaine Albrecht reported that they are selling the decorated slates at the Fall Rollout on November 1st.  E. Albrecht also asked if the Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center could receive a donation from the Borough since many of the Borough residents are involved in the Senior Center. The Centers Director will be writing a letter to Council introducing the Center.

            EMS News:  No news to report

            Rec Board News: S. Masteller reported that the New Shed has been delivered and new counter top in the Concession Stand.  The Rec Board is getting prepared to sell food the car show on Sunday November 1st.

            Fire Co. News:  E. Bartosiewicz reported that October is fire prevention month so he and M. Brady gave a fire presentation with the fire truck for the Library Children and the Lutheran Pre school class.  

Utilities: R. Scott reported that the Catholic Church water pressure is much better.

            Keystone Precision Instrument called and said the metal detector has been inspected and the only thing they found was that the volume was turned down.  M. Brady will pick the detector up next week.

            Arbor Fencing will start the fence replacement at Well #3 after the Car show on November 1, 2009

            W. Dowd, Excavator discussed with D. Meade, Riegelsville Water Operator suggested that for water lines that are 25 feet from the valve is the property owner’s responsibility.  Council will think about this and amend our ordinance.

            D. Meade, Water Operator reported to Borough office that Well #2 pump is not working so this needs to be fixed as soon as possible.  D. Meade said to contact Kerstner Well and Raab Well and see who can do this job.


Streets and Properties: Comments from the citizens:

            Borough Resident said there is a whole in the alley by Walnut Lane.  S. Masteller will make M. Brady aware of this so he can take care of it.

            Mayor Gerstenberg reported he still has a water issue in his backyard         .  Council suggested S. Masteller contact PennDot about this issue.

            Two Borough residents reported that there is still a parking and trash issue on Maplewood Road due to Oxford Diabetic Employees.  Borough residents are not able to park in front of their homes.  The residents stated that Oxford now has a second shift and also Saturday workers.  Council is trying to make this issue work for both the residents and the Oxford employees. 

            Mayor Gerstenberg asked Elaine Albrecht if the seniors could use the Borough Hall meeting room instead of renting in Ottsville they could rent here.  E. Albrecht stated that there is not a kitchen or an area for computer training classes. 

            E. Bartosiewicz stated that there is still a whole by the drain at the bottom of Delaware road and 611.  R. Strawn was looking into this right around the time of his surgery.  S. Masteller will ask M. Brady about this issue.

            The Borough office has received a few phone calls in reference to very loud band music late at night on Spruce Road.  S. Masteller will send the property owner the noise ordinance.

            The newly painted curb on Durham Road by Borderline is painted too far south.  S. Masteller asked Council if M. Brady could just cover the fresh yellow paint will black paint, Council agreed.

            Riegelsville Borough’s Tenant was sent a letter in reference to the recent water damage issue.


Finance: K. Weiss attended the Northampton TCC meeting last week.  This meeting is in reference to changing who handles the EIT payments.

            The magnetic locator repairs and shipping will cost $441.00 and a new replacement one will cost around $860.00. Council discussed this and has decided to purchase a new one so it will need to be included on the Council agenda.

            D. Taylor, Borough Zoning and Building code official has made a few suggestions for Council to the current Fee schedule revisions and to add a UCC review Board Fee.

             Council continued working on the 2010 Budget.



            M. Brady took pictures of the clogged culvert between the Weiss barn property and Spring Hill road. The picture also shows the waterline in the pipe. S. Masteller will resend the pictures via E-mail to all Council members.  Mayor Gerstenberg hopes this will solve his water issue in the back of his home.

            Motion to advertise Ordinance #216 – (2010 Tax rate 11.25 mils) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to advertise R. Scott seconded Unanimous

            Motion to advertise the proposed 2010 Budget K. Weiss motioned to advertise R.Scott seconded Unanimous

            Motion to adopt Resolution #R-08-09 UCC Review Board Fee Schedule K. Weiss motioned to adopt E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous

            Motion to approve a check to Keystone Precision Instruments in the amount not more than $950.00 for a new magnetic locator for the Water Company R. Scott motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous

            Motion to approve a check to W. Dowd for $4055.92 (Elmwood water line repair) R. Scott motioned to approve K. Weiss seconded Unanimous

            Motion to approve check to Home Depot for $401.03 (Linden Lane Fence) R. Scott motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous

            Motion to approve check to Swamps for $1052.08 (Truck repair) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded Unanimous

            Motion to approve check to Arbor Fence $2870.00 (Well #3 Fence) K. Weiss motioned to approve R. Scott seconded Unanimous

            Motion to approve donation of $500.00 to Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center from the Borough Community expense fund E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve K. Weiss seconded Unanimous



            Mayor Gerstenberg reported that Holland Township Police Department and US

Department of Homeland Security are having a presentation on November 19, 2009

“Weapons of Mass Destruction” if anyone from Council would like to go just let Mayor

Gerstenberg know.  

            Mayor Gerstenberg also reported that the Borough does have options to deal with

the Oxford Diabetic parking issue on Maplewood Road.  Mayor Gerstenberg suggests for

Council to consider parking on both sides of Maplewood Road.           Council stated that would

make it very difficult for Emergency Vehicles and Trucks to get through.  Dr. Stokes,

Borough Resident and Business owner stated that the tractor trailers may not be able to

make the corner from Durham to Maplewood.  S. Masteller will check with M. Brady to see

if we have an extra “No Parking to Corner” sign to put on Maplewood.

            Mayor Gerstenberg also reported that the website could use to be updated and more

user friendly for the office staff.  S. Masteller reported that the previous Borough

Administrator did not give T. Macaluso any of the protected passwords.  T. Macaluso was

able to figure some things out but it would be great to have a more informative website for

Borough staff and well as the public.



K. Weiss motioned to approve bills as listed E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.


Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.  Next Council Meeting scheduled December 9, 2009

7:30 pm.

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