
October 2011 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. October 12th, 2011. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Mayor Stokes

J. Panasiuk motioned to approve the minutes of the September 14, 2011 Council Meeting and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.


A letter dated August 24, 2011 from Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center, thanking the Borough for the yearly donation.

A letter dated September 23, 2011 from the Bucks County Department of Health, in reference to the vacant property mosquito infestation at T.M.38-4-2.

A letter dated September 24, 2011 from Riegelsville Public Library, thanking the Borough for the yearly donation.

A letter dated September 26, 2011 from Riegelsville Inn owner, Jeffrey Ryan in reply to the noise complaint letter from the Borough.

An e-mail dated October 6, 2011 from Susan Matthias, Secretary of Kiwanis in reference to a letter to the PA State Police for coverage of the Car show.

An e-mail dated October 12, 2011 from Borough Resident, James Ott in reference to the safety of Borough residents during the Kiwanis Car show.

A letter dated October 12, 2011 from Susan Matthias, Secretary of Kiwanis asking permission to use the Borough Park for their Annual Kiwanis Fall Roll out car show on Sunday November 6th, 2011.  Council unanimously OK’d.

Certified letter dated October 5, 2011, received October 12, 2011 from Elizabeth Balogh, Borough resident in reference the impending PennDOT Canal Bridge repairs.


President – Nothing to report

Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported that he performed one wedding

CITIZENS COMMENTS:  None to report


Community Affairs: Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that the Fire Company will be doing Fire Safety at the Borough Library, St. Peters Nursery School and Care-a-Lot School.  Next Breakfast is October 16, 2011. Riegelsville Emergency Agency did open the Command Station briefly during the “Tropical Storm Lee”.

Zoning: K. Clayton, Zoning officer reported to council Contractors/Property owners are not getting permits for roofing and decking so the fees are being doubled.  No update on the progress of St Lawrence Church. Craig Cardone is working on a proposal to turn his Easton Road retail into two apartments; the first preliminary sketch was rejected so modifications will return very soon.

Library News: Library Board member, Pat McEvoy reported to Council that on October 8th, 2011

4pm – 7pm the Library will hold the 1st Annual Autumn Festival outside on the Borough groundsfeaturing Wine tasting and local restaurant food. $45.00 a person.  Haunted tours will be October 28 and 29th, 2011

$15.00 per person.  A Concert event is scheduled in the Borough Hall November 5th featuring Joe Cocco

Borough Resident.

August Statistics:

Public Count: 884

Circulation: 1,641

Items lent out (In-County): 274

Items Borrowed (In-County): 356

Internet Use: 60

Historic Room Visits: 1

Total Cardholders: 1,038

Collection size: 16,724 items (9,724 adult +6,944 Easy, Juvenile & Young Adult)

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: No meeting until September 28th, 2011 M. Brady weeded the pocket park.

EMS News: Meeting was cancelled

Rec Board News: The next meeting is September 26th @ 7pm to discuss the car show. The concession stand is getting water inside from the back gutter. Dirk Odhner will look into a solution for this.

Re-zoning Hearing September 29th, 2011 @ 7:00

Utilities: R. Scott and Mayor Stokes is gathering bid for the generator adaptor for Well #3.

Cowan stated that all the new Boiler documents will be ready by October 12, 2011 Council meeting.

Streets and Properties: R. Scott needs to get additional information on the loader.

R. Scott received the proposal for the Well #3 generator adaptor. S. Masteller will call Hoffman’s to get an updated proposal since the current one is over a year old.

T. Stinnett reported that during the Planning Commission meeting on Monday October 3rd, 2011 Mr. Saxton and Mr. Miller discussed with the board that they do not want their properties to change from R1 to R3 as the proposed zoning ordinance reads. The board decided to amend the proposed map to not include their properties in the R3 district.

K. Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer reported to T. Stinnett that he received his first “Solar Plans” from a Borough resident and currently the Zoning Ordinance does not have a Solar Section so the fee will be an electrical fee.

Finance: New subscriptions for the 2012 Monthly Pennsylvania Borough News, $12.00 each 5 Council, 1 Mayor and 1 Borough Secretary.

Trick or Treat October 31, 2011    6 to 8 pm

Halloween Parade is scheduled for October 22, 2011 11:00 am

Worked on the 2012 Budget from 7:30 to 8:50


Approval of “2011-2012 Consortium Salt Bid” Low bidder was International Salt Company, LLC $52.77 delivered per ton. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded Unanimous

Approval of Notice to Proceed and agreement for the Borough Steam Boiler replacement project, dated October 6, 2011 agreement between the Borough and K.C.Mechanical service, Inc. Base Bid $25,800.00 and alternate B $8,900.00. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded Unanimous

Council unanimously approved of the letter written by Thomas E. Stinnett, Council President to Elizabeth Balogh, Borough Resident.


NEW BUSINESS: None to report


APPROVAL OF BILLS K Weiss motioned to approve J. Panasiuk seconded     Unanimous


Meeting adjourned 8:20 PM






Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary

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