
July 2011 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. July 13, 2011. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Mayor Stokes

E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the June 8, 2011 Council Meeting and J. Panasiuk seconded.  Unanimous.

CORRESPONDENCE: Todd Myers, Borough Engineer hand delivered to Sherry Masteller, Borough Secretary the PennDot plans for the signing and pavement marking for the Canal Bridge project for Council to look over. S. Masteller will report back to T. Myers the changes Council would like to see changed.


President – None to report

Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he meet with Matt Brady, Borough Laborer to discuss the three different proposals for a backhoe. Mayor Stokes is waiting for one more proposal to present to Council. S. Masteller suggested having Wayne Nicholas and Matt Brady go and look at the proposed Backhoes. Council Unanimously agreed.

CITIZENS COMMENTS:  Elaine Albrecht, Borough resident and EUBSenior member reported to Council that Kim Gaspar, Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center Manager also attended Durham Township meeting to thank them for their past support and where told they will receive a donation from Durham Township.



Community Affairs: Fire Co. News: Fire activity report was received for April and May 2011.  E. Bartosiewicz reported that at the last monthly meeting Kistler Construction gave a presentation for the addition to be added to the back of the Firehouse. Fran Chavar will be donating 90% of the funding in memory of Joe Chavar and the Fire Co. will put in the 10%.  Breakfast is Sunday June 19th, 2011 8am to noon.

Zoning: Kip Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer, reported to Council that he will be meeting with property owner of 141 Delaware Road to discuss property UCC issues on June 29th 2011 at 11:00am.  Three Building permits were issued, 1-reroof, 1-Alarm system, and 1-above ground pool.  St. Lawrence continues with the master plan for a prayer garden, parish pavilion, walkways, and approximately ten parking spaces with no variances required.  #650 Easton road and Riegelsville Tavern continues with restorations.

Library News: Library Board member, Beth Banko reported to council the following. The

Library board is asking permission to put window panels in the current Historical room door so they can

see in the room without opening the door.  Council agreed as long as they keep the current historical door

and have it professionally installed.


Public Count: 543

Circulation: 1326

Items lent out (In-County): 191

Items Borrowed (In-County): 224

Internet Use: 52

Historic Room Visits: 4

Total Cardholders: 1005

Collection size: 16,748 items (9805 adult +6,943 Easy, Juvenile & Young Adult)

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: They are looking into putting up a

community board by the pedestrian bridge to help hide the electrical box. Next meeting June 22, 2011


EMS News: Chiefs report for May 2011 was received.

Rec Board News: Will be rescheduling the June meeting due to members schedules. Signs will be


Utilities: Ray Brown will be contacting the Borough office on Monday June 20th, 2011 to set up a time for Tuesday June 21, or Wednesday June 22 to give the Borough a new Boiler proposal.

Altemos came to do the yearly cleaning and service on the Boiler and recommends replacing the Boiler. Here is a findings list: Back two sections leaking, chimney base ½ full, and blow off valve has a leaking stem.  S. Masteller will contact a few heating companies to get proposals and will report them to Council.

Council has decided not to continue looking into purchasing Joe Chavar’s Kubota due to the age and the clutch type.  Mayor Stokes is gathering more information. K. Weiss stated that there is a Kubota dealer in Stockton NJ.  S. Masteller will look into Municipal auctions for used Kubota’s.

Streets and Properties: During the storms on Sunday a tree came down on the open space property near 259 Linden Lane/Path and needs to be taken care of.  M. Brady looked at it and said it is too large for him to take down and will need to have a professional take care of it. M. Brady contacted Rob Thigpen to look at the problem and give the Borough an estimate.

M. Brady would like to know if Council hears of any clean fill the streets department could use it.  We have the truck so we could get it ourselves.

Bob Rainey has offered to fix the Borough Hall sign in the Borough Hall parking lot.

Mayor Stokes updated Council that he should hear more information about purchasing a new backhoe by Council meeting on July 13.  Mayor Stokes asked if we he can look into other brands besides Kubota and council replied yes.

Altemos and Ray Brown Jr. Services LLC came and presented a proposal for a new Boiler for the Borough Hall. Werley Heating also came and we are waiting for their proposal.

Fairview street sign is missing. S. Masteller will make M. Brady aware of this.

There have not been anymore bear sighting since July 5th, 2011.

The problem with the drain overflowing on Wayside way/Delaware seems to have been solved by pumping the septic.

Finance: Kim Gaspar, Manager, Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center thanked the Borough Council for their support. They have a lot of information to benefit the seniors and their caregivers.  K. Gasper left July newsletter to put in the meeting room and post on the bulletin board. Food vouchers are still available.  Check out the newsletter for all the upcoming events.

Riegelsville Borough vs. Stonebridge Bank claim has been settled.

The Borough has received the right of ways for the two Borough Parking lots for construction of the PennDot canal bridge. Documents that need to be signed will be put on the Borough Council agenda July 13th, 2011.

Craig Cardone has requested an appeal from the Bucks County Board of assessment for the construction of his new 3 apartment building.



Adoption Ordinance #219 re-enacting, restating and amending its earned income tax ordinance to establish conformity with the local tax enabling act as amended by Act 32 of July 2, 2008; levying a tax on earned income and net profits; requiring tax returns; requiring employees to withhold and remit tax; and provisions.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to adopt, K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.

Approval of Resolution R-03-11 PennDot Canal project authorizing Council President T. Stinnett’s signature “Right of Way” for the 2 Borough Parking lots E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous

Approval of Check $2,825.44 to Wayne Dowd, Excavating (370 Spring Hill Road water leak) R. Scott motioned to approve, J. Panasiuk seconded. Unanimous

Approval of Check $880.00 to Raub Well Drilling Inc. (Labor & Used Chlorine Booster) R. Scott motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded, Unanimous


NEW BUSINESS: None to report




R Scott motioned to approve bills as listed.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.


Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM

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