President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. June 08, 2011. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Mayor Stokes
R. Scott motioned to approve the minutes of the May 11, 2011 Council Meeting and J. Panasiuk seconded. Unanimous.
Letter dated June 8, 2011 was read from Community Fire Company #1 Fire Chief, Todd Myers, respectfully requesting the Council’s consideration in waiving building permit fees for the proposed addition to the rear of the firehouse, which has been underway for some period of time. K. Weiss motioned to approve waiving the building permit fees J. Panasiuk seconded (4 approved- E. Bartosiewicz abstained because he is a fireman). S. Masteller will send a letter of this approval.
President – T. Stinnett stated nothing to report at this time.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported that he performed one wedding. Mayor Stokes is in the process of researching Kubota’s front end loaders and is waiting on several quotes. With the recent tornado warnings Mayor Stokes suggests getting a tornado alarm. The cost would be about $6000.00. Mayor will discuss this with Emergency Management team.
CITIZENS COMMENTS: Elaine Albrecht reported that the Senior Center just received the Farmer’s Market nutrition program vouchers.
Community Affairs: Carrie Perucci, Borough Resident, had a few questions in reference to the Poplar Road lot that is for sale. T. Stinnett stated that all the questions could be answered from the Riegelsville Planning Commission meeting minutes and the Borough Council meeting minutes.
Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that there is a “Risk Team Training” which is used to rescue firemen during fires. Monthly Breakfast count has been down. Defibrillators are being purchased for all the trucks.
Zoning: Kip Clayton reported 3 different building permits for #650 Easton Road. Discussions with the property owner in reference to the renovations at the Riegelsville Tavern. K. Clayton has two informational meetings with Michael Graeff, St Lawrence Church architect, and wanted to check with Council to see if there were any significant changes with the work or procedures so far since he was not the Zoning officer during the early stage of this project. T. Stinnett stated that they are doing the project in phases and there have not been any issues or overall changes.
Library News: Borough office has received the March and April stats:
Public Count: 772
Circulation: 1597
Items lent out (In-County): 261
Items Borrowed (In-County): 302
Internet Use: 64
Historic Room Visits: 2
Total Cardholders: 991
Total Collection size: 16,555 items
Public Count: 559
Circulation: 1373
Items lent out (In-County): 232
Items Borrowed (In-County): 227
Internet Use: 51
Historic Room Visits: 2
Total Cardholders: 1001
Collection size: 16,650 items (9757 adult +6,893 Easy Juvenile & Young Adult
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: The Pocket park by the post office has been weeded, new flowers planted and mulched by the volunteers. Local Coupon Booklets have been discounted to $10.00.
EMS News: Borough Office has received the May 2011 Chiefs report. T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to contact Adam Maziuk to let the Borough office know when CPR training will be scheduled.
Rec Board News: There will be a change in May meeting due to Memorial Day. Girls Softball is in full swing, they have 4 home games. We are still waiting for the Kiwanis to help with the pavilion repairs and maintenance.
Utilities: Hydrant flushing was performed May 16th, 17th, and 18th of May, 2011 from 9pm tomidnight. Matt Brady and Sonny Groller will take care of this.
Street sweeping of the Borough roads is scheduled for May 19th and May 20th 2011.
Riegelsville Borough has received the APPROVED Monitoring Waivers from DEP for IOC’S and VOC’s for water testing.
Streets and Properties: Borough dump truck was repaired and the technician stated that there are a few other things that need to be addressed as soon as possible. Council recommended S. Masteller call and get the truck on the schedule for repair.
Received a complaint from a Borough resident stating the Riegelsville Inn is playing loud music outside past midnight on a Monday night. Discussion from Council proceeded.
Matt Brady and Ed Bartosiewicz went to look at Joe Chavar’s Kubota Frontend Loader/Backhoe that Fran Chavar is selling.
E. Bartosiewicz reminded Council that we need to look into replacing the Boiler before the winter season. R. Scott suggested having Ray Brown from NJ come and giving us a quote.
Finance: Borough office received the notice for intent to defend Riegelsville Borough vs. Stonebridge Bank”
Borough office received a proposal from Reynolds business to scan all the Borough Ordinances to DVD’s the estimated cost is $303.50. Proposal will be added to the Council agenda June 8th.
Adopt Ordinance #218 amending Chapter 26 of the code of ordinances of Riegelsville Borough section 215.4 with regard to payment of water bills. R. Scott motioned to adopt, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Motion for Borough Dump truck repaired at Lehr’s Auto, estimated bill $530.00. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to get repaired R. Scott seconded. Unanimous
Motion to advertise EIT Ordinance #219 summarized by the Borough Solicitor for passage at the July 13th, 2011 Council Meeting. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to advertise, J. Panasiuk seconded. Unanimous
Motion to advertise Ordinance #220 Proposed Zoning Ordinance update. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to advertise, R. Scott seconded. Unanimous
Borough received the first check from the DRJTB Commission from the Pedestrian Bridge Lighting Grant.
Motion to have Reynolds Business Systems scan Ordinance’s to DVD’s estimated proposal $303.50. K. Weiss motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous
Approval of Check $690.59 to Home Depot (Durham Road Fences) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, R. Scott seconded. Unanimous Council suggested putting 2 reflectors on each Fence. S. Masteller will have M. Brady take care of that.
Approval of Check $2,016.00 to Wayne Dowd, Excavating (321 Easton Road water leak) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, J. Panasiuk seconded. Unanimous
Kiosk will be installed at the Canal by the Pedestrian Bridge on Sunday, June 12th, between 10 and 11am.
NEW BUSINESS: None to report
K Weiss motioned to approve bills as listed. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.