Vice President Kathie Weiss called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:31 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Kathleen Weiss, Rodney Scott, Mayor David Gerstenberg, Borough Solicitor William Dudeck.
K. Weiss stated that an Executive Session was held prior to tonight’s meeting regarding potential litigation.
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2009 Council Meeting and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
CITIZENS COMMENTS: Elaine Albrecht would like to ask the Borough for a monetary donation to the Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center. Quite a few Borough residents utilize this center Elaine stated; membership has been increasing. Elaine said that the Center is not receiving any money through grant programs as they had in the past. K. Weiss asked Elaine to put her request into writing. T. Macaluso added that the 2010 budget was ready to advertise but if the request was received before next weeks Committee meeting that possibly it could be re-worked. K. Weiss stated that President T. Stinnett’s father had passed away earlier today and that is why he is not here tonight.
A letter was read from Bucks County Planning Commission informing the Borough of Buck’s County’s second Open Space program. $225,535 has been allocated to Riegelsville Borough.
A letter was summarized from the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission stating that the Upper Black Eddy – Milford Bridge will be rehabilitated in 2011. Notes were read from Borough resident Robert Rainey who attended the meeting with the DRJTBC concerning the Riegelsville Bridge rehabilitation. The next meeting for Public Comment about the Riegelsville Bridge will be in November, time and date to be announced.
A letter was read from Bucks County Department of Finance stating the scheduled date for the Act 32 Tax Collection Committee, November 5, 2009 at 6 pm. T. Stinnett, K. Weiss and E. Bartosiewicz are the delegates.
A letter was read the Kiwanis Club of Riegelsville asking permission to use the park and to hang two road banners. The necessary insurance certificate will be faxed to the office approximately two weeks prior to the event. (Comment: Insurance Certificate arrived in the office today.)
A letter was read from Carl Dicker, Borough Engineer stating that Quaint Oak Bank may submit plans to the Borough for signing and recording regarding the development on Poplar Road.
President/Vice President – No Report
Mayor – No Report
Community Affairs – Citizen’s Comments: None expressed
Zoning: Dave Taylor, Riegelsville Zoning Officer reported that 3 Building permits and 3 Zoning permits were issued this month. 4 projects in review: Durham Road Shop, Riegelsville Inn, and Lawn Mower repair. Zoning Hearing was held on September 9, 2009 for Mike Cavallaro on behalf of Mechanics Hall Foundation, LLC. The hearing has been continued until October 15th 2009. D. Taylor reported that he has contacted the General Contractor for the Cardone building, and is awaiting a formal submission for the restoration of the building. D. Taylor will continue to review the fee schedule. Library News: Debbie Jo Mitchell, Library Treasurer reported to Council the monthly report and she first wanted to thank Borough Council for the much appreciated donation from the Borough. Statistical Highlights for August 2009: Walk-in patrons: 918, Circulation: 1579, Internet use: 79, Online renewals 196, Items lent out (within Bucks Co.) 238, Items borrowed (within Bucks) 251, Riegelsville library cardholders: 973, Total size of Library Collection: 16,003 items. Downtown Enhancement Committee (DEC) News: Elaine Albrecht, member of the DEC reported that the committee is working on a fundraiser by painting used slates and selling them. EMS News: Adam Maziuk, UMBREMS Chief will be reporting to Council monthly. A. Maziuk reported that during the recent Borough dwelling fire the EMS activated 2 rehab areas for the firefighters including canteen with towels. A. Maziuk reported that due to the Workman’s Comp policies, firemen are required to report to a rehab station after using 2 bottles of air to get evaluated by the EMS crew before returning to the fire. A. Maziuk reported that only one fireman needed to be transported to the hospital. Rec. Board News: S. Masteller reported that the Rec. Board is purchasing a new equipment shed for the park.
Fire Co. News: Todd Myers, Fire Chief reported to Council that during the recent Borough dwelling fire the many water tankers where used. The Borough hydrant system does not supply enough water for large fires. D. Meade, Borough Water Operator reported that all 3 wells were turned on manually. T. Myers suggested that the Borough look into installing 2 dry hydrants in the canal. T. Myers will get the information to S. Masteller and then she will write a letter to DCNR.
Utilities – Comments from the citizens: None expressed
M. Brady reported to S. Masteller that the metal detector was not working correctly even after the batteries were replaced. Pollard Water Co. charges $75.00 fee to diagnose the problem with the detector. Council would like S. Masteller to contact the nearest retailer to see if they could repair it. M. Brady reported to Dick Meade, Borough Water Operator and S. Masteller that the fencing around Well #3 needs to be repaired or replaced. Council asked S. Masteller to contact local fence companies for estimates. M. Brady and Dick Meade will inspect the 5 hydrants that need to be repaired and give S. Masteller the report. All Borough hydrants will be flushed in October. RCN plans to enhance the current cable service by bringing the best video technology possible. T. Stinnett stated that when they first came to town they stated that as soon as they upgraded we could get peg channels. S. Masteller will look into this issue.
Ernie Cascino, Riegelsville Post Master reported to S. Masteller that there is a Borough resident on Durham Road that would like to have Rural Delivery but cars park on that side of the road. E. Cascino asked if the resident could put up a mail box by the small borough parking lot. Council did not feel that that was a good idea since the land is borough property. Council suggested putting the box on the alley. S. Masteller will get back to E. Cascino on Councils suggestions. Remarks: Post office will not deliver in the alley.
Streets and Properties – Comments from the citizens: Todd Myers, Riegelsville Fire Chief, has asked Council to impose up to a 3 mil increase in the 2010 tax levy for Fire Protection Services. T. Myers did read from the Borough Code X111- SEC. 1301 that the Borough has the authority to impose this increase. T. Myers has talked to the other municipalities to suggest imposing this increase as well. R. Strawn spoke to Dave Xander to ask if he could coordinate the part timers for snow plowing and salting. Council agreed with R. Strawn’s decision too. S. Masteller will get D. Xander the phone list of the part timers.
The 2009 paving project will begin Wednesday October 14. Fern Road and Maplewood Road will be closed during road repairs. The project should take 2 to 3 days depending on the weather. Elmwood and Church valve work will be done tomorrow October 8, 2009.
K. Weiss asked Council what decision has been made due to the Tenants washer damaging the ceiling in the Library and also in the Borough office ceiling. Council decided to have S. Masteller write a letter to the tenant stating due to his negligence with his washer it is his responsibility to pay for the repairs that it incurred. The Borough office received a complaint from a Borough resident about the noise between 4:30 am and 7 am from the Chrin trash truck that picks up at the Oxford Diabetic (Old Bank Building). S. Masteller has spoke to Mr. Chrin and he is going to try to make the pick up later. Mr. Chrin did request a copy of the noise ordinance so S. Masteller faxed that to him. S. Masteller will check with the Borough resident and report back to Council. T. Stinnett said there is graffiti on the Pedestrian Bridge stairs going to the canal. S. Masteller will talk to M. Brady, Borough Laborer about this issue.
The Borough received 2 proposals for the repair and replacement of the Well #3 Fence. They will be put on the Council agenda. T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to call DEP back about the burn ordinance. Remarks: T. Macaluso provided D. Xander the list of drivers. M. Brady has access to a sander to remove the graffiti from the bridge.
Finance – Comments from the Citizens: None expressed
T. Macaluso will gather more information on putting a separate line item on the tax bill for the Fire Company. The 2009 paving project loan quotes are QNB 6% conventional loan for 18 months and First Savings Bank 5% for conventional loan for 18 months. Council has tentatively has approved First Savings but official approval will be approved at Council on October 14th. The Borough has received the final payment from the DRJTB Commission from the Pedestrian Bridge. Council worked on the 2010 Budget. Remarks: T. Macaluso stated that the Fire Protection and Emergency Squad millage can be separated on the tax bills. R. Rainey asked Council if the Fire Company records are public knowledge. Once records are turned over to the Borough they become public.
Motion to Adopt Resolution to Enter into a Loan Agreement with First Savings Bank for the Amount of $17,000.00 @ 5% Interest for a term of 18 months – Road Repairs on Fern and Maplewood Roads. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to adopt. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval to Award Arbor Fence Co. the Bid to Repair the Fence at Well #3, $2870. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
NEW BUSINESS– Invoice was submitted late in the afternoon for repair of the
gas tank on the Borough dump truck. It is leaking and will not pass inspection.
Swamp’s tried to locate a used one to cut down on cost, but nothing could be
found. A new one will cost $779.10; it will need a new strap, $69.53 as well. Total
bill, including inspection, labor, and parts is $1,052.08. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to
approve repair. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
R. Scott motioned to approve bills as listed E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm. Next Council Meeting scheduled November 11, 2009,
7:30 pm.
Tammy L. Macaluso, acting Secretary