President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. May 11, 2011. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Mayor Stokes and Rodney Scott arrived late.
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2011 Council Meeting and J. Panasiuk seconded. Unanimous.
Letter was read from Borough resident Kim Monteverde thanking Council for allowing the Potters Exchange to use the Borough meeting room for their workshop on April 30th and May 1st.
Note from Fran Chavar thanking the Borough Council and employees for the floral arrangement in memory of Joe Chavar.
Invitation from Lafayette College Meyner Center “Local Government Management during the Continuing Financial Crisis” June 7th, 2011.
Minutes received from the Riegelsville Wellhead Protection Annual meeting.
Flyer from Riegelsville American Legion Post # 950 asking permission to have the Memorial Day Parade on Sunday May 29th at 1 pm there is a change in the parade route. Council gave permission for the Annual parade.
President – T. Stinnett stated nothing to report at this time.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes has been working with Richard Wilson from the Riegelsville American Legion Post #950 on the Memorial Day parade schedule.
CITIZENS COMMENTS: Thomas Evanowski, Borough resident attended the Council meeting to help him prepare his research paper. T. Evanowski is a senior at Easton High School.
Community Affairs: Fire Co. News: April 22, 2011 is the last Fish Fry from 5pm-7pm. Sunday May 15, 2011 is the next Breakfast 8am~12:30pm. Ladies Auxiliary will be selling Easter Flowers on April 21, 22, 23, 2011 at the Antique Haven. First quarter fire/fire police activity report was sent to the Borough office.
Zoning: Kip Clayton spoke to St Lawrence Catholic church architect Michael Graeff regarding the proposed projects. Zoning permit fee changes will be put into a resolution and then put on the Council agenda. 122 Maplewood road has a barn roof that is falling down and needs to be addressed. K. Clayton will look into that on April 27th, 2011. Permits: 2 paving permits, 2 Tank removals, 1 Tank installed 1 reroof, 1 Emergency heater installation.
Library News: No one present
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: Pansies were planted at the Pedestrian
Bridge. The next meeting is Wednesday April 27th 2011 at 7pm. The Committee has been looking into
putting up an informational board at the Pedestrian Bridge to hide the electrical box.
EMS News: February 21, 2011 Board meeting minutes and chiefs report for March 2011 was
given to Council.
Rec Board News: Next meeting will be Tuesday April 26th 2011 at 7pm due to the Easter Monday.
Miscellaneous: J. Panasiuk attended the PA Wild & Scenic meeting. Topics covered were TCE contamination in Nockamixon, Fracking concerns and enforcement ideas, Delaware Tubing environmental issues regarding future plans. The next meeting will be held in Frenchtown, NJ in May.
Utilities: T. Stinnett reported to Borough Council that the Bucks County Planning Commission stated there needs to be a few changes to the proposed Zoning ordinances and will be discussed at the May 2nd 2011 Riegelsville Planning Commission meeting.
R. Scott reported that there is a water leak near 321 Easton Road. W. Dowd has been contacted to do the repair possibly the week of May 2, 2011
R. Scott reported that they will be starting more renovations at St. Lawrence Catholic Church and they would like to revisit the 6 inch water line. T. Stinnett reported that Council would like the results from the water flow rates when everything is running.
Discussion about the Borough street lights being changed to sodium vapor there has been a few complaints from Borough residents that the lights are too bright. Met-Ed has sent the Borough office a list of the upgraded lights.
Borough office received the receipt for the replacement of the mailbox $52.35 that the Borough truck had damaged during the snow storm.
Borough Engineer, Todd Nagle sent the Borough office the Pedestrian Bridge lighting punchlist with the completion of the project.
Streets and Properties: Matt Brady and Sonny Groller will be performing hydrant flushing May 16, 17 and 18th 2011 9pm to midnight.
Borough street sweeping will be May 25th and 26th 2011. REMARKS: Dates have changed to May 19th and 20th, 2011.
Cold patch has been ordered to finish the potholes.
Borough furnace will be cleaned June 8th, 2011.
Matt Brady reported to Council the following:
Cold patched on Sunday May 1st, 2011
Four Borough fences on Durham road need to be replaced, Council gave approval to replace.
Line paint needs to be ordered, T. Macaluso will check prices.
M. Brady would like to put 2a modified where the dead grass is on the inside of the fencing at Well #3.
Pedestrian Bridge Bike tire board needs to be wider.
Shoes and Blades need to be replaced on the two plows, S. Masteller will see if any suppliers participate in the Costar program.
K. Weiss stated that the Borough sign at the Borough Hall parking lot needs to be repaired or replaced.
Council discussion on the new Met-ed replacement lights, S. Masteller will get additional information and get back to Council for the Utilities meeting on May 18th, 2011.
Finance: Reynolds Business Systems delivered the Old Borough Council minutes and the two DVDs invoice will follow.
Yates Electric called and would like to know when to expect payment for the Pedestrian Lighting project. S. Masteller sent the DRJTB an e-mail to ask when the first reimbursement will be arriving and was told in approximately two weeks. Yates invoice will be added to the Borough bills for Council on May 11, 2011.
T. Macaluso went online to get prices for the street line paint and found a new supplier that will save the Borough $600.00. Council unanimously said order from the new supplier.
Motion to adopt Resolution R-02-11 Zoning Fee Schedule 2011 version. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to adopt J. Panasiuk seconded Unanimous.
Motion to advertise proposed Ordinance #218 changing the water bills into the property owner names NOT the tenant’s names. J. Panasiuk motioned to advertise E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous. This amendment will be added to the June 8th Council agenda.
S. Masteller attended the Bucks County Hazard mitigation meeting on Tuesday May 10th, 2011 from 2 to 4pm. S. Masteller will pass the information to Riegelsville Emergency Management.
R Scott motioned to approve bills as listed. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 8:35 PM
Sherry Masteller
Borough Secretary