
April 2011 Council minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30p.m. April 13, 2011. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Mayor Stokes and William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor

J. Panasiuk motioned to approve the minutes of the March 9, 2011 Council Meeting and K. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.


E-mail dated March 17th, 2011 from Danielle Bodnar, Senator Bob Mensch’s representative referencing the notes from the March 3rd. Bucks County Municipal meeting.

A letter dated April 4th, 2011 from EMC Insurance Companies referencing the Borough water heater claim.

A letter dated April 5th, 2011 from Bucks County Planning Commission announcing the April 28th meeting “Bucks County Comprehensive Plan update”. T. Stinnett will be attending.

A letter dated April 11th, 2011 from Indian Valley Appraisal Company in reference to the two Borough owned parking lots that will be used by PennDOT during the Canal Bridge construction.

A letter dated April 12th, 2011 from Beth Banko, Riegelsville Public Library Board of Trustees referencing 2 new members to the board.  (Referenced below in new business)


President – T. Stinnett reported sorry for the patchy walls as you can see we are doing some painting.

Mayor – Mayor Stokes continues to contact the State Police in reference to the additional speeding in the Borough due to the Milford/UBE Bridge being closed.  There has been additional State Police presence in the Borough.


James Porter, Boy Scout from Troop 127 presented to Council his Eagle Scout Project to refurbish the Civil War cannons near the Borough Hall building. He needs to have the project done by May 10th, 2011 due to his 18th Birthday.  Council unanimously approved J. Porter’s project.

Borough Resident, Kelly Drumgoole moved into town October 2010 and has a continued concerned about the health hazards at 709 Wayside Way and has spoke to the Borough Office and the Zoning Officer in reference to this issue. T. Stinnett stated that the Zoning officer, K. Clayton has already drafted a letter that the Borough Solicitor is looking over. K. Drumgoole is also concerned with the loud noise and partying 707 Wayside Way and T. Stinnett suggested calling the police for this disturbance.


Community Affairs:

Fire Co. News: Fish Fry’s are Fridays during Lent from 5pm-7pm. Sunday March 20th Breakfast 8am~12:30pm.

Zoning: Kip Clayton attended the FEMA meeting in Doylestown and gave Council the minutes. Oxford Diabetic is on schedule to fix the property sinkhole issues.  Tuesday April 5th at 7pm Zoning Hearing 1274 Easton Road (Old Riverstone Tavern).

Library News: Margaret Fritz, Library Board Member reported the following to Council:

Library Book Sale/Fair is May 20th and May 21st, 2011 plus Saturday May 28th. Hoagie Sale during

Primary Election on May 17th 2011.  “Friends of the Library” group is being revisited. Summer reading

Dates are set for June 21-August 4th, 2011. BCFL is providing each Library with a Nook e-book reader as

a grand prize for the Children participating in summer reading.

Statistical Highlights for February 2011:

Walk-in patrons: 605

Circulation: 1,373

Internet use: 27

Items lent out (within Bucks Co.) 232

Items borrowed (within Bucks) 227

Historical room visitors: 0

Total Cardholders: 984

Total Collection Size: 16,619 items

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: There is approximately 53 Coupons Booklets left.

EMS News: No news to report. S. Masteller will contact Joe Kulick for reports for the next meeting.

Rec Board News: Basket Bingo Fundraiser is scheduled for Sunday October 2nd 2011. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday March 28th 7pm.


T. Stinnett reported to the Borough office that there is a tree on the Verizon line on Sherer’s Hill Rd. Ask Matt if he could cut it down or call Verizon. Remarks: M. Brady did not feel comfortable to remove the tree from the phone line. S. Masteller will contact Verizon.

Borough Office received 2 complaints referencing the tires at Steve’s Garage. S. Masteller will contact the Landlord about this issue. Remarks: Mr. Gahman had the tires removed right away.

Borough tenant reported a broken window so S. Masteller will contact John Hadley to repair since he is scheduled to repair the southside basement door. Remarks: J. Hadley replaced the window and fixed the basement door but need to put a second coat on the window and the door.

Council discussed the current Landlord Ordinance.

Streets and Properties:

Allen Kugler gave an estimate of about $1300.00 to E. Bartosiewicz for a new hot water heater and to repair a leaky water pipe.  Council unanimously approved the estimate.

Council discussed the painting of the Meeting room and would like to be more informed before projects within the Borough are started.

Council discussed the Boy Scout working on the Cannon as an Eagle Scout project.

Council would like Matt Brady to come to the next Street/properties meeting on May 4th 2011.

Council discussed the Borough Park large ball field.


Council discussed the monitoring waivers fee of $300.00 for DEP for SOC”S water samples was discussed and will be put on the Council agenda April 13, 2011.

Borough zoning officer Kip Clayton did not attend the Zoning Hearing on April 5th 2011 but K. Weiss attended and reported to Council that Variance was approved for a Commercial restaurant and apartments.

Mueller’s asked if a Shad Tournament could be sent out to the Borough E-mail list but only non-profits are allowed to be sent via the Borough E-mail lists.

Mayor Stokes reported to Council the progress of the Fern Meadows escrow account.


Approval of a check for $1350.00 to Kugler Plumbing (replace Hot water heater/Leak in water pipe) R. Scott motioned E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unaimous

Approval of check for $300.00 to PA DEP for water testing waiver. R. Scott motioned to approve J. Panasiuk seconded Unanimous


Approval to appoint Margaret Fritz and Kim Ulrey to the Riegelsville Library Board   E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint and J. Panasiuk seconded   Unanimous

Sherry Masteller, Riegelsville Borough Secretary presented to Borough Council requested time off.

Council discussed the Northampton TCC  Earned income Tax ordinance to be effective January 2012.


E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills as listed.  R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.

T. Stinnett announced immediately following the Borough Council meeting there will be an executive session to discuss legal issues.

meeting adjourned 8:45 PM

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