
September 2009 Minutes

President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. September 9, 2009. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken.  PRESENT:    Edward Bartosiewicz, Kathleen Weiss, Thomas Stinnett,

Rodney Scott, Rich Strawn and Mayor David Gerstenberg

R. Strawn motioned to approve the minutes of the August 12, 2009 Council Meeting and Rodney Scott seconded.  Unanimous.


A letter was read from Bucks County Emergency Management announcing the quarterly training on September 15, 2009 1pm session and 7pm session Location is 911 Freedom Way, Ivyland PA.

A letter was read from Bucks County Borough Association’s general membership meeting is September 22, 2009.

A letter was read from Dennis Baver, Senior Mechanical Engineer with Spotts, Stevens and McCoy provided the Borough with the energy assessment that was needed for the PA Conservation Works! Grant.

A letter was read from William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor in reference to Borough of Riegelsville v. Patrick Johnsen.  The judgment was satisfied immediately.

A letter was read from William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor in reference to Cook vs. Riegelsville Borough.

A letter from Carl Dicker, Borough Engineer in reference to the 2009 paving project bid review.


President- No report

Mayor – No report

CITIZENS COMMENTS: Kathryn Andersen, Borough Resident would like to hold the Riegelsville Tax and Education committee meeting on October 8th in the Borough meeting room.  Since the meeting is Open to the public Council agreed they could have it in the meeting room.

Mike Cavallaro, Borough Property Owner, has purchased the Moll property on Durham Road that the Borough was condemning.  M. Cavallaro feels that Dave Taylor, Borough Zoning Officer/ Building Inspector is not doing his job correctly and would like Council to investigate D. Taylor’s actions.  T. Stinnett stated that Borough Council will look into this issue with legal Council.

Adam Maziuk, Upper Bucks Regional Emergency Medical Services Chief, attended this Council meeting to give Council their Financial Statement year ended December 31, 2008.  A. Maziuk reported that the statement shows their financial needs.  Payroll alone is half a million dollars a year plus they just purchased a new ambulance. A. Maziuk reported that the Borough’s support is very much needed.


Community Affairs: Carl Dicker, Borough Engineer opened the bids for the 2009 Paving Project SSM File 108308.0013


Barker & Barker Corp. $48450.00

GoreCon, Inc.  $59455.00

Lehigh Valley Site Contractors $68495.00

Harris Blacktopping, Inc. $82874.50

Carl will look over the bids and will send Council his recommendation before the Council makes a decision during the September 9, 2009 Council meeting.

Citizen’s Comments: None


Library News: Margaret Fritz, Library Board Representative expressed a big thank-you to Council for the donation.  The summer reading program had a record year: in July alone, they had 11 programs with 440 attendees.  Julia Sefton started as Children’s Services Coordinator on August 4.  Cathy Sorace’s last day is August 8.  Movie night will start September 11 with the movie “Iron Giant”

Statistical Highlights for July 2009:

Walk-in patrons: 990 (up 13% from June)

Circulation: 1,830 (up 350% from June)

Internet use: 70 (Up 256% from June

Items lent out (within Bucks Co.) 225 (level steady)

Items borrowed (within Bucks) 266 (level steady)

Riegelsville library cardholders: 973

Total size of Library Collection: 16,003 items

Zoning: Dave Taylor, Riegelsville Zoning Officer was not able to be here but gave S. Masteller his report.

2 permits: 1. Roof Repair

2. Fence

4 projects in review:

1. Durham Road Shop

2.  Riegelsville Inn

3. Lawn Mower repair

4. Fence

A special exception was granted to Kurt and Maureen Woerner from the Zoning Hearing Board to expand impervious surface, and it included a diminimus building coverage variance.  A zoning Hearing Board application has been submitted by Mike Cavallaro on behalf of Mechanics Hall Foundation, LLC with regards to TMP: 38-006-211, the former “Moll” Property.  This zoning hearing has been continued until September 10, 2009 in order for the applicant to submit a revised plan set/response to D. Taylor’s initial review of this project.  Assuming the submission is received in a timely fashion.  D. Taylor stated he commit to doing his best to review the submission ahead of the September 10, 2009 meeting date.  The previous issued structural repair permit for this project has been re-instated.  .

Downtown Enhancement Committee (DEC) News: Two benches were donated and installed by Paolinis Cement Co. in Raubsville.  The bicycle rack and the 2 trash cans are on order.

EMS News: No news to report.  S. Masteller will check with J. Kulick to see if he has information for us. Remarks: Adam Maziuk will send the monthly meeting info to the Borough Office.

Rec Board News: S. Masteller reported that they are looking into purchasing a new utility shed for the Park.  The next Rec Board meeting is August 31 at 7pm.

Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that they have purchased a new Brush


Utilities: Council has been looking into replacing the current Laboratory that tests the Borough water system. Dick Meade, Borough Water Operator suggests contracting QC Laboratories that he using and is very satisfied with there service.  Council agreed we should switch to QC.  S. Masteller will let D. Meade know Council’s decision.

Council discussed the water work that needs to be done so that St Lawrence will have increased water pressure.  T. Stinnett suggests that St Lawrence needs to calculate how much pressure they will need to run all the new equipment.  R. Scott stated he will talk to them about this issue. Remarks: T. Stinnett talked to W. Dowd, Excavator about the current proposal for the work to be done on Elmwood and Council would like to get just the Valve work done at the corner of Church and Elmwood at this time.

D. Gerstenberg received the results from having the Oil Tank Inspected by ATS Environmental Services.  The soil Testing passed but the tank has failed because a leak was detected in the tank or associated piping that exceeds 0.10 gallons per hour.  ATS recommends that the Borough isolate the tank from the piping by uncovering the top of the tank and removing the vent and product lines from the system and repairing the pipe.  During this step the tank will need to be retested.  Council decided to table this decision until the Borough receives the results from the PA Works Grant.

Streets and Properties: Carl Dicker, Borough Engineer reviewed the 2009 Paving Project and prepared a bid tabulation.  This correspondence will be read and voted during the September 9th Council meeting.

Gary Schultz, Dale Wood Co. Service Representative is requesting the Borough repair the fill pipe on the oil tank.  This quote will be addressed during Council.

The drain box at the bottom of Delaware Road Hill has a large hole next to it.  R. Strawn will take a look at it and report back to Council.

The outside basement door (South) in the Borough Building needs to be replaced.  Council suggested S. Masteller contact Mr. Hadley, Carpenter for an estimate to fix the door.

Finance: Dave Taylor, Borough Building Code Official gave Council a memo asking the Borough to purchase the new ICC 2009 code book set that will be available for purchase in January 2010.  Council asked S. Masteller to contact Keystone Municipal Services and see if the Borough could use their member number and get the discount. Remarks: Rich O’Brien, President of Keystone Municipal Services stated that the Borough could use their member number to receive the discount.

T. Macaluso spoke to Sue Mathias, First Savings Branch Manager about the Road Repair Loan for $17,000.00.  FSB rate is 5%.  T. Macaluso is waiting for QNB rates to compare.

During the September 9th Council meeting a delegate and one alternate will need to be appointed to the Tax Collection Committee.


R. Strawn motioned to approve W. Dowd, Excavating to replace the 4 water valves to 1 water value at the corner of Elmwood and Church Road.

E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the additional $62.62 for the freight of the bike rack   R. Scott seconded    Unanimous.

R. Strawn motioned to approve check $2078.00 to MR Weaver Excavating (Water line repair @ Delaware Rd) K. Weiss seconded   Unanimous

R. Strawn motioned to approve the 2009 paving project low bid $48,450.00 to Gaver Industries dba Barker and Barker Corp.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous

No motion needed for Dale Wood Co. to replace fill pipe at the oil tank for $155.00 with M. Brady digging around the tank.

E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve Resolution R-06-09 appointing a Tax Collection Committee (TCC) Delegate Tom Stinnett, First Alternate Kathleen Weiss, and Second Alternate Ed Bartosiewicz    K. Weiss seconded   Unanimous

OTHER BUSINESS none to report


E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills as listed K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.  Next Council Meeting scheduled October 14, 2009

7:30 pm.

Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary

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