President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:35 p.m. August 12, 2009. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Kathleen Weiss, Thomas Stinnett, Rodney Scott (Appointed 8:34pm) and Mayor David Gerstenberg ABSENT: Rich Strawn
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2009 Council Meeting and K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
A letter was read from William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor to Marie Guidry, Easton Area School District and Drew Bishop, Palisades School District referencing the Tax Exempt refunds need to be forwarded to the Borough. T. Stinnett stated that the check has been received from the Easton School District.
A letter was read from PA DEP in reference to the Planning Module for the Land Development of the Poplar Road Subdivision, stating same meets requirements.
Two letters were read from William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor to James F. Preston, Esquire in reference to the Land use appeal~ Daniel K. Cook vs. Borough of Riegelsville
A letter was read from Lynn Bush, Executive Director Bucks County Planning Commission in reference to the possible updating of the Borough’s Open Space Plan.
A letter was read from Philip Getty, Environmental Hydrogeologist with Boucher & James, Inc. inviting Council to an Environmental Advisory Committee meeting on September 26, 2009
A letter was read from Carl Dicker, Borough Engineer in reference to the public improvements that remain to be completed from the original escrow agreement with Fern Meadows Estates.
A letter was read from Doreen Moyer, First Savings Insurance in reference to the quote proposal.
A letter was read from William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor to Daniel Rufe in reference to Fern Meadows Escrow.
A letter was read from Dayna McNichol in reference to the Footbridge and the Canal Towpath. T. Stinnett will respond via letter to D. McNichol.
President- No report
Mayor – D. Gerstenberg reported that Spotts, Stevens and McCoy are working on the PA Conservation Works Grant to replace the Boiler system, new windows and Insulation for the attic. D. Gerstenberg has been obtaining estimates for heating systems and windows. The Grant is due on Friday August 14, 2009.
Bob Rainey, Downtown Enhancement Committee member reported that the Boy Scout sign dedication was postponed due to the weather. From the fundraising efforts they would like to purchase 2 Trash cans and a bicycle rack. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to purchase 2 trash cans for a Maximum cost of $700.00. K. Weiss Seconded Unanimous. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to purchase a bicycle rack for 4 bikes to be placed by the Post Office at a cost not to exceed $500. K. Weiss seconded Unanimous.
JoAnne Walsh, Downtown Enhancement Committee reported that the 2 benches should be delivered and set up this week by Paolini’s Cement.
Community Affairs:
Zoning: Dave Taylor, Riegelsville Zoning Officer reported;
2 permits: 1. Roof Repair
2. Two (2) replacement water services
4 projects in review:
1. Durham Road Shop
2. Riegelsville Inn
3. Lawn Mower repair
4. Fence
ZHB petition was granted on 6/23/2009 for 919 Easton Road (Former Old Oscar’s Garage) Parcel #38-006-057 and is awaiting a formal signed decision. A ZHB application has been submitted by Mike Cavallaro on Behalf of Mechanics Hall Foundation, LLC with regard to Parcel #38-006-211 (Former Moll Property). M. Cavallaro wrote T. Stinnett a note stating that the current stakes that where placed on the grass next to the Pedestrian Bridge for benches may be on his property and he is in the process of having the property surveyed. M. Cavallaro therefore requested the placement of the benches be delayed until completion of the survey.
Library News: Now that they have the new speaker system they are going to do movie nights this summer. The summer reading program is a huge success with 150 Children signed up.
Statistical Highlights for June 2009
Walk-in patrons: 823 (up 57% from May)
Circulation: 1,603 (up 17%)
Internet use: 27
Items lent out (within Bucks Co.) 253 (up 25%)
Items borrowed (within Bucks) 266 (up 70%)
Downtown Enhancement Committee( DEC) News: The Borough received a letter from Elissa G. Thorne, Vice President/Heritage Programs with Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor denying the $1000.00 matching grant for the “Welcome signs”. E. Thorne stated the final design and end product do not reflect the required design guidelines. J. Walsh, Downtown Enhancement Committee member sent all the pictures of the signs with the original grant paperwork. Plus J. Walsh was in contact via phone and e-mail with E. Thorne through the whole process. T. Stinnett will write a letter to E. Thorne. The DEC is also looking into putting trash cans and possible a picnic table by the Pedestrian Bridge. John Letko, From Oxford Diabetic spoke to S. Masteller about the possibility that they could donate a bench or something of value.
EMS News: S. Masteller spoke to Joe Kulick, Durham Manager and a member of the EMS board. J. Kulick will obtain a monthly update for Council.
Rec Board News: S. Masteller reported that the utility shed at the park was vandalized (ripped the roof shingles off down to the plywood) so we have discussed getting it replaced and we are getting prices together. A suggestion from a neighbor was that we turn the Met-Ed light on again.
Utilities: Dave Gerstenberg, Borough Mayor would like to see the contractor that has been using the Borough Park to access the Canal to put down finer stone when they are completely finished. S. Masteller will contact the Contractor.
E. Bartosiewicz met with Fran McPeek, chimney inspector from Altemos to see the pictures of the Chimney and to discuss what needs to be done. Council was able to see the pictures too. D. Gerstenberg stated that we could possibly change to a propane system and then we would not have to worry about the current chimney issues.
T. Stinnett would like to meet with W. Dowd, Excavator to discuss the 5 hydrants that need to be replaced and also the St Lawrence water line issues. S. Masteller will call and set that meeting up for next week.
Streets and Properties:
R. Strawn reported that Wayne Nicholas cleaned out the drains on up Spring Hill Road and Scherers Hill Road. R. Strawn reported that the one drain at Spring Hill Road and 611 is PennDot’s responsibility to maintain. R. Strawn asked S. Masteller to contact PennDot and R. Strawn will meet with them. E. Bartosiewicz asked if R. Strawn had looked at Durham Road and Ceder Road. The bank is washing out and is probably affecting the road too. R. Strawn has looked at it and will take care of the issue.
D. Gerstenberg spoke to Todd Myers, Riegelsville Fire Chief to see if he could inspect the Borough Building for fire safety.
John Hadley, Contractor sent a proposal for window repairs for the first floor of the Borough Building. Council tabled this proposal due to the possibility of the Borough applying for the PA CONSERVATION WORKS Grant.
The drain south on Wayside Way by the alley needs to be looked at since it fills up and drains very slow. T. Stinnett said to have M. Brady look for a leak with the detector. T. Stinnett stated that we need to table this expense to a later time.
Council decided to obtain different quotes for the Borough’s Insurance so Doreen Moyer and Neil Schwan, Insurance Agents from First Savings attended to answer any questions Council might have and to compare the 2 quotes. A lengthy discussion continued. Council will make a decision next week at the Council meeting.
Terminex will be increasing the service bill by $3.00
The Fire Co., EMS, and the Library’s donations should be put on the Council Agenda for next week.
K. Weiss motioned to appoint Rodney Scott to vacant council seat (Term August 2009~December 31, 2009) E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous R. Scott was sworn in at 8:34pm.
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint First Savings Insurance, Inc. as the new insurance carrier for the Borough K. Weiss seconded Unanimous.
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to authorize SSM, Borough Engineer to prepare a Heating System Study not to exceed $4000.00 R. Scott seconded Unanimous
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to authorize SSM, Borough Engineer to prepare the PA Conservation Works Grant fee is $2000.00~ $4000.00. R. Scott seconded Unanimous
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve check to ATS- Advanced Tank Services $385.00 K. Weiss seconded Unanimous
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve check to Bi-State Construction $127,043.38 (Pedestrian Bridge Project) K. Weiss seconded Unanimous
K. Weiss motioned to approve check to Wayne Nicholas $485.00 (Cleaning ditches on Sherers Hill/Spring Hill Road)
OTHER BUSINESS none to report
K. Weiss motioned to approve bills as listed R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:52 pm. Next Council Meeting scheduled September 9, 2009
7:30 pm.
J. David Xander
Acting Borough Secretary