
February 2011 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30p.m. February 9, 2011. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes

R. Scott motioned to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2011 Council Meeting and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.


A letter was read from Art Mazzei, Owner Addison Wolfe Real Estate referencing the 28 acre property for sale in Riegelsville.  T. Myers, Borough Engineer has a specific acreage for a future septic system.

Borough Office received the 2010 meeting minutes from the Riegelsville Planning Commission


President – Nothing to report

Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he received another call from a Borough resident referencing the continued problem with the storm drain overflow on Wayside way by the Post Office building. E. Bartosiewicz will contact the Post office building property owner in reference to this continued issue.



Community Affairs: Fire Co. News: Todd Myers, Riegelsville Fire Chief, reported to Council that the 2010 Financials/Budget will be forwarded very shortly. They received a Grant for the Garage doors. One fireman has passed firefighter one training. They are in need of a new furnace. Monthly Breakfast has declined.  December count was 290.

Zoning: Kip Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer, was not present but gave a copy of his report to S. Masteller for this meeting.  8 permits were approved: 2 re-roof 2 electrical panel, HVAC upgrade, paving, fence, addition. A letter was sent to Oxford Diabetic, concerning the storm water runoff. Preliminary flood maps are in the Borough Zoning office.

Library News: Debbie Jo Mitchell, Library Treasurer reported to Council the following:

Statistical Highlights for December 2010:

Walk-in patrons: 500

Circulation: 1,190

Internet use: 38

Items lent out (within Bucks Co.) 190

Items borrowed (within Bucks) 223

Historical room visitors: 4

Total Cardholders (as of 12/31/10): 1,097

Total Collection Size: 16,876 items

The annual Cookie Sale on December 19th, 2010 profited $914.00.  Six Library Board members and volunteers spent an enjoyable day at the Palmer Park Mall on December 24th, 2010 wrapping presents profited $559.00.  The next fundraiser is the Annual Library Fair/Book Fair is scheduled for May 20th and 21st 2011.  2010 Federal Tax Forms have started to arrive.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: They will not be selling hoagies for Super bowl Sunday.

EMS News: J. Panasiuk attended the EMS monthly meeting in December.  The November 2010 minutes were approved.  Oxford Diabetic donated $5000.00 of testing supplies. They would like to offer a Basic CPR class for those that are interested more information to follow.  Class size is 6 people and the cost is $35.00.

Rec Board News: Next Fundraiser will be in March “Basket Bingo”.  February will be softball sign-ups.

Mail Box: Council discussed what policies they will make when a mailbox is taken down by a Borough worker during the bad weather.  S. Masteller gave Council different municipalities rules and regulations.  S. Masteller will contact the Borough resident to discuss the problem.

Bamboo Issue: Borough resident at the corner of Delaware and 611 has been called on many occasions due to the bamboo obstructing traffic on 611 during stormy weather.  The Borough resident is responsible for keeping their property maintained.  The Borough resident said she has already contacted the State Police referencing this problem.

Eagle Scout, Borough Resident James Porter would like to help the Borough for his Eagle Scout project. Council suggested the triangle of shrubs by the Borough parking lot, Borough sign in the parking lot, Score Board at the Borough Park. S. Masteller will contact James with these suggestions and invite him to a meeting.

919 Easton Road/ Oscar’s Garage Borough office received a call from a possible tenant to lease the property for a Small equipment wood working/splitting fire wood to sell to businesses in bundles.  This would be the second location. The other location is in Quakertown. Council asked if it will be noisy and if they are splitting wood outside.  S. Masteller will call and get more information.

Borough resident would like to invite a potter to their Pottery Group and use the Borough meeting room April 30th and May 1st 2011. Council would like more info to see if they will be using a kiln. S. Masteller will get this information and report back to Council. Remarks: They will not be using a kiln and they will clean up after.

Utilities: E. Bartosiewicz reported to Council that a four way stop sign should be placed at Poplar and Ash. Plus a “slow children playing” or “No Outlet” sign would help too.

T. Myers, Borough Engineer reported that the Borough receive the preliminary FEMA Maps. Council unanimously approved Kip Clayton to be the Borough’s Flood Plan Officer. S. Masteller will send an e-mail referencing the FEMA preliminary maps plus put the FEMA website on the Borough’s website. S. Masteller will also put up flyers up in a few local businesses.

R. Scott received information from a Tyler Basinger, Commercial Energy Consultant with Gexa Energy.  T. Basinger stated that the Borough’s current rate is a good rate but will probably rise before the summer months. R. Scott will watch the monthly Met-Ed statements for increases. S. Masteller will contact Met-Ed to make sure the upgrades are being done plus see if a Resolution is needed.

E. Bartosiewicz discussed with Council the possibility to have a thermostat put in the apartment. S. Masteller will ask N. Zangli about this project when he looks into the water tank project.

K. Weiss suggested contacting Representative Quinn and Senator Bob Mensch to see if there is any funding available for new furnaces. S. Masteller will contact their offices. S. Masteller sent an e-mail to both offices.

Streets and Properties: 1212 Easton Road property owners expressed to Council that the alley to their property is not getting plowed and they have had to hire a private company to take care of it plus the owner needed to get a ride to work since she couldn’t get out of the alley. S. Masteller stated the Borough office has had a few complaints about the alleys and immediately contacts M. Brady or E. Bartosiewicz to investigate the complaint. Council proceeded with a lengthy discussion into winter road and alley policies.  Council also suggested that the Borough purchase a snow blower for next year.


S. Masteller has not received a call back from Nick Zangli in reference to the few projects that need to be taken care of with the hot water heater.  Council suggested contacting another local person Ed Frank.  Council unanimously agreed to give E. Frank a call.

S. Masteller has not heard back from 300 Maple Lane referencing the damaged mail box.

Finance: S. Masteller reported that T. Macaluso does not feel comfortable processing the civil complaint to Judge DuBree in reference to the Fern Meadows Estates demand for Escrow funds. Mayor Stokes stated he would meet with Tammy and go forward with this process.

Mark Kutnyak will be leasing 919 Easton Road for a  wood splitting/fire wood business. S. Masteller contacted Mark and he stated that the wood splitters are going to be used inside. No loud noise.  Mark would like to fix the building up.


Approval of Resolution R-01-11 Appointment of Tax Collection Committee Delegates:

Primary Voting delegate: Thomas Stinnett

First alternate voting delegate: Kathleen Weiss

Second alternate voting delegate: Edward Bartosiewicz

R. Scott motioned to approve J. Panasiuk seconded Unanimous

Approval of Borough Credit Card payment of $485.78 to Florig (Hydraulic pimp for Dump Truck) R. Scott motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous

Borough Code #1312 Modification of Budget can be done with a possible rent increase for the tenant. R. Scott motioned to increase the rent $25.00 a month stating April 1, 2011 and also implement a one year lease. E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous

Riegelsville Planning Commission has been working on redoing the Borough Zoning Ordinance. Council will look over the changes at the Community Affairs meeting next week.  Approval to send the proposed Zoning Ordinance to Bucks County Planning Commission once Council has looked over the proposed Zoning Ordinance.  K. Weiss motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous

K. Weiss suggested contacting Fred Raub in reference to purchasing a snow blower for the Borough.


Sycamore Road is getting a lot of potholes due to the weather. T. Myers, Borough Engineer reported it seems to be a sub grade issue. Cold patch would be a temporary solution is cracks get deeper.


E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills as listed.  J. Panasiuk seconded.  Unanimous.

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