President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. June 10, 2009. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Strawn, Kathleen Weiss, Steve Lance, Thomas Stinnett, Mayor David Gerstenberg and William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor
R. Strawn motioned to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2009
Council Meeting and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Riegelsville Library minutes were received from March/April/May 2009.
A letter was read from Carl Dicker, Borough Engineer in reference to their review and consideration of the Quaint Oak Bank preliminary/Final plan- 2nd Submission.
A letter was read from the Tinicum Township Board of Supervisors in reference to consider as part of the budget process to adopt dedicated mileage for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to give UBREMS and any other EMS providers who service the community as a dedicated funding source.
A letter was read from Curtin & Heefner, Solicitor for Nockamixon Township in reference to a letter dated April 15, 2009 from Mr. Lance Arbor stating that he was writing on behalf of himself and not the Township Board of Supervisors.
A letter was read from Linda Boss, Borough resident in reference to the recent water valve issue. She was not notified and would like to know the procedure for contacting Borough residents. S. Masteller contacted Ms. Boss and explained the procedures.
A note was read from Jennifer Heisey, Appalachian Trail Club thanking the Borough for Co-hosting the “Welcome to PA” Highland Trail Celebration on May 16th, 2009
A letter was read from Scott Guidos, Van Cleef Engineering in reference to the Quaint Oak Bank preliminary/final plan. S. Guidos will be revising the plans to in include 6 items that are needed to complete the plans. S. Guidos was present at tonight’s meeting just in case Council had any questions about the plans.
A letter was read from Bucks County Conservation District hereby acknowledging and accepting the notice of termination for permit #PAG2000905032 Patrick S. Johnsen.
A letter of intent was read from Borough Resident Dirk Odhner to be appointed to the Riegelsville Zoning Hearing Board. E. Bartosiewicz made a motion to appoint and S. Lance seconded Unanimous
A letter of intent was read from Borough Resident’s Mary Ann Rodenberger and Michael Walsh to be appointed as alternates to the Riegelsville Zoning Hearing Board. E. Bartosiewicz made a motion to appoint and S. Lance seconded Unanimous
A letter was read from Margaret A. Fischer, Retired School Superintendent in reference to the deplorable condition of the Historical Riegelsville Academy Building.
S. Masteller received a phone message from Dave Xander, Borough resident in reference to the correspondence in the April 2009 Council minutes. D. Xander would like the minutes to be amended to include the complete letter from the December 2008 Court Order of J. David Xander and Barbara Xander- Appeal of Kosacci Group LLC. William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor stated that the April 2009 minutes have been approved and there is no need to amend them. The court order was put in the property file. The letter dated March 16, 2009 states that Bucks County Tax Parcel 38-3-62 and 38-3-61 are considered merged for zoning purposes. That is under the Riegelsville Borough Zoning Ordinance; the parcels constitute one tract and may not be developed separately.
S. Masteller would like to thank Borough Council and the Borough Employees for the beautiful planter for the passing of her Step-Father James Silverthorn.
President- T. Stinnett stated that Council previous to this meeting had an executive session and stated that tomorrow evening at 6:30 is the final Cook hearing.
T. Stinnett thanked Elaine Albrecht for planting the flowers in the Borough’s planters.
Mayor – D. Gerstenberg wants to address the letter from Margaret Fischer in reference to the Borough Building; D. Gerstenberg asked Council if we have a plan to do some repairs. T. Stinnett stated that the budget has a line item for repairs but it is not much. D. Gerstenberg would like to see the Borough employees painting and repairing the building. D. Gerstenberg recommends that the Council develop a 2 or 5 year plan to get this building fixed. T. Stinnett said that D. Gerstenberg should put a recommendation together for the next Streets/Properties Committee meetings. The Committee meetings are working meetings for Council members.
Community Affairs: Zoning: Dave Taylor, Riegelsville Zoning Officer was not able to attend tonight meeting due to a family commitment but he sent his written report. 5 permits were issued. A ZHB application was submitted for Parcel 38-006-057, 919 Easton Road (old Oscar’s Garage Property)
Downtown Enhancement Committee News: Joeseph Carnes, Boy Scout would like to have a dedication for the New “Welcome to Riegelsville Signs” and also to get permission to do some landscaping around the signs. Council decided that they will discuss these 2 questions at the Downtown Enhancement Meeting on May 27th.
EMS News: No news to report
Rec Board: No news to report
Library News: Nothing new to report Ann Anderson gave a report at the May 10th Council.
Utilities: 221 Maple Lane would like to get a new water meter due to the high usage. T. Macaluso said that Matt has checked the meter and it reads the same inside and out. The home owner has said that nothing is leaking and she does not use a lot of water. K. Weiss will have a neighbor check over the faucets and toilets to make sure there isn’t anything running to increase the water usage. K. Weiss will get back to Council with the findings and then a decision can be made. Remarks: Kathy will contact Jan Powell and see if he could do the die test. E. Bean did say to S. Masteller that he has checked over things and he doesn’t see anything running.
New homeowners at 221 Walnut Lane requested in writing that the water service be shut-off for the Salon (Converted from a garage). They do understand that if they need the water to be turned back on that there is a $100.00 resumption service fee.
Borough resident Ellen Clemens (who arrived after meeting started) stated that she got a second notice to pay her water bill but she never received the original bill. She does not want to have to pay the late fee since she never received the original bill. The committee agreed to recommend that Council forego the fees. Council will make a decision on this at the next Council meeting. Remarks: R. Strawn motioned to forego the fees E. Bartosiewicz seconded unanimous
Streets and Properties: Dave Gerstenberg questioned whether the Borough should be responsible for the cleanup of the right-of-way on Spring Hill Road. Rich stated that the Borough has been cleaning up right-of-ways on Borough Roads for years. Rich also stated that there are trees that are hanging down that need to be taken down by the property owner. Dave would also like a letter to be sent to Mr. Richard Weiss, in regards to his lack of property maintenance on his barn property and across the street from it. Dave also asked what the status of the burning ordinance is. Tom answered that there is a state ordinance regarding open burning and that a representative from the state is supposed to enforce this ordinance but has yet to return calls made from the Borough. Rich informed the committee that the lawn of Emma Brotzman needs to be repaired because it was damaged by the snow plow; just a little bit of dirt needs to be taken up to patch the lawn. Dave asked who is responsible for Matt, the Borough Laborer, and is he still on Borough time when he goes on a fire call. Ed explained numerous times to Dave that once he leaves to go on a fire call that he “turns into a fireman” and is covered by the Workers Compensation, paid by the Borough. Tammy asked if Dave wants Matt to stop getting paid by the Borough from the moment he leaves to go on the fire call to the moment he returns. Dave feels that he shouldn’t be paid Borough wages while he is on a fire call. Kathie pointed out that Quakertown Borough and Perkasie Borough has applied jointly for a $1.5 million dollar grant to upgrade their streetlights from 175-watt lights to LED lights that only use 33 to 50 watts. Maybe we could check into that to upgrade our lights. This grant is a 75-25 grant, the state paying the 75%. Remarks: This Grant is closed. Kathie asked what the dates are for the replacement of the canal bridge. Tom said that the temporary bridge is slated to be installed by the end of the year. Ed mentioned to Dave that he did not receive any automated calls when the water was shut off. Dave explained that a switch in the switch house needs to be updated or the Borough needs to be divided into thirds so as all of the calls don’t go out at once, maybe separated by a minute or two. Ed mentioned that the Diabetic place is now parking all down Durham Road and on Cedar and has now taken up all the parking south of Maplewood, which they really aren’t parking on much anymore. Dave would like to know if we are going to be installing a guide rail by the new footbridge. He feels it is needed for safety. Ed stated that we need one more parking space by the footbridge and Dave said that if that happens then we really do need a guide rail there. David Ott asked permission on behalf of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church to put out cones on Delaware Road during Church Service on Sunday. The committee sees no problem with that. Dave spoke to a worker that is using the Borough Park for access to the canal repair about it being used as a “staging area”. The worker stated that it would be cleaned up, and it was, but not to Dave’s satisfaction. Also, Dave said they have not removed the truck that was the Borough’s. Tom said to put the title to the truck in his box and he will sign it to hand over to the company. Dave also explained that there will be no more Wide Waters and we are not sure who owns it. Tom said that DCNR maintains that they own from the center of the canal to 8 feet on the west side of the berm.
Finance: Univest Insurance Inc. would like to have the Borough sign a Broker of Record letter to allow them to exclusively obtain an insurance quote from Selective Ins. Co. Tom stated that we are not going to do that because we are obtaining quotes from another insurance company that will be contacting Selective.
Kathie would like a letter to be sent to the Lopez residence for lack of property maintenance at the south end of the Borough in the area where the Borough sign used to be.
Tom questioned the amount of money listed in the Open Space line item on the financial reports. Tammy informed him the money is from the Master Site Plan Grant.
Rich questioned if the Borough is going to return the money from the TAN Note. Tom stated that we should return the money with this month’s bills. Tammy will call the bank and ask for a payoff.
Kathie questioned what monies were spent in the building maintenance account. The furnace repairs were put under this account.
Approval of check for Altemos Boiler repair balance $867.94 K. Weiss motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous
R. Strawn made a motion to not charge Ms. Clemens, Borough Resident the late fees on her water bill since she did not receive the original bill. E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unaimous
Approval of check to QNB for Tax Anticipation Loan pay-off $60,244.24 K. Weiss motioned to approve S. Lance seconded Unanimous
Approval of check to Donna DeAngelins-Lehman (Cook hearing Court reporter) $796.50 E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve S. Lance seconded Unanimous
Approval of check to Wayne Dowd for Valve replacement $7,756.99 S. Lance motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous
Approval of check to RMR for $735.87 above the budget due to the Valve replacement S. Lance motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the Preliminary/ Final Plans from Quaint Oak Bank for the Poplar Subdivision. S. Lance seconded Unanimous
Approval of Resolution #R-05-09 Right of Way claim # 0900543000 PennDot Canal project to authorize T. Stinnett, Council President to sign the Right of Way paperwork. E. Bartosiewicz made a motion to approve the Resolution and K. Weiss seconded Unanimous
Honey Bees are above the front center door of the Borough Building. S. Masteller has contacted a Bucks County Bee Keeper and he has put us on his priority list. Once he removes them we will just need to patch the holes.
S. Lance motioned to approve bills as listed E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm. Next Council Meeting scheduled July 8, 2009
7:30 pm.
Sherry L. Masteller
Borough Secretary