
May 2009 Minutes

President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. May 13, 2009. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken.  PRESENT:    Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Strawn, Kathleen Weiss, Thomas Stinnett and Mayor David Gerstenberg. ABSENT: Steve Lance

R. Strawn motioned to approve the minutes of the April 08, 2009

Council Meeting and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.


A letter was read from PA DEP to inform us of the change in the administration of the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act in Bucks County.  For many years, Bucks County Department of Health has been delegated the authority to ensure compliance and perform monitoring in Bucks County pursuant to the Act and its regulations.  Effective May 30, 2009, the PADEP will assume direct responsibility for all the compliance, enforcement, and inspectional activities by the Act.

A note was read from Mr. and Mrs. Rich Strawn thanking Council and employees for the beautiful planter during their difficult time with the loss of their son Larry.

A letter was read from the Bucks County Planning Commission with their review of the preliminary/final plan of Subdivision- Quaint Oak Bank TMP #38-3-4.

A letter was read from Richard G. Myers, Citizen Action Coordinator Delaware Riverkeeper Network in reference to the Cook rezoning proposal.

A letter was read from Bucks County Emergency management announcing their quarterly training June 16, 2009.

A letter was read from Todd R. Myers, Community Fire Company #1 Fire Chief in reference to the Fireman’s Relief Association Audit Report.

Suzanne Barnhurst, Membership & Business Development with the Upper Bucks Chamber of Commerce stopped in the Borough office to inform the Borough of the New River Town Revitalization Project.  Council asked S. Masteller to get more information.

Suzan Detwiler, Donor Resources Representative with Miller-Keystone Blood Center dropped off information and would like to bring their half-pint mobile unit to do a blood drive for 7 people.  Council agreed that this would be a good idea and S. Masteller will contact S. Detwiler.


President- T. Stinnett stated that after the April 8th Council meeting Council had an Executive Session in reference to a personnel matter.  T. Stinnett would like to thank Council for the planter in passing of his Mother-In Law.   June 11, 2009 @ 6:30 p.m.is the Cook rezoning decision. T. Stinnett will receive the transcripts via E-mail at least 10 days before the hearing.

Mayor – D. Gerstenberg stated he is working with Bucks County with the Ready Notify system that we used for the recent water valve issue.  D. Gerstenberg will get more information and pass that onto Council.

CITIZENS COMMENTS: Ann Anderson, Riegelsville Library Board Member presented a Library report.  They have hired Catherine Sorace as the Children’s Services Supervisor and she started work on May 5th, 2009.  Catherine will kick off the summer reading program on June 20th.  T. Stinnett stated that during a discussion at the Wellhead Protection meeting last month an idea came up for the library to utilize the water model. Maybe Catherine could use the model to help educate the children about the water system.  A. Anderson stated that is was used during a past Library fair.  The website is being updated.  April 2009 Stats: (numbers are slightly down due to holiday closure)

  • Walk-ins patron: 600
  • Items circulated: 1,358
  • Items lent to other libraries: 201
  • Items borrowed from other libraries:171
  • Meetings(adult & juvenile): 6  number of attendees:34
  • Internet usage 62

A. Anderson reported that they are really working on the historical room and hope to have it up and running by year’s end.


Community Affairs: Zoning: Dave Taylor, Riegelsville Zoning Officer reported that no permits were issued.  One re-roofing project application is in review.  D. Taylor presented to Council a proposed revision for road openings to be considered in the Boroughs fee schedule.  T. Stinnett asked D. Taylor to check the current fee schedule and if there are other revisions they can be done all at once with one resolution.  K. Weiss asked how long a permit is good for and D. Taylor said 6 months.

Downtown Enhancement Committee News: Since B. Rainey could not be here tonight he spoke to S. Masteller today to fill the Borough in on the progress of the “Welcome to Riegelsville signs”.

  1. We have a verbal approval to put the South end “Welcome Sign” on the Bank property from First Savings Branch Manager, Sue Matthias and First Savings Facilities Manager, Neil Fosbenner~ just waiting written approval for the First Savings Main Office.
  2. S. Masteller called Joe Kulick, Durham Manager and received a verbal OK to put the sign in Durham Township.
  3. S. Masteller contacted Borough Resident Mr. Dalven to ask if the North end ”Welcome Sign” could be put on his property and he said that would be fine.
  4. Boy Scout Joe Carnes will need to contact PA One Call before they dig.  S. Masteller will get him the addresses.

Elaine Albrecht is a little concerned with the slow tickets sales for the Guitar raffle.  S. Masteller stated that the Library fair and the Recreation Board Basket Bingo are coming up so that will be other another places to sell the tickets.

Emergency Management Team: E. Bartosiewicz reported that The Emergency Management Team met on Monday April 13, 2009 and a representative came to discuss the ReadyNotifyPA.  ReadyNotifyPA is a system that helps local officials in Southeastern Pennsylvania sends emergency text alerts and other notifications to Borough Residents quickly.  ReadyNotifyPA can send those to cell phones, pagers, and Blackberries, PDA’s, email accounts and landlines are automatically called.  S. Masteller will also put this information in the newsletter and there is flyer in the meeting room.

EMS News: No news to report

Rec Board: Basket Bingo is set for April 26th.  The next meeting is April 27, 2009.

Library News: Beth Banko, Library Board President, reported

Stats for March 2009

  • Walk-in patrons 716 (up 61% from Feb.)
  • Items Circulated: 1,560 (up 30% from Feb.)
  • Items lent to other libraries: 217 (up 47% from Feb.)
  • Items borrowed from other libraries: 295 (up 15% from Feb.)
  • Meetings (total): 7  Attendees 61
  • Items added to collection: 80
  • Computer/internet use: 90 (up 58% from Feb)
  • Items owned by library: 14,854 (9,324 Adult, 5,620 easy/Juvenile)
  • Fundraising Activities~ The next major fundraiser is the Book Preview on May 15, 2009(7-9PM) Annual Library Fair May 16, 2009 (10~4)
  • Z. Modig was appointed as the Open Records Officer for the Library

Utilities: W. Dowd, Excavator will be replacing a 6” valve on Easton Road/ Sycamore Road and a 10”valve on 611/Linden Lane. Dick Meade will order the supplies and then it will be done.

April 16 and 17th M. Brady, D. Xander and S. Groeller will be hot patching the roads that need it.

S. Masteller has another call into DEP in reference to Open Burning Regulations Ordinance.

Streets and Properties: S. Masteller has been getting a few complaints from Borough Residents that live on Maplewood Road and Durham Road about the Oxford Diabetic employees leaving trash on the street and taking all the parking spaces.  A Borough resident was not able to use her driveway due to an Oxford Diabetic employee blocking her curb cutout to the driveway and when she called the State Police and they stated they could not do anything about it.  S. Masteller will contact Corporal Al Weiss with the PA State Police on this matter.  Another Borough resident is concerned about the speed on Maplewood.  That will be another issue that S. Masteller will discuss with Corporal Al Weiss.  A suggestion was to put speed bumps on Maplewood. Another suggestion was to stop the trucks from going down Maplewood.

R. Strawn had the street sweeper today doing the Borough streets and 611 and they will be here tomorrow to finish up.

Finance: Riegelsville Water Company is required by the PA DEP to use a de-chlorinator when any valve work or hydrant flushing is performed.  S. Masteller ordered the same one that Springtown Water Authority uses.

A Borough resident asked if the Zoning Book and the Sub-Division book could be put in the Library for referencing instead of residents paying $25.00 per book.  Council said that would be a good idea.


Approval of check for $585.90 to Modern Pre-Cast Concrete piping for Sherer’s Hill R. Strawn motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded   Unanimous

Approval of check for $365.00 to Wayne Nicholas for Sherer’s Hill repair R. Strawn motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded    Unanimous

Approval of check for $447.50 to Donna De Angelins-Lehman Cook hearing court reporter K. Weiss motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

Approval of check for $888.75 to Pollard Water Co. for De-Chlorinator K. Weiss motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded   Unanimous



K. Weiss motioned to approve bills as listed E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.  Next Council Meeting scheduled June 10, 2009

7:30 pm.

Sherry L. Masteller

Borough Secretary

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