
April 2009 Minutes

President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. April 8, 2009. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken.  PRESENT:    Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Strawn, Kathleen Weiss, Thomas Stinnett and Mayor David Gerstenberg. ABSENT: Steve Lance

R. Strawn motioned to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2009

Council Meeting and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.


A note was received from Margie Hailstone, Crew Leader for Upper Bucks Address Canvassing U.S. Census thanking the Borough for the use of our meeting room for a week in April.

A letter was received from a Marci Crum, Borough Resident in reference to the excessive driving speed on Ash Lane and Wayside Way.  This is a common walking route for families heading to the Borough Park and additional signage for the safety of our children.  S. Masteller stated that at the last Streets and Property meeting Council decided to purchase 2 “Children Playing” signs.

A letter was received from Benner and Wild in reference to closing the file

In regards to J. David Xander’s and Barbara Xander’s appeal of Kosacci Group, LLC   Zoning Hearing Board ruling.


President- T. Stinnett stated the continued Cook Hearing is May 7th @ 6:30pm

Mayor – D. Gerstenberg met with Fox Brothers to discuss a possible security camera’s due to the issue in the Library.  The proposal came in at $3875.00.  S. Masteller stated that the proposal was discussed at the April 1, 2009 Streets/Properties meeting and Council said that was a big expense for the Borough.  Council suggested S. Masteller give the proposal to the Library Board.  K. Weiss stated that the Library is also getting other proposals.  T. Stinnett does not ever remember having any personal property stolen from the Library before.  D. Gerstenberg also had the Fox Brothers representative look at our smoke detectors system in the basement and noticed that on the tenant side of the basement the smoke detectors are very dusty due to woodworking.  E. Bartosiewicz said there are covers that you can put on the detectors when the tenant is using saws and then the covers need to be removed.  S. Masteller will send the tenant a letter in reference to this issue.  D. Gerstenberg also said there is a broken window under the front porch. S. Masteller will add that to M. Brady list to be fixed.


Bob Rainey, Borough Resident said we should inquire about any warranties for the security systems.

Joseph Carnes, Boy Scout doing the 2 “Welcome to Riegelsville” signs project stated he and his troop will be taking down the current signs and putting the new ones up on April 19th.  S. Masteller sent letters to both property owners so they are aware that the signs are going to be replaced.  S. Masteller did not hear from Mr. Weiss but did receive a call from Mrs. Lopez’s son in reference to the “Welcome to Riegelsville” sign on her property and would like the Borough to take care of the mowing around the sign.  Council did say that M. Brady could mow the South end sign.  S. Masteller will let Mrs. Lopez know that M. Brady will take care of the mowing.

Elaine Albrecht, Borough resident said that an ATV was stolen from a home on Fairview Road.


Community Affairs:

Zoning: Dave Taylor, Borough Zoning Officer reported that he issued 3 permits.   PA. Labor and Industry performed an Audit of Riegelsville UCC Enforcement practices on March 11, 2009. A formal report will be forwarded to the Borough and Keystone Municipal Services.

Downtown Enhancement Committee News: They are doing a fundraiser to raffle off a Custom Homegrown Guitar made by Bil Mitchell of the Guitar Parlor. The guitar is displayed at the First Saving Bank Riegelsville.  The proceeds will benefit Community projects throughout Riegelsville.  Joanne Walsh reported that Terri and Tim Zackey have volunteered to trim the trees along Delaware Road and to help clean up the Pocket Park and make it easier to maintain.

Emergency Management Team: E. Bartosiewicz reported that they had a meeting on Monday night and they decided that Adam Maziuk, Dave Gerstenberg, Dave Nadeau and Frank Preddy will be the voices for the Public when any issues arise.  They are looking into getting generators for Well #3 and the Chlorinator for when the electric goes out.  Can Council suggest anything else that would relate to Borough Emergencies?

EMS News: None to report

Rec Board: T-Ball and Softball sign-ups are underway.  Basket Bingo is set for April 26th.  The next meeting is March 30, 2009.

Library News: No one present from the library.

Newsletter: S. Masteller sent out a mass e-mail to see if anyone could volunteer to put the newsletter together and she received a few responses and she will gather the information in the Borough Office.  S. Masteller will give the information to the volunteer.


T. Macaluso has finished the Consumer Confidence Report and it will be mailed out around April 9th, 2009.

The Borough received a bill for $277.50 from Armour & Sons Electric for a service call due to the traffic light out on February 12, 2009.  S. Masteller called about this since the Borough’s power was out and there where temporary stop signs and flares plus Fire Police was present for part of the night so why would they come out.  Armour said the State Police called them at 11:30 pm and said they need to dispatch out right away.  S. Masteller called the State Police Sergeant Stinsky and he will look into this issue and get back to her.

Council is looking over an Air Pollution & Open Burning Sample Ordinance.  To be discussed at the next Committee meeting.

Streets and Properties

R. Strawn said there are a few projects that need to get done this year.  T. Stinnett stated that Carl Dicker, Borough Engineer will need to work on the specs.

1. Paving Fern from Edgewood to 611

2. Maplewood Road

3. Redo Spring Hill Road

R. Strawn said he will need to get hot patch soon.  S. Lance said that Council should put a wishlist of projects that need to be done in the Borough.

During the last Streets meeting Council discussed the Armour & Sons 2009 traffic signal maintenance and they decided to have T. Stinnett look at what needed to be repaired and he will report back to Council.  Remarks: T. Stinnett looked in the box and it was dirty and suggested M. Brady cleans it out and also put some clear silicone in the small holes.

Mayor D. Gerstenberg, R. Strawn and S. Masteller met with Fox Brothers to discuss possible security cameras due to the incident in the Library.  The proposal came in at $3875.00.  S. Masteller stated that is a lot of money for the Borough and she is comfortable just locking the door when no one else is in the building.  T. Stinnett stated he does not remember any other incident within this building before.  Council suggested that S. Masteller drop the proposal off to the Library for them to look into it.

Congressman Patrick Murphy has invited Council to a municipal government briefing on Flood Mitigation Funding on April 18, 2009 from 9:30 to 11:30. The briefing will be held at the New Hope Eagle Fire Co.

S. Masteller is compiling a “to do” list for M. Brady.  If anyone sees anything that needs to get done.

S. Masteller has been getting a few complaints from Borough Residents that live on Maplewood about the Oxford Diabetic employees leaving trash on the street and taking all the parking spaces.  Council asked S. Masteller to write a letter about these concerns.

S. Masteller was approached by a Borough resident that would like to see “Children Playing” signs on Wayside Way near the park.  Council said to order 2 signs and have M. Brady put them up.

R. Strawn stated that Ash lane was cracking due to the heavy trucks working on the Canal.  S. Masteller will contact Nimaris Construction Co. about this problem.  T. Stinnett stated that they would take care of any damage due to their construction.

S. Masteller received a letter asking if the Borough was having any Anniversary Celebration and R. Strawn said no.  S. Masteller will contact the person and let them know.


S. Masteller received a letter from Pennsylvania department of the Auditor General in reference to the Riegelsville Volunteer Firefighter’s Relief Association.  Findings in this audit report repeats a condition that was sited in a previous report.  T. Macaluso is concerned that they would take away the Firefighter Relief Money that goes to the Fire Co.  E. Bartosiewicz will take care of this with the Fire Co. next week at their meeting.  Remarks: E. Bartosiewicz said the Riegelsville Fire Co. will send a letter to Council addressing these issues.

Final payment is due at Council next week for the “Welcome to Riegelsville Signs”

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee and Jennifer Heisey from PA Highlands Trail are working on getting a sign to put on the Pedestrian Bridge.  Jennifer is looking into a grant to cover the cost of the sign. Remarks: Jennifer Heisey has sent a check directly to Bob Shaw the sign maker.

DCED is holding a Webinar “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009”- Energy Efficiency & Conservation funding for Local Governments on April 28. 2009 at 1:30pm.  S. Masteller will be going and M. Brady can sit in the office for her.

Michael Graeff, Architect for the Catholic Church called T. Stinnett to get an approval to move the water line and meter due to the renovations.


Council would like to tour the 28 acres of land at the South end of the Borough that AP Creations, LP has offered the land to the Borough for purchase.  S. Masteller will call and see if the can meet either April 15 or April 22 at 5:30pm.

Motion to approve a check to Bob Shaw’s Signs $1064.00 (Welcome Sign Project) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and R. Strawn seconded.  Unanimous

Motion to approve a check to Donna De Angelins-Lehman (Cook Hearing Court Reporter) $581.00 K. Weiss motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous


E. Bartosiewicz asked if anything new with the Burn Ordinance.  S. Masteller

responded that she is still waiting for the guy from DEP to call back since he was on

vacation last week.

E. Bartosiewicz asked what was happening with the Moll property. No new status

but there is supposed to be closing with Mike Cavallaro the end of this month.

D. Gerstenberg asked when the Pedestrian Bridge will be completed.  S. Masteller

contacted Bi-State Construction Co. and will be back on Monday or Tuesday to finish the



K. Weiss motioned to approve bills as listed E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.  Next Council Meeting scheduled May 13, 2009

7:30 pm.

Sherry L. Masteller

Borough Secretary

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