
November 2010 Council minutes

Vice President Kathleen Weiss called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30p.m. November 10, 2010. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Kathleen Weiss, Mayor Gregory Stokes ABSENT: Thomas Stinnett

E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2010 Council Meeting and J. Panasiuk seconded.  Unanimous.


A letter dated November 4th, 2010 Bucks County Borough Association announcing their next meeting on Tuesday November 30th.

A letter dated November 8th, 2010 Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission announcing the Upper Black Eddy Milford Toll-Supported Bridge will be closed from Tuesday January 11, 2011 to May 11, 2011 for rehabilitation.


Vice President- Kathie Weiss reported that Riegelsville will have a Community Thanksgiving Service on Sunday November 21 and maybe S. Masteller could contact the DRJTB Commission and see if they could work around the weekend closure times.

Mayor – Mayor Stokes just attended the Boy Scout Troop #127 Veteran Day Ceremony and Flag retirement.  Mayor Stokes performed one wedding ceremony.

CITIZENS COMMENTS: Borough Resident reported to Council that the Burnout’s on 611 after the Kiwanis Car show on Sunday November 7th, 2010 was very dangerous to the Borough residents and unhealthy to have to breathe the fumes from the vehicles. Borough Resident was asked by K. Weiss, Vice President to send a letter to Kiwanis.  Borough Resident asked the Borough Council for support and to send a letter to Kiwanis also. Council agreed to have S. Masteller send a letter to Kiwanis in reference to this problem.

Borough Resident would like to see the Riegelsville Tattoo/Art Gallery to close their window blinds during the evening hours so the bare skin is not visible by those driving by.

Riegelsville Recreation Board member, Sherry Masteller thanked Council persons Kathie Weiss and Ed Bartosiewicz for donating their time for the Car Show.


Community Affairs: J. Panasiuk reported that October 26th at 7pm will be the Second Community Awareness Series Seminar Featuring “Expiring Rate Caps and YOUR Electric Bill” Marc Trautman, Manager External Affair MetEd.

Todd Myers attended an Environmental Advisory Council of Bucks County Federal Emergency Management Agency stakeholder’s FEMA map workshop on September 25th, 2010. T. Myers presented Council with a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.  Additional information will be coming pertaining to the national flood insurance program.

Zoning: Kip Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer, reported issuing 1(Fence) zoning permit and 4 Building permits (Garage doors, Basement repair, reroof, Electrical upgrade). K. Clayton is waiting for Mr. Cardone to finish the apartments so a final inspection can be done. K. Clayton suggests that the Borough adopt the updated 2009 property maintenance code and purchase the fire code and the 2009 version of the property maintenance code books.  S. Masteller will look into this next Wednesday with K. Clayton.

Library News: On October 7th, 2010 twenty children and fifteen adults attended the Fire

Prevention month special appearance by Firefighters Ed Bartosiewicz, Matt Brady and Fire Chief Todd

Myers. The children were especially thrilled to be able to put out a real (Controlled) fire on the lawn. On

October 9th, 2010 the library board and staff manned a table at Durham Days to sell books and library

Ornaments. Julia Sefton presented a story time and crafts with the children in the Durham Mill during

Durham Days.  October 29th, 2010 The Haunted Walking Tour and Lecture are both sold out, and we’re

looking forward to a spooky evening of Storytelling about Riegelsville’s spirits.  Election Day November 2,

2010 they will be selling hoagies and a bake sale.

Statistical Highlights for September 2010:

Walk-in patrons: 608

Circulation: 1,259

Internet use: 53

Items lent out (within Bucks Co.) 240

Items borrowed (within Bucks) 262

Historical room visitors: 2

Total Cardholders: 1,085

Total Collection Size: 16,477 items

Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that the Pork and Sauerkraut dinner will be Saturday

November 6th, 2010. Garage doors in the fire house bays and Entrance doors are being replaced.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: Elaine Albrecht, REC member, reported   that the Coupon Booklet is at the printer.

EMS News: Nothing to report

Rec Board News: The next meeting is October 26th, 2010 at 7pm.  Kiwanis Fall Rollout fundraiser will be discussed.  The Rec Board purchased a commercial gas grill.

Utilities: Comments from the citizens: None expressed

Richard Meade, Borough Water Operator, sent a report outlining the hydrant issue at 702 Durham Road property. Borough Laborer, M.Brady and W. Dowd, Excavator reported to R. Meade the location of the existing water line that feeds the current hydrant runs under the corner of the existing building. R. Meade’s opinion is to install a new hydrant at the front right of the building off the sidewalk.  Keep the existing valve and retap the main for the service line to the building and tie it into the service lateral that comes out the front. The new service line should be tapped prior to the existing hydrant so we can shut off the service without shutting down the hydrant, which is the present condition at this time. We would also have to remove the old hydrant.

Trick or Treat will be Sunday October 31, 2010 6~8pm

Streets and Properties: Bob Rainey reported that during Election Day yesterday a Borough resident was concerned with the ruts in his alley behind his house (315 Easton Road). S. Masteller replied that M. Brady checks the alleys in the spring and fall but if no one reports any ruts how would we know.  Bob Rainey did state to the Borough resident to attend the Borough Meeting or call and report the issue to the Borough office.

K. Weiss asked if M. Brady could remove the tall shrubs’ by the sign in the Borough parking lot it is hard to see around the shrubs.

Bob Rainey talked to M. Brady about his wishlist for the Borough Garage and M.Brady stated he would like to see the salt and cinder’s covered with a permanent fixture not just tarps.


The 2010 Street resurfacing project on Emergency Squad Road will be started tomorrow November 4th, 2010.

Oxford Diabetic’s Durham road location has a water leak on their hot water heater and the water is coming out of their basement and going in Maplewood Road’s gutter and causing wet leaves and needs to be repaired by Oxford Diabetic. S. Masteller contacted them and was told it will be repaired as soon as possible.  Borough office received three calls from property owners on Maplewood concerned that the water will soon freeze on the roadway. Remarks: Oxford Diabetic has a plumber coming to fix the problem this week.

J. Panasiuk asked if there was anyway that the Borough could do leaf pick up. Remarks: J. Panasiuk asked if it was possible for Borough residents to pay to have leaf pick up from the contractor the Borough used last time. S. Masteller stated that the biggest cost is disposing of the leaves.  The last clean-up cost the Borough $9,640.00.

Finance: Bob Rainey had a question about the line item for the “Riegelsville Enhancement Committee”. T. Macaluso, Borough Treasurer reported that she will print out the 2009 year end report that shows the balance from 2009 plus you already have the copy so far of the 2010 ledger.

R. Scott would like to see the Borough have a Riegelsville Heritage Day. R. Scott would be willing to be on a committee and S. Masteller would also help.

The remainder of the meeting was working on the 2011 Budget.


Approval of a check to Bruce’s Mower Service $395.95 (new Chainsaw) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve J. Panasiuk seconded Unanimous.  Council stated that since the chainsaw was over $350.00 it should have been approved before purchase.  S. Masteller, Borough Secretary stated that the old chainsaw has not worked for a long time and since Council requested the shrubs to be trimmed or removed in the Borough Building parking M. Brady asked S. Masteller if we could purchase a new one to get the job completed and S. Masteller replied yes.


Motion to add Sherry L. Masteller, Borough Secretary as a signer to the Borough’s Safety Deposit Box at First Savings Bank of Perkasie. R. Scott motioned to approve adding S. Masteller to the Safety Box E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous

Borough Office will be closed Thursday November 11, 2010


R. Scott motioned to approve bills as listed.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.  Next Council Meeting will be December 8th, 2010 at 7:30 pm.

Special Council Meeting

November 17, 2010

Vice President Kathleen Weiss called the Special Council Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  Roll Call was taken.

PRESENT: Kathleen Weiss, Ed Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk and Rodney Scott

OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Stokes, Borough Engineer, William Kee

ABSENT: Thomas Stinnett and Solicitor William T. Dudeck

Proof of Publication Meeting Notice Dated November 5th, 2010 was presented for Council to View.

Proof of Publication Legal Notice for Pedestrian Bridge Lighting Project Bids Dated for November 3, 8, 2010 was presented for Council to View.

William Kee, Borough Engineer opened the Bid Packets

Ed Bartosiewicz motioned to award Yates Electrical Inc which appears to be lowest responsible bidder. Award is subject to review of Bid Packet by Borough Engineer, Cowan Associates, INC. John Panasiuk seconded  Unanimous

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