
March 2009 Minutes

President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. March 11, 2009. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken.  PRESENT:    Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Strawn, Kathleen Weiss, Steve Lance, Thomas Stinnett and Mayor David Gerstenberg.

R. Strawn motioned to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2009

Council Meeting and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.


On January 14th, 2009 Council approved a Resolution R-01-09 to abandon the Moll property condemnation so T. Stinnett signed the Deed on March 6th, 2009 back to Moll.

Borough office received the 2008 Library Audit and also the February 2009 Board minutes.

A letter was read from Bucks County Department of Health in reference to the bathroom and Kitchen renovations at St. Lawrence Church.

A letter was read from Marion M. Kyde, President of Delaware River Greenway Partnership thanking us for the Resolution in support of the Highlands.

A letter was read from Lower Delaware Wild and Scenic River in reference to the 2003 Grant for Open Space acquisition. The Borough received $4000.00 that will be used towards the current DCNR Comprehensive Recreation, Park, Open Space, Greenway and Master Site Plan.

A letter was read from the Community Fire Company #1 invites each Council member and a guest to attend a banquet to be held on Saturday March 28th, 2009.

S. Masteller received an E-mail from a property near Well #2 and there is a tree leaning on their property.  Robert Thigpen owner of Modern Arborist, Inc. looked at the tree and gave an estimate of $250.00 and he will take care of it tomorrow.

Letter from Bucks County Board of Assessment in reference to Prosperity Lodge Tax Exemption hearing on Tuesday April 7, 2009.


President- T. Stinnett stated that everyone should have received their County Tax bills and Per Capita tax bill from the New Tax Collector Tammy Macaluso.  Some calls came in from residents that didn’t receive them and their neighbors did; the bills go from Riegelsville Post Office to Lehigh Valley and then delivered.  Any bill needs to be sent first class and the Borough Newsletter is considered bulk mailing third class.

Mayor – D. Gerstenberg sent back the required information to the U.S. Census Bureau for March 1st 2009.  D. Gerstenberg gave S. Masteller the maps to keep in the Borough Office.


Matt Tiedeman, Borough Resident acquired some very old Riegelsville artifacts that he would like to see if anyone would know any information on them.  T. Stinnett, Council President suggested they contact the Riegelsville Library since they are working on a Historical Room.  S. Masteller stated that Ann Andersen is the contact person for the Library.

Maureen Woerner, Borough Resident asked if there was any new information on the possibility to purchase the 28 acres within the Borough from AP Creations, LP.  T. Stinnett stated the land is north of the Bank. T. Stinnett said we are still trying to find funding in the way of grants.  The property is zoned Light Industrial.

M. Woerner also asked if the Borough had done anymore on a Burn Ban Ordinance.  Currently Council has approved a Temporary Burn Ban notice that was given to Chief Meyers to give to the County 911 dispatch.  Council is working on a sample burn ordinance.  M. Woerner asked what the process is, T. Stinnett stated that once Council approves a draft it goes onto the Borough Solicitor, William Dudeck, and then it would need to be advertised and then put on a Council Meeting agenda.  The complete process could take at least three months.


Community Affairs

Library News: None to report

Zoning: Dave Taylor, Borough Zoning Officer reported that there was a septic repair at the Borderline.  The repair involved some excavating and work to be performed in the Borough Right of Way in the alley behind the building.  D. Taylor suggests we have a permit fee and escrow for road openings and excavating in any Borough street, alley.  D. Taylor gave Council a sample fee.  D. Taylor stated that the contractor will be putting posts in to protect the tanks from being driven over.  S. Masteller will contact Blackwell Co. to check with D. Taylor before they put the posts in.  No permits were issued and one project review phase 1 St. Lawrence Church.  Kurt and Maureen Woerner have applied for a Residential addition and D. Taylor referred the project to the Borough’s Zoning Hearing Board.  

Downtown Enhancement Committee News: The next meeting is Wednesday February 25th.  They are doing a fundraiser to raffle off a Custom Homegrown Guitar made by Bil Mitchell of the Guitar Parlor.  The proceeds will benefit Community projects throughout Riegelsville.

EMS News: Kathy Babb from EMS talked to S. Lance and mentioned that she will be contacting the Municipalities in their coverage area to pass a 1% referendum. 

Community Fire Co. News: None to report

Rec Board: T-Ball and Softball sign-ups are underway.  Basket Bingo is set for April 26th.  The next meeting is February 23, 2009.

Library News: None to report

Newsletter? The Borough Council is looking for someone to put together the Spring Newsletter. E. Bartosiewicz said to have S. Masteller talk to Zeau Modig at the Library.  S. Masteller will also send a Mass e-mail to see if anyone is interested.  S. Masteller gathers the information in the Borough Office.

Utilities- S. Lance informed Council that he would like to go to Senator Wonderlings Grant workshop on March 5th.  S. Masteller will see if Art Taylor would like to go with Steve.

T. Macaluso is concerned about the high cost of sending certified letters to the delinquent Water Customers and they are still not paying or picking up the mail.  S. Lance stated that certified letters have to be given and he thinks that was discussed before with William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor.

Council is looking over an Air Pollution & Open Burning Sample Ordinance.  To be discussed at another Committee meeting.

Streets and Properties – S. Masteller received an e-mail from a Borough resident addressing the excessive speed of the Borough employee Matt Brady.  S. Masteller informed R. Strawn of this issue.  S. Masteller and R. Strawn spoke to Matt in regards to this issue.  R. Strawn spoke to the Resident directly and S. Masteller responded to the E-mail stating that the issue would be handled.

S. Masteller received the 2009 traffic signal maintenance proposal for needed repairs.  There is a list of 5 repairs and T. Macaluso and S. Masteller have suggested we do 4 of the items listed.  The funding will come from the Highway Aid Fund.

D. Gerstenberg, Borough Mayor, stated that with the recent Library robbery maybe the Borough should look into some kind of security camera system.  D. Gerstenberg stated that maybe we could get a grant to cover the cost.  S. Masteller said that when she is in the building by herself she puts a “Please Knock” sign on the door and keeps the door locked.  D. Gerstenberg will call Fox Brothers and get some estimates and present them to Council.

Finance- We received another donation for the Borough Welcome signs project, so the total is $1150.00 The Downtown Enhancement Committee will be contacting the sign maker to find out what they will need as a down payment to get them started and they will be able to move forward on the $1000.00 grant towards this project.

As Borough Tax Collector, T. Macaluso received a request for a Tax Certification on the Moll with the sale of property on 3/6/09 to Mechanics Hall.  T. Macaluso was concerned since the Borough is still in litigation on this matter.  T. Macaluso sent the question off to Borough Solicitor, Bill Dudeck.

Borough Resident, T. Heinrichs who lives on Spruce Road, asked R. Strawn if they could get a Handicapped sign and a blue marked parking space in front of there house.  Council will look into this issue.


Motion to approve a check to Bob Shaw’s Signs $1064.00 (Welcome Sign Project) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and S. Lance seconded.  Unanimous

Motion to approve a check to Express Times for $409.00 (Cook Hearing)   S. Lance motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous



S. Lance motioned to approve bills as listed E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.  Next Council Meeting scheduled April 8, 2009

7:30 pm.

Sherry L. Masteller

Borough Secretary

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