President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:02p.m. February 13, 2019. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Ann P. Moyer, Rodney Scott, Mayor Stokes and William T Dudeck, Borough Solicitor. Brandes motioned to approve the Council minutes from January 9, 2019. E. Bartosiewicz Seconded. Unanimous.
CORRESPONDENCE: The 4 letters are filed in the Borough office Council Minutes Book.
Letter dated January 14, 2019 from Maureen Woerner, Borough resident. (Additional letter of comments from January 9, 2019 meeting).
Letter dated January 28, 2019 from Ellen Clemens, Robert Rainey and Diane Gonzalez, Borough residents.
Letter dated Feb, 2019, from Ellen Clemens, Borough resident. (Comments for February 2019 meetings).
Letter dated February 7, 2019, from Ellen Clemens, Robert & Antoinette Rainey and Diane Gonzalez. (Request Ordinance to vacate an unopened alley in the Borough).
President – T. Stinnett reported that there was an Executive session at 6:30 before tonight’s Council meeting.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he performed one wedding.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: 4 Borough residents present.
Maureen Woerner, Borough resident read parts of her letter dated January 14, 2019 to Council since it was not read during the correspondence.
Ellen Clemens, Borough resident does not understand why Borough Council didn’t vacate the unopened alley north from Ash Lane between Fairview Road and Poplar Road.
William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor stated that the unopened alley was never accepted by the Borough and, because of the potential private rights in it, could not be vacated without the complete consent of all persons claiming such private rights in it.
Community Affairs
Members Present: Ann P Moyer, E. Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.
Others Present: Jim Kopchak-Borough Zoning Officer, Frank Preedy-EMS Coordinator and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Concerns from citizens: None to report.
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council November 2018 report:
- Zoning permits: 2 re-roof. Building permits: 1 New Oil tank and Furnace.
- Enforcement Activities
- R. Scott asked if the final inspections have been done on 811 Durham Road. S. Masteller received the request from the property owner to schedule them on January 23, 2019 129 Maplewood Rd.-“Stop-Work Order” awaiting construction documents.
113 Delaware Rd. – Engineer meeting with Contractor January 17, 2019.
141 Easton Rd. – property maintenance violation.
320 Delaware Rd. – property maintenance violation.
530 Easton Rd. complaint junk cars on property, violation will be sent out January 23, 2019.
- Expired Permits
If a permit is issued and no work has been done in 180 days, per Pa ACT 45 the permit is expired. I have started sending out notification letters. (Ongoing process)
Library News: Borough office received the November and December 2018 Directors report, the minutes have been filed in the Borough office. Beth Banko, Library Board member reported the following to Council.
- The Library Board is updating their by-laws to make some needed changes especially the number of library board members. They have been having issues with reaching a quorum for monthly meetings in 2018.
- They will be having a spring wine event fundraiser with Villa Milagro, more info to come.
- Summer Quest planning has begun, this year is “Outer Space Theme”. More info to come from Becky.
Proposed Walking Trail: No update.
Fire Co. News:
- Next breakfast is Sunday January 20.
- February 23, 2019 Annual Banquet, let Sherry know who can attend and I will email Todd with a count.
- They have had an increase in calls.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News:
- Annual Super Bowl Hoagie sale is set for February 3, 2019.
UBREMS News: Nothing new to report.
Rec Board News: Rodney reported to Council,
- The first meeting for Palisades Softball was Tuesday January 15.
- The next Rec board meeting is set for Tuesday January 29 at 7pm.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Frank Preedy reported to Council his 3 wish list items.
- 1. What is the impact of the “Ready Notify System” with the Borough residents? They will gather more info.
- 2. Needs to update the Borough vender list.
- 3. Would like Bucks County to offer FREE Emergency Management Training as the said they would do.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: No January meeting.
- Riegelsville will not be hosting the AARP Tax Aid this tax season, the next closest location is Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center in Ottsville PA.
Rodney Scott called the Utilities meeting to order at 7:51 pm on January 16, 2019 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.
Members Present: Rodney Scott, Ed Bartosiewicz, Ann P Moyer and Tom Stinnett.
Others Present: Jim Kopchak-Borough Zoning Officer, Todd Myers-Borough Engineer, Frank Preedy-EMS Coordinator and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Concerns from Citizens: No one present
The quote for the new battery will cost $260.81 for the Borough Hall generator. Council approved to order, Sherry will email them tomorrow January 17, 2019.
Matt received a quote for a decorative metal fence, this discussion will be tabled until Sherry gets more information from Matt.
Dean Varese, sent an email requesting that his water bill be adjusted since the Villa Richard business is closed. Council agreed to the one hook up fee not 2.
Matt gave Sherry the draft plow/salt schedule for road crew Thursday –Monday, January 17-21.
Wendy Ullman, State Representative is hosting an Open House for local officials on Wednesday January 23, 2019 2-5pm.
The Community Fire Co. #1 of Riegelsville invites Council and a guest to attend a banquet on Saturday February 23, 2019. RSVP to Sherry by February 13.
Council discussed signing the call for Congressional hearings investigating FERC’s abuses of power and law.
Ed motioned to sign the petition, Rodney seconded. Tom voted yes, Kate voted yes via email, Ann voted no. Motion carried.
Council discussed that in the spring the Pedestrian Bridge needs to anti-skid protection on the walking boards due to the moss.
Streets & Properties
Ed Bartosiewicz called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm on February 6, 2019 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.
Members Present:
Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Ann Moyer and Tom Stinnett
Others Present:
Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Comments from Citizens: 3 Borough residents present.
Bob Rainey, Borough resident handed out a color coded map of the proposed garage at 303 Poplar Road. Bob proceeded to ask Council questions:
- Did the Zoning officer approve the garage permit and give to Mr. Sweeney- 303 Poplar Road?
- Was permission given to remove the water retention berm that is listed on the map? Tom Stinnett did not think so but would have to look into it.
- Has permission been granted to pave over the alley portion (DRIVE) on the map?
Ellen Clemens, Borough resident gave a letter dated January 28, 2019 to the Borough office to be given to Council members to be added to the Streets & Properties action log for February 6, 2019 meeting.
Council looked over the letter. Ellen also gave a “Comments for February 2019 meeting” to Council members to look over. Ellen would like Council to make a recommendation to terminate the plotted “paper alley” designation North from Ash Lane, between Fairview Road and Poplar Road, as legally VACATED. Tom stated that Council needs to discuss this with the Borough Solicitor.
Council discussed the proposal from Samantha with AT&T mobility in their attempt to improve their cellular coverage. They would like to put a monopole in the Borough Park. Council discussed this and does not think it is a good idea. A letter will be written to Samantha.
Barry Hoffman, Electrician will be able to replace the electric line up at Well #1 with Borough Employees help too. Council agreed to this project.
Council looked over the Ash Lane water phase project bid packet, Council will vote on it during Council meeting February 13, 2019.
Kate Brandes called the meeting to order on February 6, 2019 at 8:07 pm at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.
Members Present:
Kate Brandes, Ed Bartosiewicz, Ann P Moyer and Tom Stinnett.
Others Present:
Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Comment from Citizens: 3 Borough residents present.
Council discussed the closed circuit Camera system quote, Sherry received a few more companies contact info that other Municipalities use so she will get other quotes.
Council discussed the fence quote from Arbor Fence Co., the fence will replace some of the arborvitaes at the top of the Delaware Hill sidewalk/parking lot. Council will wait until the sidewalks, railings are replaced first to look at the fencing again.
Kate reported to Council that the Keystone application is due April 26th, 2019 is Council ok to proceed.
Council agreed to proceed. Kate handed out attachment list that she will need to add to the application. Kate will correspond with Sherry and Terry Randolph (Librarian) for specific information.
Council looked over the finances.
Approval for 529 Easton Road, Water Company to bill for 1 hook up instead of 2 since Villa Richard Restaurant closed October 12, 2018. R. Scott motioned to approve. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Approval for the Ash Lane water main preliminary estimate. Phase 1-$19,980.10, Phase 2-$18,536.00 Phase 3-$12,046.00. A. Moyer motioned to approve. K. Brandes seconded. Unanimous.
Letter was written to Samantha Perdick, Representative with Velocitel / At&T, Council discussed the proposal for a cell tower at the Borough Park location and they are not interested.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Borough office closed Monday February 18, 2019 Presidents Day.
Next regular Council Meeting March 13, 2019 7:00pm.
Meeting adjourned 7:43 PM.
Sherry Masteller
Borough Secretary