
January 2019 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:04p.m. January 9, 2019.  Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Ann P. Moyer, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the Council minutes from December 12, 2018. R. Scott Seconded.   Unanimous. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the Council Special meeting minutes from December 27, 2018. K. Brandes Seconded. Unanimous.


Letter dated January 2, 2019 from BC Board of Elections was read announcing that the Borough Hall is a polling place. The Municipal Primary is May 21, 2019 and Municipal Election is November 5, 2019.

Email dated January 9, 2019 from BC Recorder of Deeds office was read announcing “Adopt-a-Book: Preserving the Historical Deed Books of Bucks County program by donations.  Ms. Robinson would like to be added to a Council meeting in the near future.

Email was read announcing BC Borough Association- Membership Dinner meeting on January 31, 2019 if anyone would like to attend let Sherry know.


President – T. Stinnett reported that there was an Executive session at 6:30 before tonight’s Council meeting.  T. Stinnett discussed the congressional hearings investigating FERC- there is a petition to sign on line and Tom would like Council to look it over and sign the petition.  Council will discuss this further during next week’s committee meetings.

Mayor Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he was asked by Penn DOT to use 1500 Gallons of Borough water and he contacted Matt Brady to get the OK. Sherry added the amount to unmetered spreadsheet.  Mayor Stokes received a concern in reference to a possible auto repair in a residential garage, Jim Kopchak-borough Zoning officer was contacted.

 COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:  5 Borough residents present.

Diane Gonzalez, Borough resident voiced her opinion in reference to the private or not alley (ash lane/poplar lane) that is being used that has not been for many years.  People are walking private property. Diane asked Council what should be done. T. Stinnett stated that if involves trespassing then the State Police should be called.

Ellen Clemens, Borough resident also voiced her opinion that neighbors and their visitors are trespassing on private property to turn their vehicles around and trash cans are on her property too.  This was not an issue until the new house was built.

Maureen Woerner, Borough resident reported to Council that she had has the signed order and degree dated December 31, 2018 from the court that the matter was overruled and reversed. Maureen wants Council to facilitate to her neighbors that they can use the alley as a right of way.  T. Stinnett stated that Council will get more information from William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: No reports due to the Holiday schedule.


            Second estimate for Well 1& 2 Electrical work was received.  Barry Hoffman-Electrical Contractor was low bid of $750.00.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve Barry Hoffman’s Estimate $750.00. A. Moyer seconded.  Unanimous.


            Approval of Resolution R-02-19 “Reappoint Dirk Odhner as member of the Zoning Hearing Board”. R. Scott motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

Approval of the “2018 Exoneration list for per capita tax”. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. K. Brandes seconded.  Unanimous

The 2018 Unpaid per capita tax accounts was sent to Berkheimer by Tammy Macaluso-Borough Tax Collector.

Approval Annual engagement letter for Auditor to perform 2018 DCED audit. A. Moyer motioned to approve. K. Brandes seconded.  Unanimous

  APPROVAL OF BILLS:  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills.  A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.

Borough office closed January 21, Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

 Next regular Council Meeting February 13, 2019   7:00pm.

 Meeting adjourned 7:37 PM.

Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary

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