President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. February 11, 2009. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Strawn, Kathleen Weiss, Steve Lance, Thomas Stinnett and Mayor David Gerstenberg.
R. Strawn motioned to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2009
Council Meeting and K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Borough office received the 2008 Library Minutes and also the January 2009 minutes.
Borough office received the 2008 Riegelsville Planning Commission minutes.
A letter was read from Bucks County Planning Commission in reference to the Sketch plans from Quaint Oak Bank Subdivision.
A note from T. Macaluso, Borough Tax Collector, in reference to leasing a “Tax Management System” for the Borough. T. Stinnett asked Sherry to have Tammy check and see if the County and the School District are going to help pay for it. Also see if the County and the School District are compatible with this system.
A letter was read from Bucks County Board of Assessment Appeals in reference to Real Estate Tax Exemption request from Prosperity Lodge. T. Stinnett would like to know the Borough’s portion of this exemption. S. Masteller will get that information from T. Macaluso.
A letter was read from Borough Resident and Artist, Joseph Coco in reference to displaying a few of his paintings in the meeting room. S. Masteller will get information from our insurance Co. on this matter.
President- Nothing to report
Mayor – D. Gerstenberg stated that he is very disturbed about the article that was written in the Intelligencer about the Riegelsville Library. D. Gerstenberg asked if there was someone here from the library that he should be directly speaking to. Zeau Modig, Library Director, spoke up and said she is the one that wrote the article in the Intel in response to the article. The library has been fielding a lot of anxiety and disappointment to why the Library is going to close. The staff has tried to ease the issue by stating that the Library will not be closing. D. Gerstenberg stated as a tax payer he does feel this building is a strain for this Borough to take care of. D. Gerstenberg wished someone from the Library had contacted him in person when this article came out. D. Gerstenberg stated that there is a deed restriction on this building. D. Gerstenberg stated he did not want to see the building sold but rather give the building to the Library. D.Gerstenberg would like to see the Library self-sufficient.
Community Affairs – Discussions:
Library News: Debbie Jo Mitchell, Library Board member gave this report
Stats for Year 2008:
- Walk-in patrons 5,767
- Items Circulated: 15,406
- Items lent to other libraries: 1,475
- Items borrowed from other libraries:1,689
- Meetings (total): 101 Attendees (total)762
- Items added to collection: 1,467
- New Library Cards issued:1,114
- Reference Questions: 253
- Computer/internet use:236
- Online material renewals: 521
- Items owned by library: 14,854 (9,324 Adult, 5,620 easy/Juvenile)
- The Historical Committee operates as a sub-committee of the Library. A small grant has covered expenses for an outside consultant to examine currently held artifacts and make recommendations for storage, cataloging, etc. The committee continues to organize and preserve the collection and plans to add display cases as funding permits with a view to making the Historical Room accessible to the public in the future.
- Public Services: The Library’s canon Color Printer is available for public use in making black-and- white as well as color copies. This is the only place in the Borough to offer this service.
- Fundraising Activities~ The Very Merry Cookie Sale on 12/21/08 profited $1100.00.
The next major fundraiser is the Book Preview on May 15, 2009(7-9PM) Annual Library Fair May 16, 2009 (10~4)
Citizen’s comments:
Bob Bauman and Aja Livezey owners of the New Riegelsville Gallery introduced themselves and welcomed everyone to visit their new business. They came to Riegelsville 6 years ago and love it here. S. Masteller stated that a few Borough Residents where concerned that a tattoo parlor was in the Borough. S. Masteller stated they would have had to go through the Boroughs Zoning department to get an approval to open the business and if they still had questions they should come to a Borough meeting. B. Bauman stated they have been in business for a long time and would be glad to show everyone around in their New Gallery.
Property owner, Al Snyder and Art Mazzei, Realtor were asked to come to a Council meeting to talk about the 28 acres of property that he has offered to the Borough to purchase for future sewage treatment facility. T. Stinnett asked A. Snyder how much he wanted for the property and he replied the fair market value. T. Stinnett said the Borough would need to find financial support since the Borough doesn’t have the money. S. Masteller will look into some avenues to get financial support for this project.
T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to update A. Snyder on our progress every 2 weeks.
Zoning: P. Neas reported that Dave Taylor will be taking over as Riegelsville Zoning/ Building Code official. 3 Permits were issued: 671 Easton Road, 665 Wayside Way, and 927 Fairmont. 1 project (St. Lawrence Church addition) is being reviewed.
Downtown Enhancement Committee News: No Meeting
EMS News: S. Lance is going to ask Kathy Babb to come or send Council a report each month.
Community Fire Co. News: Council is wondering how much they made selling the raffle tickets. S. Masteller will ask Ashley Hissim. Fire Activity report from November 2008 was received.
Rec Board: No meeting
Utilities- Discussions: Comments from the citizens: None expressed.
Dick Meade has suggested that the Borough should look into getting a new lab to do our testing.
Tammy received a quote from QC Laboratories. Sherry will contact Benchmark to get their 2009 quote. Then at the next meeting we can compare the quotes.
S. Lance asked Sherry to contact W. Dowd so they can meet with Matt, Dick Meade to discuss the water valves that need to be repaired.
E. Bartosiewicz stated that when he met with PennDot in reference to the Vehicular Canal Bridge replacement they stated that if the Borough’s water lines where damaged it would be the Borough’s responsibilities. Council suggested Sherry contact Marguerite Quinn’s office to discuss this issue. Remarks: S. Masteller contacted Quinn’s office and they are checking into this issue and will get back to Sherry.
T. Macaluso has received complaints from a few Borough residents that are very upset that our water rates have increased. S. Lance asked Sherry to see if there is any assistance to financially help Borough residents offset their water bills. Remarks: S. Masteller contacted Quinn’s office and there is financial help for heating but not for water bills. I received the flyers and put them in the Meeting room
Streets and Properties – Comments from the citizens: No one present
Mayor Gerstenberg received information on the READY NOTIFY PA and S. Masteller has info on the information table in the meeting room. Mayor will be getting more information on the Special needs Registry program with the Bucks County Health Department and the County Commissioners.
R. Strawn asked Council if anyone had any issues or heard complaints with the snow removal. T. Stinnett just stated that property owner Mike Cavallaro is concerned that we are plowing the snow into his drains that are by the sidewalk and it is flooding his basement. R. Strawn stated that he talked to Mike and got it straightened out.
S. Masteller ordered another load of salt and it should be delivered Friday or Monday.
Borough office received an application for part time plowing. T. Stinnett asked R. Strawn if we need another part timer and he said no we have enough people.
Finance- Comments from the Citizens: No one present
The Pedestrian Bridge should be delivered the 1st or 2nd week of March 2009.
Barbara Bare stated to T. Macaluso that she is due to receive 1 more check for the Tax Collectors Salary. T. Macaluso researched the financials back to 1987 and found 2 discrepancies in 1988 and 2006, but not for 2008 she received her full salary for the year. S. Lance stated we send her a letter with a note addressing the 2 years in question and have B. Bare sign the letter and then put the check on the bills for Council next week.
S. Masteller stated that when someone requests a fax response from a Right to Know Form she would like to charge them for the copy since if you come in to the office and get a copy you have to pay .25 per copy. K. Weiss stated to have them send a self-addressed envelope and the cost for the copies and then you can mail them out. Council agreed that was a good idea. S. Masteller was asked to copy an old map and T. Stinnett stated that the cost of printing a map needs to be paid by the requester.
Motion to Adopt Resolution #R-02-09 Borough Tax Collector Salary of $1960.20 per year for the (4) year term starting January 2010. K. Weiss motioned to adopt and S. Lance seconded. Unanimous
Motion to Adopt Resolution #R-03-09 for Municipal Records manual that was approved 12/16/08. R. Strawn motioned to adopt and S. Lance seconded. Unanimous
Motion to Adopt Resolution #R-04-09 Riegelsville’s support of the Highlands Conservation Act. S. Lance motioned to adopt and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous
Approval of check of $407.00 to Express-Times for Cook Hearing Ad 2/12/09. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous
Approval of the 2008 Exoneration List for Per Capita Tax. K. Weiss motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous
Approval of the 2008 Unpaid Per Capita Tax accounts for submittal to collection. R. Strawn motioned to approve and Steve lance seconded Unanimous
OTHER BUSINESS ~ Borough Resident Art Taylor approached T. Stinnett to offer his
knowledge in grant writing. S. Masteller will contact him and he can work on Tammy’s
computer on Mondays or Tuesdays since she is not here.
S. Lance motioned to approve bills as listed E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. Next Council Meeting scheduled March 11, 2009
7:30 pm.
Sherry L. Masteller
Borough Secretary