President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. January 14, 2009. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Strawn, Kathleen Weiss, Thomas Stinnett and Mayor David Gerstenberg. Absent: Steve Lance
R. Strawn motioned to approve the minutes of the December 10, 2008 Council Meeting and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
A letter was read from Van Cleef Engineering Associates presenting the sketch plan for Quaint Oak Bank (Poplar Subdivision 2-Lot). T. Stinnett stated that during the Riegelsville Planning Commission meeting they discussed the sketch plan and also made some recommendations like putting some money into in escrow for water lines in the future.
A letter was read from T. Macaluso to DRJTB Commission in reference to requesting reallocation of money from the construction phase budget to the project design & Administration phase for the Pedestrian Bridge project.
A letter was read from the Boy Scout Troop 127 asking Council to show recognition to the residents and community for their outstanding support during our 3rd Annual Food Drive. 2,530 pounds of food was donated to the Lord’s Pantry food bank in Ottsville, PA.
An e-mail was read from Maureen Woerner requesting Borough Documents. S. Masteller called and was able to answer a few questions.
A letter was read from Carl Dicker, Borough Engineer concerning hss review of the 1st submission sketch plan for Quaint Oak Bank(Poplar Subdivision) prepared by Van Cleef Engineering Associates.
A letter from AP Creations, LP to Riegelsville Borough Council in reference to their 28 acre parcel of land within the Borough. They would like to know if the Borough is interested in purchasing the land for a possible sewage treatment facility to serve the Borough in future years. T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to call and see if they could come to a meeting so Council could ask them some questions. T. Macaluso suggested calling Pennvest to see what funding is available.
A letter was read from William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor in reference to Borough of Riegelsville v. Patrick Johnsen upon the judgment in the amount of $3920.16.
A letter from Bucks County Board of Elections announcing the 2009 election dates as Municipal Primary May 19, 2009 and Municipal Election November 3, 2009.
President- T. Stinnett hoped everyone had a good holiday season.
Mayor – D. Gerstenberg stated that the Borough office received a few calls from Borough Residents about an abandoned red Honda that has not moved from the Small Borough Parking lot. S. Masteller will send a letter to the tenant sharing the same last name of the car registration. The Borough is trying to get a Block Watch going so all Borough residents are watching out for their neighbors. Since there is a sign that states no overnight parking in the lot we should be able to enforce the new violation with tickets. S. Masteller will check on this.
CITIZENS COMMENTS: Borough resident Joseph Evanowski, Easton School Board member, wanted to come to the Council meeting to introduce himself and explained that he is the liaison between the borough residents and the Easton School Board. Borough residents are very concerned how high their school taxes are. J. Evanowski stated he is also concerned about the rising cost of school taxes since he is a resident too. J. Evanowski stated that the major part of the school’s budget is in teacher salaries. T. Macaluso asked if the School budget is online. J. Evanowski will check on that. T. Stinnett stated that they are basing the Borough’s houses on Bucks County prices and we could never sell at those high prices. Unfortunately it is not just the taxes that are going up. All our bills are.
Community Affairs – No Meeting
Utilities- No Meeting
Streets and Properties – No Meeting
Finance- No Meeting
Motion to designate Sherry Masteller as Open Records Officer (ORO) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to so designate and R. Strawn seconded Unanimous
Mayor Gerstenberg swore in Tammy Macaluso as Borough Tax Collector
Motion to Adopt Resolution No. R-01-09 Authorizing Riegelsville Borough Council to abandon the condemnation of 802 Durham Road. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to adopt R. Strawn seconded Unanimous
Approval of check of $1090.10 to Grim, Biehm and Thatcher~ Legal expense for Tax anticipation Loan K. Weiss motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous
Motion to approve payment of $31,387.50 to Bi-State Construction for Pedestrian Bridge project. R. Strawn motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous
T. Stinnett suggested to Council that after looking at the financials we should give the donations of $2000.00 to the Library, $5000.00 to the Fire Co., $3000.00 to the EMS. S. Masteller spoke to S. Lance today via the phone and he is concerned that we will get the Borough in a financial hole, he would rather we right our financial ship so we can consistently provide support in the future. E. Bartosiewicz suggested giving them a quarter of their 2008 donations. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to donate $1,000.00 to the Library, $2500.00 to the Fire Co.; $1500.00 to the EMS – K. Weiss seconded Vote 3: 1(R. Strawn opposed). S. Masteller will send a letter along with the donations.
S. Masteller reported that Dave Taylor will be replacing Phil Neas as Borough Zoning Officer and Building Inspector
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills as listed and adding $1000.00 to Riegelsville Library, $1500.00 to EMS and $2500.00 to Riegelsville Fire Co. R. Strawn seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm. Next Council Meeting scheduled February 11, 2009
7:30 pm.
Sherry L. Masteller
Borough Secretary