
APPROVED April 12, 2023 Borough Council minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 pm April 12, 2023. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

The Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call: PRESENT: Ed Bartosiewicz, Gary Chase, Michael Pulsinelli, Rodney Scott, Tom Stinnett, and Mayor Boenzli.

Motion to approve March 8, 2022, Council Meeting minutes, E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, M. Pulsinelli Seconded.   Unanimous.

T. Stinnett stated that on March 30, 2023, during the Special Council meeting there was a short 5-minute executive session to discuss but not decide upon a mayor candidate.

Motion to approve March 30, 2023, Special Council minutes, G. Chase motioned to approve, R. Scott Seconded.  Unanimous.  


Borough Council received “Governance Letter” from Zelenkofske Axelrod LLC. Borough Auditor. T. Stinnett reported no findings. Robert Ryan asked if he could have a copy, Sherry Masteller/Open Records Officer gave him a copy.


President: T. Stinnett stated he did not have anything to report.

Mayor: Mayor Boenzli thanked Borough Council for appointing her to Borough Mayor. She stated she went to the Egg Hunt on Friday April 7 and looked like it was very successful, and the children had fun. She also attended the Riegelsville Planning Commission meeting, Enhancement committee that she is member of also.  She has received lots of well wishes.

Report: Sherry Masteller appointed Open Records Officer (ORO)

March 2023

11 RTK’s received in March.   1- Tyler Okeefe, 1-Trileaf,1- Lien One Inc., 2- Evan Kechley 6- Robert Ryan,

4-Granted within 5 business days.

2- 30-day extensions.

5- Denial.

No new appeals. YTD: 0

YTD total received: 30.  YTD: 1- Smart Procure, 1- Brendan Breslin, 1- Prime Builder, 1-MGM Law,

1- Tyler Okeefe, 1-Trileaf, 1- Lien One Inc., 2- Evan Kechley, 21-Robert Ryan.           

Open Records Officer Hours: 14.5 Hours- Total $291.30 to process, gather documents and if needed forward requests to agencies of the Borough.   ORO YTD pay: $568.54.   ORO-Appeals YTD pay: 0.

Treasurer:  March 45 Minutes $15.84 YTD pay: $66.79.

 Zoning officer: 1 ½ Hours $94.50 YTD pay: $126.00.

 Solicitor fees:  No March fees YTD pay: $25.00.

COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:  Please state your name, you have 3 minutes to speak.

4 Borough residents present.

Pat Johnsen, Borough resident asked how much money was spent this year for the “Right to Knows” requests, G. Chase stated was read in the report S. Masteller reads monthly.  Pat also asked where the money came from if it wasn’t budgeted.  R. Scott stated we should take to have a budgeted amount in next year’s budget. Currently it comes out of the general fund.

Robert Ryan, Borough resident stated that Riegelsville made the Bucks County Herald paper about the Mayor, and asked T. Stinnett when did he find out that Mayor Stokes didn’t live here. T. Stinnett stated he had no idea.


Community Affairs: Michael Pulsinelli called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm on March 15, 2023.

If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

Members Present: Michael Pulsinelli, Ed Bartosiewicz, Gary Chase, Rodney Scott, and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present: Jim Kopchak-Zoning officer, Frank Preedy- Borough EMC, Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary and Tami Corwin- Library Board of Trustees member.  11- Borough residents present.

Comments from citizens: Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

No one spoke.


Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer, reported to Council his February 2023 report.

2- Building Permits: 1-Renovation/alteration, 1-Standby generator. No -Zoning permits.

Enforcement Activities:

808 Durham Road update: No update as of March 15, 2023.

702 Durham Road: No update as of March 15, 2023.

573 Easton Road, Borough office received a complaint regarding chickens. Non-traffic citations were filed on November 9, 2022. A hearing was held February 15, 2023, all parties agreed that this case should be heard by the Riegelsville Zoning hearing board. Honorable Gambardella granted a 60-day continuance to allow the defendant(s) to file an appeal with the ZHB for the dimensional variance. March 13, 2023, Property owner submitted an application to appeal to ZHB for variance.  Tentative ZHB hearing May 4, 2023.

Property Maintenance Violations:

224 Easton Road Update: Non-traffic citation was filed for property maintenance violation. Court date March 16, 2023.

141 Delaware Road Update: Non-traffic citation was filed for property maintenance violation, Court date March 16, 2023.

919 Easton Road, Update: A tree recently fell on this building and the roof is no longer weathertight as of February 15, 2023.  Court date March 16, 2023.

ZHB (Zoning Hearing Board) meetings. Tentative hearing May 4, 2023, at 7pm. 573 Easton Road They are requesting relief from Article lll, Section 303, (A-1) Minimum lot size requirement of (3) acres.

Robert Ryan asked Jim if there is an update in reference to the Bakery, Jim stated that they moved their sign that was in the middle of the sidewalk, and he wants to check the file in reference to allowing walk up sales or just wholesale.

Library News: Borough office received from Terri Randolph (Director) the February Directors report minutes and they have been filed. Tami Corwin, Library Board of Trustees reported that the state aid report was sent to the Doylestown library for review before it is sent to the State library. The library has a loss of income due to covid. They are forming a fundraising committee to help bring funds into the library. They may possibly do fall house tours, community outreach. They are looking into a grant for the historical room. Tami thanked Borough Council for all they did to support the library.

Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that the 3 Fire companies are working well together. The weekly fish dinners have been a great success, 4 to go.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee: Next meeting is April 6, 2023, at 6pm. Several Enhancement committee members attended tonight’s meeting. Council members looked over the Community Survey for ideas for the current small parking lot area on Durham Road.  R. Scott stated we should move forward with the survey; the water bills go out in April.  R. Scott asked S. Masteller to check to see what the production time to order a new sign for the Borough parking lot.

UBREMS (Upper Bucks Regional EMS) News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that they continue financial issues, one issue is they are short-staffed and need to pay overtime. They continue to look into different fundraising opportunities.

Rec Board News:  R. Scott reported that we received a fence quote to replace the fence by wide waters. We will need more mulch and maintenance on the 2 playgrounds, Sherry will contact Charlie from C&K landscaping. We should not need infield mix this year. We will have 4 teams (2 girls’ softball & 2 boys’ baseball) practicing and playing on the 2 fields this year.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Frank helped R. Wilson get a grant to remove his tanks from his property. The summer of 2024 Canal/road work on PennDOT 611 between Saylor’s Dr/Browns Drive. Traffic will have a light to go through.  Frank will attend a security walk though at Palisades School next week. Frank gave Council members a list from PA DEP 24-hour Emergency response phone number and reasons to contact them.

Riegelsville Planning Commission:  Tom reported that they received a Proposal for service from the BC Planning Commission for Comprehensive plan.  The next Planning Commission meeting is Monday April 3, 2023.

Misc. Mike stated the next step with the draft dog ordinance is to send it to the Borough Solicitor for review.

Meeting adjourned 7:44pm.   Next meeting April 19, 2023, 7pm

Utilities:  Rodney Scott called the Utilities meeting on March 15, 2023, at 7:46pm.

If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

Members Present:   Rodney Scott, Ed Bartosiewicz, Gary Chase, Michael Pulsinelli and Tom


Others Present: Frank Preedy- Borough EMC and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

11- Borough resident present.

Concerns from Citizens:  Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

Discussions: Robert Ryan asked Council if they know more about why the Mayor resigned. T. Stinnett stated that Mayor Stokes read his resignation during the Borough Council meeting.

Rodney is getting a quote for new windows at the pump house due to getting broken by rocks being thrown at them.

Covid funds/Water line extension Edgewood project update: Final payment was sent our Friday March 10, 2023, after the final certified docs were received.

PennDOT Traffic Signal Supervisor regarding Armour & Sons traffic signal inspection quote and Riegelsville’s new traffic signal project update: G. Chase reported that we are waiting for fee schedules from the 3 engineering companies that came to our meetings.

Lon Zeigler, Mr. Handyman update: The small repairs are completed. Maybe we should have then do the locks since the current Locksmith is having difficulty getting supplies to do that job.

Flow meter certifications 3 wells and 1 at the river bridge (Aqua NJ) Update: are scheduled for 3/20/23 at 10:30.

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has revised the federal Lead and Copper Rule, new revisions to begin in 2024.  Maybe Toby Kessler, Gilmore & Associates can help with this process.  Rodney will talk to Tammy about this.

The council discussed updating the Water certification fee from 2010 resolution. The current fee is $15.00, Council suggests raising it to $30.00. This will be added to April 12, 2023 Council agenda for a vote.


Gary reported that on Friday March 17, a Company is coming to give a quote for the plaster work that needs to be done in the Library and Borough meeting room.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:04 pm.      Next meeting April 19, 2023   7pm

Streets & Properties: Ed Bartosiewicz called the Streets & Properties meeting to order at 7:00 pm on April 5, 2022.  If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting. 

Members Present: Ed Bartosiewicz, Michael Pulsinelli, and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present: Mayor Boenzli and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Comments from Citizens:   Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

3 Borough residents were present.

Paul Anthony, Borough resident asked if PennDOT was going to fix north Route 611. Frank Preedy reported that State Representative Staats, PennDOT representatives, Matt Brady and Gary Chase met and discussed this issue. PennDOT will be fixing the areas from Northampton County line to Borough traffic light by September 2023.


Borough Building Safety Score & Cert. of Occupancy: Mike Smith, Cowan Associates is unable to assist in preparing the updated drawing for the borough’s current alarm system since Mike isn’t NICET certified for fire alarm systems. S. Masteller will contact the Borough Insurance agent to see if she has recommendations for us.

Borough Building front porch/tenant stairs update & replacement boards on the Pedestrian Bridge: Received a second quote for front porch. The Pedestrian Bridge only has one quote. S. Masteller will check with Lon Ziegler-Mr. Handyman Inc to get them to give quotes on both projects.

Library Front door lock, Lock Smith update: Locksmith emailed an update. The vendor that they used for years went under and did not notify them so they have a new vendor, and our supplies are on order, and he will get here as soon as possible.

Corner rot of the Borough building update: No update. Remark: Ed met with Ed from EMB Contracting today and he will get us a rough quote very soon. Ed said we should use Hissim’s woodworking for the special wood.  

The BC Voter Ballot Box is scheduled to be delivered Thursday April 27.

The Riegelsville American Legion sent a letter requesting a Borough representative to perform the “Greetings” portion of the Memorial Day Parade on Sunday May 28th, 2023, 1pm.  T. Stinnett asked if Viana would like to participate this year, Viana will think about it.

S. Masteller received a call from a possible buyer of one of Craig Cardone’s buildings by the Delaware Road Hill Parking lot and was inquiring if a tenant has a guest over if they could use our lot. The Council did not see a problem with that if it was short stays.

The Borough office received a concern that motorcycles are roaring up and down the Borough Walking Trail. They have also seen golfcarts and trucks on the path. The council was notified, and a message was left with her.  The council suggested trying to get pictures next time.

Rodney asked Sherry to report that we should replace the 6 by 6 boards around the Parking lot Borough Sign/ flower bed since they are deteriorating. The Council thought that was a good idea.

Meeting adjourned 7:18pm Next Streets/Properties meeting will be held on May 3, 2023, at 7:00 pm.

Finance: Sherry Masteller-Secretary called the Finance meeting to order for April 5 at 7:19pm.

If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.  

Members Present:

Ed Bartosiewicz, Michael Pulsinelli and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present: 

Mayor Boenzli and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Comment from Citizens:  Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

3 Borough residents were present.


Even though Gary Chase couldn’t be here tonight, he wanted to personally welcome our new Mayor, Viana Boenzli to the team. Gary is looking forward to working with Viana, Congratulations on your appointment.

Borough Email & IT Upgrades update: Sherry’s computer is dying, Tammy researched and asked our IT tech Jim, from JEC computing for advice. Tom approved an emergency purchase for a new Lenovo total cost $1155.20. Jim assisted with the computer set up.  Next Viana will be set up with her Riegelsville.org email.

Gary continues to review the Borough Bylaws referencing DCED Borough Handbook and PA Title 8 (Borough Code).

Armour & Sons Inspection – 2022 Automated Red Light Enforcement Funding Program (ARLE) & PennDOT Green Light-Go Funding Program, Update: PennDOT requires a Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement Number, and this number must be acquired on PennDOT’s Traffic signal portal- this number is on TSAMS which is part of PennDOT’s portal. The paperwork was completed, now we are waiting for the number. Once this number is obtained, PennDOT will sign off on the permit. Then Armour & Sons will set a date for a new inspection of the Traffic Light. Once approved by the Council, the work performed on this new inspection will serve as a “temporary intersection upgrade” until the new 611 & Delaware Road traffic signal can be installed.

Route 611 & Delaware Road Traffic Signal Project Update: Pennoni, Traffic Planning & Design and McMahon have all been interviewed by Council.  It has been decided that the Council will move forward with a vote to select one of these companies to serve as Riegelsville Borough’s Traffic Engineer. Each company has submitted a traffic engineer rate schedule. A decision will be made by the Council as to who to go with on 4/12, and a vote will be taken on 4/12 as to who Riegelsville’s Traffic Engineer will be. “Under Contracts, Section IV- Fiscal Powers, page 27, of the PA Department of Community Development Borough Council Handbook, 12th Edition”, Riegelsville Borough has the option to secure a professional services contract without competitive bidding.  Hence, a vote to accept one of our interviewees as our traffic engineer can and will take place at our next Council meeting on 4/12/23.

Flashing Speed Limit Signs for 611 update: This is a project that will be taken up by the new Traffic Engineer.

Durham Road small parking lot: Sherry has sent an email to Todd requesting any additional information Todd Myer-Borough Engineer has regarding that lot.  Once this arrives, Council will then set up a discussion with the solicitor to discuss all the documentation.

Cowan property survey status for north side of Sunnyside Road, Todd hopes to have the field data portion completed by 4/14/23. He will then submit his report.

Replacing Well 3 broken windows and getting Sycamore tree Inspected in the park for structural integrity: Gary accompanied Rodney and Matt to inspect Well House 3 windows. Rocks are being thrown through the windows.  Windows is old and needs to be replaced. Please look at the quote for window replacements.  A separate quote is needed for window guards. Gary accompanied Rodney and Matt to inspect the hollowed-out Sycamore tree in Borough Park. Matt is calling the arborist/tree surgeon to see if the tree is safe or needs to come down. Costs to inspect tree, and if needed, take down the tree, should be covered by Council and not the Rec Board.

SOC Monitoring of 3 Borough Wells & Flow Meter Testing: SOC quarterly monitoring of the wells as mandated by DEP was to have taken place 3/7. Results are not back and should automatically be delivered to DEP.

Lawco, Inc. was testing the flowmeters at the wells and was only able to test Well #3 as the length and type of pipe needed to attach the tester was incorrect. An updated quote, which includes additional piping, has been attached for review and approval. Voting on this updated quote will take place at the Council meeting on 4/12.

Borough Hall/Library Ceiling/Wall repairs: Three quotes have been received from three contractor, Mr. Handyman, The Patch Boys and PatchWorks.  Gary reached out to each, thanking them, and letting them know that the Borough is looking for grant funding to offset the costs.  We will reach back to each of the three once we are given the funding so they can update their quotes.

Grant Researcher and Writer, Denise Whitely, LDR ProSolutions: Sherry, Tammy and Rodney had a conference call on Wednesday, 3/22 with Denise Whitley. As a follow-up to this call, Denise submitted her pricing for Riegelsville Borough. Grant writing projects Denise will be working with the Borough on will be:

    • PennDOT’s ARLE Funding for the 611 & Delaware Road traffic signal project
    • Library and Borough wall/ceiling repair
    • PA Department of Health WalkWorks Funding for Riegelsville Borough’s walking trail
    • Grant funding for DEP’s mandated water/well projects for 2024:
      • Lead service line replacement program requirements under 52 PA. Code 65.51-65.62
      • PFOA and PFOS monitoring and MCLs under 25 Pa. Code 109
      • The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions published by the EPA.

The Borough Council will vote on working with LDR ProSolutions as a professional services contractor at the next Council meeting, 04/12.

Android phone on Verizon’s network for Riegelsville Borough’s Public Works Supervisor:  The Borough is setting up a Verizon wireless government account. On 3/31/23 Gary and Tammy had a conference call with Verizon government account manager, and Verizon wireless solution architect, to discuss airtime and phone hardware. The monthly wireless recurring rate (including fees and charges) for a cell phone with unlimited data, unlimited calling and unlimited texting is $42.11.  If we were to get a tablet instead of a cell phone, it would require an app. To make and receive calls, and this would be $15.00 additional per month. Samsung Galaxy has a larger screen- $699.99 (128 GB) or $799.99 (256 GB). Water Company emergency tracfone can be eliminate, saving $23.00 per month as an additional number can simply be added to the Verizon government cell. Tammy spoke about the water company landline phone number with Verizon that monitors the well floats for $318.00 per month. This total is 2 landlines in well houses, required by DEP plus the circuit line that is used to operate the floats. Mike Sullivan- water operator told Tammy that this setup needs to be upgraded. They discussed a wireless system. This project is continuing.

The Borough needs to get a larger Safe deposit Box, the cost is $80.00, the current smaller one is $50.00. We need to fit larger items like discs. The Council said that is a good idea.

The council looked over the finances.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Next Finance meeting will be held May 3, 2023, immediately following Streets/Properties

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: If anyone has any questions please comment prior to the vote.

T. Stinnett reported that he was appointed the chairman to the Canal Advisory Committee for a 2 year term.

Approval of Resolution R-04-23, Certification fee increase for final water readings. $30.00. R. Scott motioned to approve; G. Chase seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval to advertise (Legal Ad) the completed 2022 Audit report. R. Scott motioned to approve; G. Chase seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval to Diamond Communications Solutions Total – $859.23, printing/mailing of County/Borough and Per Capita Bills (less the CD Rom fee $125.00 & Impression 9.51). E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve; G. Chase seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval of updated quote $1872.81, (previous approved $1,600.00) difference $272.81 from Lawco Inc. (4 flowmeter certification from Well-1,2,3, and Meter for Aqua NJ at the bridge). R. Scott motioned to approve; M. Pulsinelli seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval of check $1772.50 to Gilmore & Associates, Inc.- Toby Kessler-PCB’s & Dioxins additional monitoring waivers for the Water Company.  R. Scott motioned to approve; E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.

Robert Ryan, Borough resident asked where this money is coming from for a traffic engineer since it is not in the current budget. The Council discussed that Council members are not qualified engineers to help with the traffic light project. This money will come from general fund.

Approval to appoint Pennoni as the Traffic Engineer for Riegelsville Borough. G. Chase motioned to approve; R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval to appoint Denise Whitely, LDR ProSolutions: Grant Researcher and Writer for the Riegelsville Borough. R. Scott motioned to approve; G. Chase seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval $1155.20 Lenovo Computer & 3-year support for Borough Secretary.  Computer was installed 3/31. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve; M. Pulsinelli seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval to purchase 6 American craftsman windows for Well #3. From Home Depot – $1431.21. R. Scott motioned to approve; G. Chase seconded.  Unanimous.

Robert Ryan asked who was going to install the windows. R. Scott said that he and Matt Brady will work on them. Pat Johnsen, Borough resident said he would also help.  

Approval to hire Kyler Newton as part time laborer for the Borough. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve; G. Chase seconded.  Unanimous.

NEW BUSINESS:  None to report.

APPROVAL OF BILLS:  G. Chase motioned to approve bills; R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.

The meeting adjourned 8:16 PM.    Next Council meeting May 10, 2023, at 7:00pm

 Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary