
February 2013 Council minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. February 13, 2013. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes.  Kathie Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2013 Council Meeting.  R. Pursell seconded.  Unanimous.


            Email dated January 15, 2013, from PA DEP in reference to water allocation permit reporting.  proposed resolution is under unfinished business.

Fax dated February 4, 2013, Community Fire Co #1 of Riegelsville, Banquet Committee inviting Council to the March 23, 2013 Banquet.

Email dated February 8, 2013, from Cindy Dunlap, DCNR in reference to the “comprehensive recreation, park, open space & master site plan”


            President – T. Stinnett reported to Council that the streets department did a good job with the snow clean-up.

            Mayor – nothing to report


            Elaine Albrecht reported to Council that the Riegelsville Enhancement Committee had a successful Super Bowl Hoagie sale.



Community Affairs:

  Laura Eberly, SSM Engineer presented to Council the revised plans for the Park and Open space grant for DCNR. Council had a few questions that where answered. Council unanimously gave the plan a soft approval and during the February 13, 2013 Council meeting a resolution will be added to the agenda.

Ed Bartosiewicz called the meeting to order at 7:02pm on November 21, 2012 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.

Members Present:  Ed Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Tom Stinnett and Kathy Weiss.

Others Present

Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller


Zoning:  K. Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council that he has given out permit applications and is waiting for them to come back to the office.

Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported to Council that the next breakfast is January 20, 2013.  February 23, 2013 St Lawrence will have their Horse Races; Fire Co. members will be going to learn how to make this fundraiser a success.

            Library News: Beth Banko, Library Board president gave the monthly report to S. Masteller. Fire door repairs have been complete. Movie nights are back on the calendar. December 27, 2012 “The Man Who Came to Dinner”- 5 attendees. Annual library card purging is in progress.

            December 2012 Statistics:

      Public Count: 561

      Circulation: 1,137

      E-book checkouts: 47 downloads,

      E-book users (new registrations): 3

      Items lent out (In-County): 179

      Items Borrowed (In-County): 235

      Public Computers 12

      Historic Room Visits: 2

      Total Cardholders: 1,055

      Collection size: 16,666 items (9,634 adult +Easy, 7,032 Juvenile & Young Adult)

            Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: “Super Bowl” Hoagie sale is February 3, 2013 9:30 am-1:30pm pick up at Borough hall. 

            Riegelsville Emergency Management: Council would like to have a report from EM Coordinator, Frank Preedy in reference to the Sandy Storm and when their next meeting is scheduled for. Remarks: Frank Preedy has scheduled an EM meeting for Saturday February 16, 2013 at noon.

            EMS News: E. Bartosiewicz stated the meeting was cancelled.

      Rec Board News: The next meeting is January 31, 2013, 7pm.  Spring Ball sign-ups, January 30, 2013- 7-9pm and Saturday February 2, Noon -2pm at the Borough hall.


Citizen Comments:  none to report


Council discussed the water allocation permit reporting for the Borough Springs that are not used anymore. A formal letter needs to be prepared if Council rescinds on the monthly and annual reporting that are sent to DEP.  S. Masteller will add it to the Council agenda.

The thermostat in the Historical room is not reading correctly. M. Brady will make sure the radiators in the third floor apartment are working correctly.  S. Masteller will contact Dale Wood about the thermostat.

            Borough Resident, Elaine Albrecht reported that there is a red light out going down Delaware Road hill. S. Masteller will contact Armour & Son’s to get bulb replaced.


Streets & Properties:

Comments from the citizens:  No one present


            S. Masteller called Altemos Fuel to inquire about the price of oil and details of the borough’s service plan on the boiler.  Frank McCafferty, Altemos Rep. gave us a fixed price of 3.482 per gallon for oil for 3 months. S. Masteller received a call back from Altemos; the Borough Gold plan runs until April 30, 2013 and cost $370.95, they suggest the gold coverage for Boiler systems. Silver plan is $308.95.

            Council discussed two noise complaints from Borough residents in reference to the Riegelsville Tavern.  Darren Errico, Tavern owner was contacted and was aware on one of the incidences and will investigate the other.

            Elizabeth Balogh, Borough resident sent the Borough office an email in reference to a storm drain on your property that drains into the river and has washed out her bank.  S. Masteller forwarded this to PennDot and they may be able to help the Borough fix the issue when they put in the new PennDot canal Bridge near this property.

            There are 2 properties that are vacant and have sidewalks that will not be shoveled. The Borough has a snow removal ordinance. S. Masteller will research the ordinance for additional information.

            E. Bartosiewicz discussed with Council that during the PennDOT Canal Bridge parking will be an even tougher issue with the Borough residents and the businesses.  E. Bartosiewicz suggested that Council have a plan for this problem.

            Todd Myers, Borough Engineer will be attending the Council meeting on February 13, 2013 to discuss more of the 2013 street project.


Comments from the Citizens:   None to report


T. Macaluso, Borough Treasurer reported that mid-May funds would be available for the purchase a used generator for Well #3.

Integrity Energy, Broker Joanne contacted the Borough office to consider changing the generation supplier to “Liberty Power”. We pay approximately .0913 and they can lower it to .077 for 36 months. T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to get more info on what powers the plants. The approximate savings per year is $2,765.00. Council agreed to switch once we get info on the type of power. Remark: S. Masteller reported to Council that the power plant was powered by natural gas. The documents were sent to the broker for processing.

PA State Association of Boroughs conference is May 5-8th, 2013 at Hershey Lodge.

Bucks County Planning Commission is introducing a new Municipal Economic Development Initiative and the Borough of Riegelsville may participate if they like.  Council unanimously approved.  Permanent parking may be a great place to get some guidance from the Planning Commission within the business district.



            Approval of Resolution: R-02-13, regarding petition of James G. Sweeney, Eileen A Sweeney and Gayle M. Cillo for an ordinance vacating a certain cul-de-sac at the terminus of Poplar Road. R. Scott motioned to approve.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous. 

            Approval of the 2012 Exoneration List for Per Capita and also the unpaid Per Capita accounts. K. Weiss motioned to approve.  R. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution: R-03-13, appointing Tax Collection Committee Delegates. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  R. Pursell seconded.  Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution: R-04-13, adopting the Riegelsville Borough comprehensive park, Recreation and Open Space Plan. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution: R-05-13, closing out the Community Conservation Partnerships Grant Project BRC-TAG-14-239. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  R. Pursell seconded.  Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution: R-06-13, designation of agent, Sherry Masteller on behalf of the Borough of Riegelsville for PEMA. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution: R-07-13, to rescind the permit (WA-639) Water allocation permit reporting (Borough Springs). R. Rodney motioned to approve.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.




            The Borough utility truck and the ford dump needs tires before inspection. M. Brady got an estimate from Bergey Commercial Tire Center – 6 tires $1528.00.  R. Pursell said to get a quote from Service Truck Tire in Bethlehem PA.  S. Masteller will get those figures back to Council.    



Including; SSM Group check $3939.60 Balance owed for Comprehensive Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan.   K. Weiss motioned to approve bills as listed and SSM check.  R.  Pursell Seconded.  Unanimous.


Meeting adjourned 8:45 PM.  Next Council meeting is March 13, 2013




Sherry Masteller  

Borough Secretary









President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. February 13, 2013. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes.  Kathie Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2013 Council Meeting.  R. Pursell seconded.  Unanimous.


            Email dated January 15, 2013, from PA DEP in reference to water allocation permit reporting.  proposed resolution is under unfinished business.

Fax dated February 4, 2013, Community Fire Co #1 of Riegelsville, Banquet Committee inviting Council to the March 23, 2013 Banquet.

Email dated February 8, 2013, from Cindy Dunlap, DCNR in reference to the “comprehensive recreation, park, open space & master site plan”


            President – T. Stinnett reported to Council that the streets department did a good job with the snow clean-up.

            Mayor – nothing to report


            Elaine Albrecht reported to Council that the Riegelsville Enhancement Committee had a successful Super Bowl Hoagie sale.



Community Affairs:

  Laura Eberly, SSM Engineer presented to Council the revised plans for the Park and Open space grant for DCNR. Council had a few questions that where answered. Council unanimously gave the plan a soft approval and during the February 13, 2013 Council meeting a resolution will be added to the agenda.

Ed Bartosiewicz called the meeting to order at 7:02pm on November 21, 2012 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.

Members Present:  Ed Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Tom Stinnett and Kathy Weiss.

Others Present

Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller


Zoning:  K. Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council that he has given out permit applications and is waiting for them to come back to the office.

Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported to Council that the next breakfast is January 20, 2013.  February 23, 2013 St Lawrence will have their Horse Races; Fire Co. members will be going to learn how to make this fundraiser a success.

            Library News: Beth Banko, Library Board president gave the monthly report to S. Masteller. Fire door repairs have been complete. Movie nights are back on the calendar. December 27, 2012 “The Man Who Came to Dinner”- 5 attendees. Annual library card purging is in progress.

            December 2012 Statistics:

      Public Count: 561

      Circulation: 1,137

      E-book checkouts: 47 downloads,

      E-book users (new registrations): 3

      Items lent out (In-County): 179

      Items Borrowed (In-County): 235

      Public Computers 12

      Historic Room Visits: 2

      Total Cardholders: 1,055

      Collection size: 16,666 items (9,634 adult +Easy, 7,032 Juvenile & Young Adult)

            Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: “Super Bowl” Hoagie sale is February 3, 2013 9:30 am-1:30pm pick up at Borough hall. 

            Riegelsville Emergency Management: Council would like to have a report from EM Coordinator, Frank Preedy in reference to the Sandy Storm and when their next meeting is scheduled for. Remarks: Frank Preedy has scheduled an EM meeting for Saturday February 16, 2013 at noon.

            EMS News: E. Bartosiewicz stated the meeting was cancelled.

      Rec Board News: The next meeting is January 31, 2013, 7pm.  Spring Ball sign-ups, January 30, 2013- 7-9pm and Saturday February 2, Noon -2pm at the Borough hall.








Citizen Comments:  none to report


Council discussed the water allocation permit reporting for the Borough Springs that are not used anymore. A formal letter needs to be prepared if Council rescinds on the monthly and annual reporting that are sent to DEP.  S. Masteller will add it to the Council agenda.

The thermostat in the Historical room is not reading correctly. M. Brady will make sure the radiators in the third floor apartment are working correctly.  S. Masteller will contact Dale Wood about the thermostat.

            Borough Resident, Elaine Albrecht reported that there is a red light out going down Delaware Road hill. S. Masteller will contact Armour & Son’s to get bulb replaced.


Streets & Properties:

Comments from the citizens:  No one present


            S. Masteller called Altemos Fuel to inquire about the price of oil and details of the borough’s service plan on the boiler.  Frank McCafferty, Altemos Rep. gave us a fixed price of 3.482 per gallon for oil for 3 months. S. Masteller received a call back from Altemos; the Borough Gold plan runs until April 30, 2013 and cost $370.95, they suggest the gold coverage for Boiler systems. Silver plan is $308.95.

            Council discussed two noise complaints from Borough residents in reference to the Riegelsville Tavern.  Darren Errico, Tavern owner was contacted and was aware on one of the incidences and will investigate the other.

            Elizabeth Balogh, Borough resident sent the Borough office an email in reference to a storm drain on your property that drains into the river and has washed out her bank.  S. Masteller forwarded this to PennDot and they may be able to help the Borough fix the issue when they put in the new PennDot canal Bridge near this property.

            There are 2 properties that are vacant and have sidewalks that will not be shoveled. The Borough has a snow removal ordinance. S. Masteller will research the ordinance for additional information.

            E. Bartosiewicz discussed with Council that during the PennDOT Canal Bridge parking will be an even tougher issue with the Borough residents and the businesses.  E. Bartosiewicz suggested that Council have a plan for this problem.

            Todd Myers, Borough Engineer will be attending the Council meeting on February 13, 2013 to discuss more of the 2013 street project.


Comments from the Citizens:   None to report


T. Macaluso, Borough Treasurer reported that mid-May funds would be available for the purchase a used generator for Well #3.

Integrity Energy, Broker Joanne contacted the Borough office to consider changing the generation supplier to “Liberty Power”. We pay approximately .0913 and they can lower it to .077 for 36 months. T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to get more info on what powers the plants. The approximate savings per year is $2,765.00. Council agreed to switch once we get info on the type of power. Remark: S. Masteller reported to Council that the power plant was powered by natural gas. The documents were sent to the broker for processing.

PA State Association of Boroughs conference is May 5-8th, 2013 at Hershey Lodge.

Bucks County Planning Commission is introducing a new Municipal Economic Development Initiative and the Borough of Riegelsville may participate if they like.  Council unanimously approved.  Permanent parking may be a great place to get some guidance from the Planning Commission within the business district.



            Approval of Resolution: R-02-13, regarding petition of James G. Sweeney, Eileen A Sweeney and Gayle M. Cillo for an ordinance vacating a certain cul-de-sac at the terminus of Poplar Road. R. Scott motioned to approve.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous. 

            Approval of the 2012 Exoneration List for Per Capita and also the unpaid Per Capita accounts. K. Weiss motioned to approve.  R. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution: R-03-13, appointing Tax Collection Committee Delegates. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  R. Pursell seconded.  Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution: R-04-13, adopting the Riegelsville Borough comprehensive park, Recreation and Open Space Plan. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution: R-05-13, closing out the Community Conservation Partnerships Grant Project BRC-TAG-14-239. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  R. Pursell seconded.  Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution: R-06-13, designation of agent, Sherry Masteller on behalf of the Borough of Riegelsville for PEMA. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution: R-07-13, to rescind the permit (WA-639) Water allocation permit reporting (Borough Springs). R. Rodney motioned to approve.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.




            The Borough utility truck and the ford dump needs tires before inspection. M. Brady got an estimate from Bergey Commercial Tire Center – 6 tires $1528.00.  R. Pursell said to get a quote from Service Truck Tire in Bethlehem PA.  S. Masteller will get those figures back to Council.    



Including; SSM Group check $3939.60 Balance owed for Comprehensive Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan.   K. Weiss motioned to approve bills as listed and SSM check.  R.  Pursell Seconded.  Unanimous.


Meeting adjourned 8:45 PM.  Next Council meeting is March 13, 2013




Sherry Masteller  

Borough Secretary















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